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“But her doctors have all been stymied,” Carolyn interjected. “If we could find out what happened…”

“For what good purpose?” He stood. “It would just upset her! Only once in all these years has Jeanette ever gone from the calm, content woman you see before you to a frightened, shaking creature. And I won’t allow that to ever happen again.”

“Of course, we don’t want that,” Carolyn said. “We don’t want to upset her.” She paused. “But Mr. O’Toole, perhaps we can help her.”

He folded his chubby arms across his chest. “Long ago I gave up any hope that Jeanette will ever change. Long ago I accepted that this is our lot in life.”

“But perhaps…” Carolyn hesitated, trying to find the words. “Perhaps if we at least know the kinds of things that upset her in the past, we can avoid doing them again now.”

His eyes regarded her sternly; then he looked back over at Jeanette. He seemed to see the way she was looking at Carolyn, and his stance softened.

“I can tell you this much,” he said. “Years ago, probably twenty-five years ago now, a man came here. He was sent by Jeanette’s uncle. Like you, he wanted to know what had happened to bring Jeanette to such a state. I told him that her doctors had said it was an unexplainable shock. But what brought the shock on? The man wanted to know the answer to that. Possibly nothing, I told him. Doctors say that’s rare, but it is possible. The brain can experience a shock for no reason. A short-circuiting of nerves, so to speak.” He paused for emphasis. “And if there was a reason for the shock, I certainly don’t want Jeanette remembering it.”

“What did this man say when you told him that?” Carolyn asked.

“He kept pushing. And because Mr. Young pays for Jeanette’s care here, I couldn’t stop him. Even Dr. Hoffman, despite her better judgment, was forced to let him proceed. And he began saying names to Jeanette. Names that upset her. For the first time, she reacted to outside stimuli-”

“Which is actually a good thing,” Carolyn observed.

“Not if it makes her upset! I won’t have her upset!” He calmed himself, looking anxiously over at Jeanette. “She began to shudder. She began to cry. Her face got red. I told the man if he persisted I would physically throw him out of the room.” He smiled. “I was younger then. I could have done it, too. But Dr. Hoffman agreed, and she asked the man to stop.”

“But perhaps if we could find the reason for her state, we could reverse it,” Carolyn said.

Michael ignored her comment. “Then, about ten years ago, another man came around. He was with a black woman, who claimed she could read minds just by touching someone.”

“Kip,” Douglas said, and Carolyn nodded.

Michael continued, not hearing. “He wanted to say certain things to Jeanette, too, but I forbade it. And the black woman, she touched Jeanette’s hand, and concurred with my judgment. She said Jeanette did not have the information that they sought and they should leave her in peace.” He chuckled. “I’m not sure I believe in all that mumbo jumbo, but I was glad to have her as an ally. They left without upsetting Jeanette.” His eyes narrowed as he stood over them. “And I will not allow you to upset her either.”

Carolyn sighed. “I see in her files that Dr. Hoffman even tried hypnotizing her, but Jeanette remained unable to reveal anything.”

“That’s because she doesn’t know anything! Whatever happened that night is gone! All that exists for Jeanette is now! This moment! The moment she lives in. For in the very next moment, it’s gone. Every moment is brand new to her. Her only constant is this room…and me.”

He sat back down on the hassock and took her hand again.

Carolyn looked over at Douglas. “I think he’s right. Asking her any questions is pointless.”

Douglas sighed, clearly disappointed. “Look, Mr. O’Toole. We came here because we want to help Jeanette…”

“What is it that your family is hiding?” Behind the thick glasses, Michael O’Toole’s blue eyes were blazing. “Why is that, in regular intervals, someone comes around trying to find out what caused Jeanette to be this way? Is the story I was always told not true? According to Mr. Young, Jeanette was found one morning during the family reunion simply wandering by the cliffs. She had left the house sometime in the night, and in the morning, no one had been able to find her. Then they spotted her out by the cliffs. When they caught up with her, she didn’t know them. She didn’t know herself. She didn’t speak. This is what was told to me.” He glared at Douglas. “Is there more to the story? Is there more that I should know?”

Douglas just looked away.

“That’s what they always do when I ask that,” Michael said, his anger boiling just under the surface. “They look away.”

“Mr. O’Toole,” Carolyn said, “what if we spoke with you in private? So that Jeanette couldn’t hear, and nothing might upset her?”

He stood. “You can come into the kitchen if you like.” He bent and kissed Jeanette’s cheek. “I’m just going to show our guests around the place, my dear. We will be right back.”

Jeanette remained motionless in her chair. When Carolyn stood, the eyes that had been looking at her did not follow. They simply fell upon the wall behind the sofa. Maybe, Carolyn thought, she had been wrong about Jeanette seeing her.

Once inside the kitchen, Carolyn cut straight to the point. “Mr. O’Toole, I think if we know what the names were that upset Jeanette, it could help us.”

“Help you with what?”

“I don’t know,” Carolyn admitted. “But we would like to help Jeanette.”

He frowned. “I can’t see where you can help her where so many doctors have failed.”

“Please,” Douglas added. “Can you just tell us the names?”

“Beatrice.” He said the word as if it were bitter on his tongue. “And Malcolm.”

Carolyn blinked. She had expected Beatrice. But Malcolm…this was a name she had never heard before.

“Malcolm?” she repeated.

“Yes. I don’t know if those names were the ones the man and the black woman were prepared to say, because I never allowed them to utter any. But the first man, the one who came here about twenty-five years ago, he used those names. I’ll never forget them.”

“And what was this man’s name?”

“He only identified himself as Dr. Fifer. I’m not sure how it was spelled. With an ‘F’ or a ‘Ph.’ But I’ll never forget him either, or how he upset Jeanette.”

Carolyn figured this Dr. Fifer must have been one of the many investigators Mr. Young had hired over the years to try to find an end to the curse of that room. She would have to go through the papers again to see if there were any files with such a name.

“I think,” she said to Douglas with a sense of heavy disappointment, “we’ve learned as much as we can here today.”

“Well, at least come say good-bye to Jeanette,” Michael said. “She may not seem it, but I am convinced she is more aware of her surroundings than any of us know. The nurses here tell me there is a certain brightening to her eyes on days she knows I will be here. Her skin is a little more sallow on days when, for whatever reason, I’ve been unable to make it in. After four decades, you learn to see these things.”

Carolyn smiled. “It’s really quite touching that you’ve made such a commitment to her.”

He smiled, some of his earlier friendliness returning to his expression. “There was no other way. I love her. She loves me.”

Carolyn instinctively reached out and cupped his hand.

Suddenly it seemed as if Michael O’Toole was about to cry. His cheeks flushed even redder, and his lips trembled. “Once, many, many years ago, maybe a year or so after Jeanette was first brought to Windcliffe, I considered maybe…” His voice broke. “I considered maybe if I should just move on. You know, my friends and my family, they were saying, ‘Michael, you need to pursue your own career, your own life.’” A couple of tears squeezed out of his eyes and ran down his cheeks, collecting into little pools behind his heavy glasses. “I thought I’d never have a real love, you know, if I stayed here with Jeanette. And I was really thinking that way…”