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Life with Rome. Righting wrongs. Fighting side by side. Just like Bobby would have wanted.

“Harper,” Rome said, rolling her name as his fingers brushed her wet cheek. “I love you.”

“I know you do,” Harper said with a true smile. Heat surged from her mind, blazing a passionate trail to her heart.

Rome grinned, pressed his lips to hers, and stood. She watched him tread through the squishy grass toward two men who were holding up a bound and dazed Jeff. He grabbed Jeff roughly, and then walked alongside as they hauled him away.

Was it finally over? She glanced around the courtyard, watching the good guys take the bad guys away. Maybe it was.

And as Harper sat in the grass with the rain streaming around her, she wondered whether the heat from her psionic powers could hold a candle to the flame of their love.

She couldn’t wait to find out.


I am forever grateful to my editor, Leah Hultenschmidt, for making this book a reality and the best it could be.

Thank you to my sister, Laura Rench, and my mom, Susan, for their unwavering support. They’ve put up with a lot.

Thanks to the Divas critique group: Laura, Kate Dandel, and Kendra Uhler, for their guidance, fun, and for not bringing food.

Lastly, thanks to Pooka and Anya for just being there.

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