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kaleidoscope [kə`laıdəskqup], suspense [səs`pens], pother [`pOðə]

Now began a movement of the gorgeous particles of that official group which was slow, scarcely perceptible, and yet steady and persistent — a movement such as is observed in a kaleidoscope that is turned slowly, whereby the components of one splendid cluster fall away and join themselves to another — a movement which, little by little, in the present case, dissolved the glittering crowd that stood about Tom Canty and clustered it together again in the neighborhood of the new-comer. Tom Canty stood almost alone. Now ensued a brief season of deep suspense and waiting — during which even the few faint-hearts still remaining near Tom Canty gradually scraped together courage enough to glide, one by one, over to the majority. So at last Tom Canty, in his royal robes and jewels, stood wholly alone and isolated from the world, a conspicuous figure, occupying an eloquent vacancy.

Now the Lord St. John was seen returning. As he advanced up the mid-aisle the interest was so intense that the low murmur of conversation in the great assemblage died out and was succeeded by a profound hush, a breathless stillness, through which his footfalls pulsed with a dull and distant sound. Every eye was fastened upon him as he moved along. He reached the platform, paused a moment, then moved toward Tom Canty with a deep obeisance, and said:

'Sire, the Seal is not there!'

A mob does not melt away from the presence of a plague-patient with more haste than the band of pallid and terrified courtiers melted away from the presence of the shabby little claimant of the Crown. In a moment he stood all alone, without a friend or supporter, a target upon which was concentrated a bitter fire of scornful and angry looks. The Lord Protector called out fiercely:

'Cast the beggar into the street, and scourge him through the town — the paltry knave is worth no more consideration!'

Officers of the guard sprang forward to obey, but Tom Canty waved them off and said:

'Back! Whoso touches him perils his life!'

The Lord Protector was perplexed in the last degree. He said to the Lord St. John:

'Searched you well? — but it boots not to ask that. It doth seem passing strange. Little things, trifles, slip out of one's ken, and one does not think it matter for surprise; but how a so bulky thing as the Seal of England can vanish away and no man be able to get track of it again — a massy golden disk —'

Tom Canty, with beaming eyes, sprang forward and shouted:

'Hold, that is enough! Was it round? — and thick? — and had it letters and devices graved upon it? — Yes? Oh, now I know what this Great Seal is that there's been such worry and pother about! An ye had described it to me, ye could have had it three weeks ago. Right well I know where it lies; but it was not I that put it there — first.'

'Who, then, my liege?' asked the Lord Protector.

'He that stands there — the rightful king of England. And he shall tell you himself where it lies — then you will believe he knew it of his own knowledge. Bethink thee, my king — spur thy memory — it was the last, the very last thing thou didst that day before thou didst rush forth from the palace, clothed in my rags, to punish the soldier that insulted me.'

A silence ensued (тишина последовала), undisturbed by a movement or a whisper (ненарушаемая ни движением, ни шепотом), and all eyes were fixed upon the new-comer (и все глаза были устремлены на новопришедшего), who stood (который стоял; to stand — стоять), with bent head (со склоненной головой; to bend — склонять) and corrugated brow (и сморщенным лбом), groping in his memory (нащупывая в своей памяти) among a thronging multitude of valueless recollections (среди несметного множества бесполезных воспоминаний; to throng — толпиться) for one single little elusive fact (один единственный маленький ускользающий факт), which found (который, будучи найден; to find — найти), would seat him upon a throne (посадил бы его на трон) — unfound (не найденный), would leave him as he was (оставил бы его как он был = в том же состоянии), for good and all (навсегда) — a pauper and an outcast (нищим и отверженным). Moment after moment passed (секунда за секундой проходила) — the moments built themselves into minutes (секунды выстраивались в минуты; to build — строить) — still the boy struggled silently on (и все еще мальчик боролся молча дальше), and gave no sign (и не подавал никакого знака; to give — давать). But at last he heaved a sigh (но наконец он испустил вздох), shook his head slowly (покачал головой медленно; to shake — трясти), and said (и сказал), with a trembling lip (с дрожащей губой) and in a despondent voice (и унылым голосом):

'I call the scene back (я вспоминаю эту сцену: «призываю назад») — all of it (всю ее) — but the Seal hath no place in it (но Печать не имеет места в ней).' He paused (он помедлил), then looked up (затем взглянул вверх), and said with gentle dignity (и сказал с мягким достоинством), 'My lords and gentlemen (милорды и джентльмены), if ye will rob your rightful sovereign (если вы лишите вашего законного властителя) of his own (его собственного = того, что ему принадлежит) for lack of this evidence (за отсутствием этого свидетельства) which he is not able to furnish (которое он не способен предоставить), I may not stay ye (я не могу остановить вас), being powerless (будучи бессильным). But (но) —'

'O folly, O madness, my king (о, безумие, о, сумасшествие, мой король)!' cried Tom Canty, in a panic (вскричал Том Кэнти в панике), 'wait (подожди)! — think (подумай)! Do not give up (не сдавайся; to give up — сдаваться)! — the cause is not lost (дело не проиграно; to lose — проигрывать)! Nor shall be, neither (и не будет = проиграно)! List to what I say (слушай, что я говорю) — follow every word (следи за каждым словом) — I am going to bring that morning back again (я собираюсь воскресить то утро в памяти снова: «принести назад»), every hap just as it happened (каждый случай — прямо как он случился). We talked (мы беседовали) — I told you of my sisters, Nan and Bet (я рассказал тебе о моих сестрах, Нэн и Бет; to tell — рассказывать) — ah, yes, you remember that (ах да, ты помнишь это); and about mine old grandma (и о моей старой бабке) — and the rough games of the lads of Offal Court (и о грубых играх мальчишек из Тупика отбросов) — yes, you remember these things also (да, ты помнишь эти вещи тоже); very well (очень хорошо), follow me still (следуй за мной дальше = слушай), you shall recall everything (ты вспомнишь все). You gave me food and drink (ты дал мне еды и питья; to give — давать), and did with princely courtesy send away the servants (и с королевским благородством отослал слуг; to send away — посылать прочь), so that my low breeding (чтобы мое низкое происхождение) might not shame me before them (не могло опозорить меня перед ними) — ah, yes, this also you remember (ах да, это тоже ты помнишь).'

As Tom checked off his details (пока Том отмечал свои детали), and the other boy nodded his head (а другой мальчик кивал головой) in recognition of them (в признание их = признавая их), the great audience and the officials (великая публика и чиновники) stared in puzzled wonderment (глазели в озадаченном изумлении); the tale sounded like true history (этот рассказ звучал, как истинная история), yet how could this impossible conjunction (но как могла эта невозможная связь) between a prince and a beggar boy (между принцем и мальчиком-нищим) have come about (возникнуть; to come about — происходить, случаться)? Never was a company of people so perplexed (никогда не была компания людей так озадачена), so interested (так заинтересована), and so stupefied, before (и так ошарашена прежде).