

Страниц: 105
Символов: 663365
Хочет прочитать: 1
ID: 163538
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 2010
Создана 17 апреля 2013 11:03
Опубликована 17 апреля 2013 11:06


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The world of Darkover, a unique, isolated, and protected world, has long avoided becoming part of the technologically advanced Terran Empire. But things are about to change. Regis Hastur, lord of the most powerful of the seven Domains in Darkover, learns that the Empire is about to become a Federation, and is extending an invitation for all of the worlds to join. While the offer seems tempting to his people, Regis knows that Darkover would become little more than a military base, used for its unique planetary position, and will be sapped of its resources. He must now stop at nothing to save his world.

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