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Harper sensed Rome tense. His face was tight with fury. Shoulders bunched, he appeared ready to pounce and tear something apart with his bare hands. And she didn’t doubt that he could.

She reached over to carefully brush the back of his clenched fist with her fingers, trying to get his attention without startling him and blowing their cover. It took a long moment, but his stormy blue gaze met hers.

“Trouble?” she mouthed, watching him struggle to breathe normally. He was obviously rattled.

Rome shook his head firmly in answer, returning his concentration to the scene below, clearly dismissing any other distractions. Shrugging her shoulders, she did the same.

“How’s the next batch?” Clacker’s voice was muted, but understandable, and a touch irritated.

“The same as the others,” Lab Coat answered with a sigh, sounding skittery and worried. “I don’t think it’s going to work.”

“Think?” Clacker asked tightly, slamming his hand on the counter and causing the laptop to shudder. Harper blinked in surprise. “Dr. Blake, I’m getting tired of what you think. I need a working serum, not the knockoffs you’re giving me. Stop thinking and start doing.”

“It’s not that easy, Jeff,” Dr. Blake explained.

Jeff. Was that Rome’s boss, Jeff? A quick peek at Rome’s white knuckles and she knew she was right. Did this mean Jeff was in on all of this?

“I don’t care whether it’s easy or not,” Jeff said, pressing. “Give me a good serum.”

“You don’t understand,” Dr. Blake pleaded. “It just doesn’t work that way. We don’t have the original formula. We’re trying to work from the plant extractions, but without the true formula, it will take time to recreate it. It’s hit-and-miss.”

“It’s killing my men,” Jeff countered, pounding his hand on the table once more. “ She’s killing my men.” Did Jeff mean her? A small bubble of pleasure welled up inside of Harper.

“I know, and I’m sorry.” Dr. Blake actually sounded remorseful. “But she has the original formula in her system. And trying to extract it from her blood is working the same way as extracting it from the plants. It’s essentially diluted. Secondhand. Besides, I told you when we started that we shouldn’t use human subjects until we reconstructed the original serum. My instincts are telling me this is never going to work.”

Jeff moved closer to the doctor and grabbed him by his white lapels, bunching the fabric in his grip and pulling him close. Harper leaned forward in a reflexive response and noticed Rome did the same.

“Your instincts?” Jeff yelled, just inches away from the doctor’s face. “Instincts are what made me launch this project. Agent Lucian’s failed instincts killed good people. This serum will prevent that from happening again. So don’t talk to me about your instincts.”

Harper snuck a glance at Rome. His rugged face was strained with agony. Evidently Jeff had used Rome’s one failure to prompt his own evil plan. And they’d both been caught up in it. She itched to reach over and soothe his suffering. But any movement would call unwanted attention.

“You knew what you were getting into, Doctor,” Jeff said, rolling the doctor’s coat in his hands even tighter.

“Losing the formula data in the fire has made my job very difficult,” Dr. Blake sputtered.

“It’s your job to produce the serum, so I can do my job by using superior agents.” Jeff’s voice was hard and controlled. “Dr. Kane was able to do it with the plants. You should be able to reproduce it for humans using those plants.” The mention of her brother stung Harper to the core. Jeff released the doctor with a little shove, and then backed off to glare at him. “No more excuses. Do your job, Dr. Blake, or else.”

Jeff turned on his heels and walked to the door.

“Or else what?” Dr. Blake asked with remarkable bravado.

“Or else I’ll find someone who can,” Jeff answered gravely, and straightened his tie.

“You’ll murder me like you murdered Dr. Kane?” the doctor challenged.

Harper went rigid with crazed fury, just barely kept under her skin. Rome’s tight reassuring touch on her wrist was the only thing that prevented her from crashing through that ceiling and strangling the filthy life out of Jeff.

“Dr. Kane was eliminated because he wasn’t with the program,” Jeff articulated solemnly. “Don’t make the same mistake.” And with that Jeff turned to open the door and step out of her vision.

Harper twitched as an angry chill flooded through her, causing her body to rock forward. Feeling herself beginning to slide ahead, she swung her arm around, trying to halt her abrupt movement. The catwalk creaked loudly with the sudden shift of her weight.

She glanced at Rome with an apologetic wince at her noisy blunder. His eyes were as wide as hers, and then they both looked down into the room at the same time.

Jeff and Dr. Blake were directly below, frozen and glaring at the ceiling. The two men couldn’t see her and Rome through the tiles, but there was no doubt they’d heard the metallic groan. They knew someone was there.

“Go,” Rome hissed, shoving her into motion.

He didn’t need to tell her twice. Like a crab, she scrambled frantically across the grating to stand, as Rome rushed past her, already on his feet. He grabbed her hand and she stumbled behind him, racing as fast as the tight area allowed, their boots clanging on the catwalk, not caring anymore about stealth.

Just as they burst through the duct door, she ran smack into his hard back, almost causing both of them to fall.

Peeking over his broad shoulder as her eyes adjusted to the muted light of the hallway, Harper saw what had made Rome stop.

They’d been found.

Four huge men were barely visible in the dim lighting. Harper hoped there weren’t more, but couldn’t tell what lurked in the shadows.

Three of them had handguns pointed directly at her and Rome. The fourth stood holding a rifle across his barrel-like chest, but she had no doubt he was just as ready to whip that thing around and use it.

Harper was getting darned tired of big guys with guns.

The six of them stood there, facing off for what seemed like an eternity. She was sure Rome was planning something, the tightness of his shoulders and the twitching of his fingers warning her.

Was he thinking up something to say or to do? They hadn’t really planned an escape strategy other than the gun in the holster inside his coat.

Well, that and her psi power, as they had referred to it since reading Bobby’s notes.

Confident she was beginning to learn to control it, she decided that she’d use it on these guys. Placing her hand ever so slightly on Rome’s back, she tried to signal her intentions. The muscles in his lower back tensed under her fingers. She hoped that meant he understood.

Focusing on the threat a few feet away, she concentrated sharply and reached inside every corner of her mind to call upon the psi power.


She closed her eyes and tried again, this time concentrating on remembering Jeff and the doctor talking about her brother while she and Rome were in the duct. She recalled her rage and fury at their words.

Struggling to direct the steep pain that flushed through her, Harper beckoned the white heat that would blaze within her body just before she unleashed her lethal power.


Glancing uneasily around the cool shadows, she wondered in a sudden fear whether she’d somehow lost her psi power. Panic flushed through her. Did that mean she was going to die now? Was she about to end up like the others?

She hadn’t been able to use it when she’d been held captive, either. Maybe the power didn’t work indoors. Yet she’d trashed Bobby’s lab using it.

Before she could explore those thoughts, she sensed motion from Rome. Clearly he wasn’t about to wait for her to save them again. Good choice, considering she couldn’t, anyway.