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‘… but Chief de Zoet’s son conveyed his father’s wish with such…’

Orito looks at Yûan – who is plainly besotted by the midwife – and smiles.

‘… such courteous persistence, that it was impossible to leave.’

‘I hope he wasn’t,’ Jacob’s glance thanks Yûan, ‘overly bothersome.’

‘One doubts such a mannerly boy could ever be bothersome.’

‘His master – an artist – tries his best to instil discipline into him, but after his mother passed away, my son ran wild and I am afraid the damage is irreparable.’ He turns to Orito’s companion, wondering whether she is a servant, assistant or equal. ‘I’m de Zoet,’ he says. ‘Thank you for coming.’

The young woman is unperturbed by his foreignness. ‘My name is Yayoi. I mustn’t say how often she talks about you or she’ll be cross with me all day.’

‘Aibagawa-sensei,’ Yûan tells him, ‘said that she knew Mother long ago, even before you came to Japan.’

‘Yes, Yûan, Aibagawa-sensei was kind enough to treat your mother and her sisters in the Maruyama tea-houses from time to time. But why, sensei, do you happen to be in Nagasaki at this…’ he looks towards the cemetery ‘… at this sad time? I understood you were practising midwifery in Miyako.’

‘I still am, but Dr Maeno invited me here to advise one of his disciples, who plans to establish a School of Obstetrics. I hadn’t been back to Nagasaki since… well, since I left, and so I felt the time was ripe. That my visit coincided with Dr Marinus’s demise is a matter of unhappy chance.’

Her explanation makes no mention of a plan to visit Dejima, so Jacob assumes she had none. He senses the curiosity of onlookers and gestures at the long flight of stone steps descending from the temple gates to the Nakashima River. ‘Shall we walk down together, Miss Aibagawa?’

‘With the greatest pleasure, Chief Resident de Zoet.’

Yayoi and Yûan follow a few steps behind, and Iwase and Goto bring up the rear, so Jacob and the celebrated midwife may speak in relative privacy. They tread carefully on the wet and mossy stones.

I could tell you a hundred things, thinks Jacob, and nothing at all.

‘I understand,’ says Orito, ‘your son is apprenticed to the artist Shunro?’

‘Shunro-sensei took pity on the talentless boy, yes.’

‘Then your son must have inherited his father’s artistic gifts.’

‘I have no gifts! I am a bumbler with two left hands.’

‘Forgive my contradiction: I carry proof to the contrary.’

She still has the fan, then. Jacob cannot quite hide his smile.

‘Raising him must have been taxing, after Tsukinami-sama’s passing.’

‘He lived on Dejima until two years ago. Marinus and Eelattu tutored him, and I hired what we call in Dutch a “nanny”. Now he lives in his master’s studio, but the Magistrate lets him visit every tenth day. Much as I long for a ship to arrive from Batavia for Dejima’s benefit, I dread the prospect of leaving him, also…’

An invisible woodpecker works in short bursts on a nearby trunk.

‘Maeno-sensei told me,’ she says, ‘Dr Marinus died a peaceful death.’

‘He was proud of you. “Pupils like Miss Aibagawa justify me, Domburger,” he used to say, and “Knowledge exists only when it is given…” ’ Like love, Jacob would like to add. ‘Marinus was a cynical dreamer.’

Halfway down, they hear and see the foaming coffee-brown river.

‘A great teacher attains immortality,’ she remarks, ‘in his students.’

‘Aibagawa-sensei might equally refer to “her” students.’

Orito says, ‘Your Japanese fluency is most admirable.’

‘Compliments such as that prove that I still make mistakes. That’s the problem with having a daimyo’s status: nobody ever corrects me.’ He hesitates. ‘Ogawa-sama used to, but he was a singular interpreter.’

Warblers call and query, higher up the hidden mountain.

‘And a brave man.’ Orito’s tone tells Jacob that she knows how he died, and why.

‘When Yûan’s mother was alive, I used to ask her to correct my mistakes, but she was the worst teacher. She said my blunders sounded too sweet.’

‘Yet your dictionary is now found in every domain. My own students don’t say, “Pass me the Dutch dictionary”, they say, “Pass me the Dazûto.” ’

The wind musses the long-fingered ash trees.

Orito asks, ‘Is William Pitt still alive?’

‘William Pitt eloped with a monkey on the Santa Maria, four years ago. The very morning she sailed, he swam out to her. The guards weren’t sure whether the Shogun’s laws applied, but they let him leave. With him gone, only Dr Marinus, Ivo Oost and I were left from your days as a “seminarian”. Arie Grote has come back twice, but just for the trading season.’

Behind them, Yûan says something funny and Yayoi laughs.

‘If Aibagawa-sensei wished, by chance… to visit Dejima, then… then…’

‘Chief de Zoet is most gracious, but I must return to Miyako tomorrow. Several Court ladies are pregnant, and will need my assistance.’

‘Of course! Of course. I didn’t mean to imply… I mean, I didn’t…’ Jacob, stung, dare not say what he didn’t mean to imply. ‘… your duties,’ he fumbles, ‘your obligations, are… paramount.’

At the bottom of the flight of steps, porters around the palanquins are rubbing oil into their calves and thighs for their burdened journeys back to town.

Tell her, Jacob orders himself, or spend your life regretting your cowardice.

He decides to spend his life regretting his cowardice. No, I can’t.

‘There is something I must tell you. On that day, twelve years ago, when Enomoto’s men stole you away, I was on the Watchtower, and I saw you…’ Jacob dares not look at her ‘… I saw you trying to persuade the guards at the Land-Gate to let you in. Vorstenbosch had just betrayed me and, like a sulky child, when I saw you I did nothing. I could have run down, argued, fussed, summoned a sympathetic interpreter, or Marinus… but I didn’t. God knows, I couldn’t guess the consequences of my inaction… or that I’d never set eyes on you again until today – and even that afternoon I came to my senses but…’ he feels as though a fish-bone is lodged in his throat ‘… but by the time I’d run down to the Land-Gate to – to – help, I was too late.’

Orito is listening closely and treading carefully but her eyes are hidden.

‘A year later, I tried to make amends. Ogawa-sama asked me to keep safe a scroll he had been given by a fugitive from the shrine, your shrine, Enomoto’s shrine. Days later came the news of Ogawa-sama’s death. Month by month, I learnt enough Japanese to decipher the scroll. The day I understood what my inaction had exposed you to, was the worst day of my life. But despair wouldn’t help you. Nothing could help you. During the Phoebus Incident, I earned the trust of Magistrate Shiroyama, and he earned mine, so I took the grave risk of showing him the scroll. The rumours around his death, and Enomoto’s, were so thick that there was no making sense of them… but soon after, I learnt that the Shrine at Shiranui had been razed and Kyôga Domain given to the Lord of Hizen. I tell you this… I tell you this because – because not to tell you is a lie of omission, and I cannot lie to you.’

Irises bloom in the undergrowth. Jacob is blushing and crushed.

Orito prepares her answer. ‘When pain is vivid, when decisions are keen-edged, we believe that we are the surgeons. But time passes, and one sees the whole more clearly, and now I perceive us as surgical instruments used by the world to excise itself of the Order of Mount Shiranui. Had you given me sanctuary on Dejima that day, I would have been spared pain, yes, but Yayoi would still be a prisoner there. The Creeds would still be enforced. How can I forgive you when you did nothing wrong?’

They arrive at the foot of the hill. The river booms.

A stall sells amulets and grilled fish. Mourners revert to people.

Some talk, some joke, some watch the Dutch Chief and the midwife.