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She sounded so desperate, I couldn’t say no. “I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes, okay? Can you hang tight?”

But she’d already hung up.

I put on a pair of jeans and a stretchy black T-shirt with a pink peace sign on it. The outfit covered up most of my ink, except the garden sleeve. Usually I liked to be a walking billboard for my shop, but I wasn’t sure I should bring that much attention to myself on this mission to help Charlotte.

What could she have gotten into?

As I climbed into the Mustang, I debated calling Tim anyway, then chided myself for being a tattletale. I’d talk her into letting me call him later. She was going to have to listen to reason.

It was nine o’clock, and I knew I had an eleven o’clock client, so I hoped this wasn’t going to take too long. Fortunately, I’d already done the stencil so I just needed to go in and do the ink.

The Windsor Palms condominium was one of myriad condo buildings that had gone up around the Strip a couple years back, sold mainly as second homes. The condos were not for the poor and hopeful. They were for the rich who had enough money socked away that they didn’t need to worry about the foundering economy. But still, because of the real estate bust and the high rate of foreclosure in Vegas, a lot of developers had scrapped plans to build even more condos. I couldn’t help but think that Vegas would survive and those plans would be revived at some point. Sin City was too popular a destination and the climate too desirable.

I turned down the private road that led to the Windsor Palms and noted the palm trees that lined the sidewalks, allowing it to live up to its name. When I reached the circular drive with a fountain in the center, a small, discreet sign pointed me in the direction of the parking garage.

I found a spot on the second level and continued to follow signs to the elevator and then out toward the building lobby. I pushed open a glass door and stepped into a spacious atrium with a waterfall and all sorts of lush greenery. It was sort of like those science museums where you can walk through different ecosystems. Humidity hung in the air, the kind that I hadn’t felt since leaving Jersey, the kind that clung to your skin in a clammy sort of way.

I liked it.

A security guard sat at a tall desk with a monitor in front of him. He was a big, heavyset black guy with an Afro from the seventies. His smile was warm.

“May I help you?” he asked.

I told him the condo number Charlotte had rattled off.

“You have to sign in.” He pushed a clipboard with a sign-in sheet on it toward me.

I noted that Charlotte’s name wasn’t on the sheet, but the time of the first visitor was eight a.m. Maybe she’d been here earlier, or even all night.

I printed my name neatly as the instructions indicated, wrote down the condo number and the time, and handed the clipboard back to the guard.

“Elevators are around the waterfall and to your right,” he said.

I thanked him and found them easily. As I went up in the mirrored elevator, I thought about how I might want to move out of Tim’s house at some point and get my own place. I made pretty good money, and housing prices had come down considerably. And if that sixty grand I’d just won at roulette was legit-I wasn’t too certain, since Rusty Abbott had given me that chip-it would make a nice down payment. I liked the idea of a security guard, although the waterfall was a colossal waste of water in a city where waterfalls were not a natural phenomenon, especially during a drought.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped into the hall. I found number twelve thirty-two with no problem and pressed the buzzer.

I pressed it a second time when about a minute passed and no one responded.

When I didn’t get an answer that time, I figured knocking on the door might be a good idea. Where was Charlotte?

The second I knocked, the door swung open by itself. It hadn’t been closed shut.

A funny smell hit my nose: a mixture of vomit and smoke.

I hesitated. I’d been in situations like this before, and I had a bad feeling. I should go right back downstairs and get that security guard.

First, though, I called out, “Charlotte? Charlotte, are you here?”


I thought about how paranoid she’d been acting.

I was still in the hallway, and I made an executive decision. I stepped inside.

The room laid out before me must have been about sixteen hundred square feet by itself; floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked the Strip. The space was split in two: a living room area and a kitchen. In the former, elegant furniture was scattered around the room; each wall was a different shade of blue and held gigantic oil abstracts that complemented the décor. The floor was a laminate, but plush throw rugs gave the room some warmth. A long, dark granite countertop separated the two areas. Top-end stainless-steel, state-of-the-art kitchen appliances, and cherry cupboards told me that no price was too high.

I took another couple of steps, calling for Charlotte as I went. I hoped I had the right condo.

A slider to a balcony that stretched along the other side of the windows was just around the kitchen. I walked toward it, not sure what I was looking for, but as I turned the corner, I saw something I couldn’t see from the front door.

A bedroom the size of the living room, with the same view.

And a man’s body on the floor.

Chapter 21

The smell was stronger in here. I suspected that whoever this guy was, he was no longer among the living. His arms and legs were splayed at angles that weren’t normal. This room also was where the vomit odor came from. It looked like he’d been sick for days in here, so sick he couldn’t clean up after himself. I covered my mouth and nose with my hand, but it didn’t help much.

I scanned the room: a round king-sized bed, a dark walnut wardrobe, and, at the far side of the room where there were no windows, a workbench of sorts, with a couple of Bunsen burners and a tray of test tubes, like a do-it-yourself chemistry kit.

I couldn’t linger here anymore; the stench was too much. I didn’t see Charlotte anywhere. A door to the back of the bedroom probably led to a bathroom, but I wasn’t going to walk through this room to see whether she was in there. Instead I called, “Charlotte?” one more time before heading back out into the living room.

Who was that guy, and what had Charlotte gotten me into?

All I knew for sure was that I had to call the police, or, rather, Tim.

I hesitated, glancing back toward the bedroom. I wanted to go in and see who it was, but I couldn’t stand the smell any longer. He’d still be dead in ten minutes, so I went out into the hall, closing the door a little behind me. It didn’t do much good. The smell was wafting out here now.

I flipped open my phone and punched in Tim’s number.

“Busy, Brett.”

“I know, but I’m in a bit of a situation.”

Silence, then, “What is it now?” he asked, like I was always in trouble. It was only some of the time.

“I found a dead body.”

A quick intake of breath, then, “You making a habit of that?” He was referring to an incident a few months back.

“It’s not on purpose,” I said. “Do you want to hear about it or not?”


I told him.

“Do you know who this dead body is?”


“Then how did you happen upon it?”

“Just get here, okay?” I said, ending the call because I really didn’t quite know how I was going to approach answering that question. I knew there would be another chance later, but later rather than sooner appealed to me at the moment.

I needed to let the security guard downstairs know that Tim and the cavalry were on their way.