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41:1.4 10 Supreme Power Centres of the fifth order are assigned to each of Nebadon’s primary subdivisions, the 100 constellations. In Norlatiadek, your constellation, they are not stationed on the headquarters sphere but are situated at the centre of the enormous stellar system which constitutes the physical core of the constellation. On Edentia there are 10 associated mechanical controllers and 10 frandalanks who are in perfect and constant liaison with the near-by power centres.

41:1.5 One Supreme Power Centre of the sixth order is stationed at the exact gravity focus of each local system. In the system of Satania the assigned power centre occupies a dark island of space located at the astronomic centre of the system. Many of these dark islands are vast dynamos which mobilize and directionize certain space-energies, and these natural circumstances are effectively utilized by the Satania Power Centre, whose living mass functions as a liaison with the higher centres, directing the streams of more materialized power to the Master Physical Controllers on the evolutionary planets of space.


41:2.1 While the Master Physical Controllers serve with the power centres throughout the grand universe, their functions in a local system, such as Satania, are more easy of comprehension. Satania is one of 100 local systems which make up the administrative organization of the constellation of Norlatiadek, having as immediate neighbours the systems of Sandmatia, Assuntia, Porogia, Sortoria, Rantulia, and Glantonia. The Norlatiadek systems differ in many respects, but all are evolutionary and progressive, very much like Satania.

41:2.2 Satania itself is composed of over 7,000 astronomical groups, or physical systems, few of which had an origin similar to that of your solar system. The astronomic centre of Satania is an enormous dark island of space which, with its attendant spheres, is situated not far from the headquarters of the system government.

41:2.3 ¶ Except for the presence of the assigned power centre, the supervision of the entire physical-energy system of Satania is centred on Jerusem. A Master Physical Controller, stationed on this headquarters sphere, works in co-ordination with the system power centre, serving as liaison chief of the power inspectors headquartered on Jerusem and functioning throughout the local system.

41:2.4 The circuitizing and channelizing of energy is supervised by the 500,000 living and intelligent energy manipulators scattered throughout Satania. Through the action of such physical controllers the supervising power centres are in complete and perfect control of a majority of the basic energies of space, including the emanations of highly heated orbs and the dark energy-charged spheres. This group of living entities can mobilize, transform, transmute, manipulate, and transmit nearly all of the physical energies of organized space.

41:2.5 Life has inherent capacity for the mobilization and transmutation of universal energy. You are familiar with the action of vegetable life in transforming the material energy of light into the varied manifestations of the vegetable kingdom. You also know something of the method whereby this vegetative energy can be converted into the phenomena of animal activities, but you know practically nothing of the technique of the power directors and the physical controllers, who are endowed with ability to mobilize, transform, directionize, and concentrate the manifold energies of space.

41:2.6 ¶ These beings of the energy realms do not directly concern themselves with energy as a component factor of living creatures, not even with the domain of physiological chemistry. They are sometimes concerned with the physical preliminaries of life, with the elaboration of those energy systems which may serve as the physical vehicles for the living energies of elementary material organisms. In a way the physical controllers are related to the preliving manifestations of material energy as the adjutant mind-spirits are concerned with the prespiritual functions of material mind.

41:2.7 ¶ These intelligent creatures of power control and energy direction must adjust their technique on each sphere in accordance with the physical constitution and architecture of that planet. They unfailingly utilize the calculations and deductions of their respective staffs of physicists and other technical advisers regarding the local influence of highly heated suns and other types of supercharged stars. Even the enormous cold and dark giants of space and the swarming clouds of star dust must be reckoned with; all of these material things are concerned in the practical problems of energy manipulation.

41:2.8 The power-energy supervision of the evolutionary inhabited worlds is the responsibility of the Master Physical Controllers, but these beings are not responsible for all energy misbehaviour on Urantia. There are a number of reasons for such disturbances, some of which are beyond the domain and control of the physical custodians. Urantia is in the lines of tremendous energies, a small planet in the circuit of enormous masses, and the local controllers sometimes employ enormous numbers of their order in an effort to equalize these lines of energy. They do fairly well with regard to the physical circuits of Satania but have trouble insulating against the powerful Norlatiadek currents.


41:3.1 There are upward of 2,000 brilliant suns pouring forth light and energy in Satania, and your own sun is an average blazing orb. Of the 30 suns nearest yours, only three are brighter. The Universe Power Directors initiate the specialized currents of energy which play between the individual stars and their respective systems. These solar furnaces, together with the dark giants of space, serve the power centres and physical controllers as way stations for the effective concentrating and directionizing of the energy circuits of the material creations.

41:3.2 The suns of Nebadon are not unlike those of other universes. The material composition of all suns, dark islands, planets, and satellites, even meteors, is quite identical. These suns have an average diameter of about 1,600,000 km, that of your own solar orb being slightly less. The largest star in the universe, the stellar cloud Antares, is 450 times the diameter of your sun and is 60,000,000 times its volume. But there is abundant space to accommodate all of these enormous suns. They have just as much comparative elbow room in space as one dozen oranges would have if they were circulating about throughout the interior of Urantia, and were the planet a hollow globe.

41:3.3 ¶ When suns that are too large are thrown off a nebular mother wheel, they soon break up or form double stars. All suns are originally truly gaseous, though they may later transiently exist in a semiliquid state. When your sun attained this quasi-liquid state of supergas pressure, it was not sufficiently large to split equatorially, this being one type of double star formation.

41:3.4 When less than 0.1 the size of your sun, these fiery spheres rapidly contract, condense, and cool. When upwards of 30 times its size — rather 30 times the gross content of actual material — suns readily split into two separate bodies, either becoming the centres of new systems or else remaining in each other’s gravity grasp and revolving about a common centre as one type of double star.

41:3.5 ¶ The most recent of the major cosmic eruptions in Orvonton was the extraordinary double star explosion, the light of which reached Urantia in A.D. 1572. This conflagration was so intense that the explosion was clearly visible in broad daylight.