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It was the turn of another of those grouped round the table to raise his eyebrows. "Outside the law? We cannot risk being involved – "

" 'Might,' I said. For us, the element of risk does not exist."

"May we see this man?" Benson nodded, rose, went to a door and admitted Cronkite.

Cronkite was a Texan. In height, build and cragginess of features he bore a remarkable resemblance to John Wayne. Unlike Wayne, he never smiled. His face was of a peculiarly yellow complexion, typical of those who have had an overdose of antimalarial tablets, which was just what had happened to Cronkite. Mepacrine does not make for a peaches-and-cream complexion – not that Cronkite's had ever remotely resembled that. He was newly returned from Indonesia, where he had inevitably maintained his 100 percent record.

"Mr. Cronkite," Benson said. "Mr. Cronkite, this is – "

Cronkite was brusque. In a gravelly voice he said: "I don't want to know their names."

In spite of the abruptness of his tone, several of the oilmen round the table almost beamed.

Here was a man of discretion, a man after their own hearts.

Cronkite went on: "All I understand from Mr. Benson is that I am required to attend to a matter involving Lord Worth and the Seawitch, Mr. Benson has given me a pretty full briefing. I know the background. I would like, first of all, to hear any suggestions you gentlemen may have to offer." Cronkite sat down, lit what proved to be a very foul-smelling cigar, and waited expectantly.

He kept silent during the following half-hour discussion. For ten of the world's top businessmen, they proved to be an extraordinarily inept, not to say inane, lot. They talked in an ever-narrowing series of concentric circles.

Henderson said: "First of all, there must be no violence used. Is that agreed?"

Everybody nodded agreement. Each of them was a pillar of business respectability who could not afford to have his reputation besmirched in any way. No one appeared to notice that, except for lifting a hand to his cigar and puffing out increasingly vile clouds of smoke, Cronkite did not move throughout the discussion. He also remained totally silent.

After agreeing that there should be no violence, the meeting of ten agreed on nothing.

Finally Patinos spoke up. "Why don't you – one of you four Americans, I mean – approach your Congress to pass an emergency law banning offshore drilling in extraterritorial waters?"

Benson looked at him with something akin to pity. "I am afraid, sir, that you do not quite understand the relations between the American majors and Congress. On the few occasions we have met with them – something to do with too much profits and too little tax – I'm afraid we have treated them in so – ah – cavalier a fashion that nothing would give them greater pleasure than to refuse any request we might make."

One of the others, known simply as "Mr. A," said: "How about an approach to that international legal ombudsman, The Hague? After all, this is an international matter."

Henderson shook his head. "Forget it. The dilatoriness of that august body is so legendary that all present would be long retired – or worse – before a decision is made. The decision would just as likely be negative anyway." "United Nations?" Mr. A said. "That talk-shop!" Benson obviously had a low and not uncommon view of the UN. "They haven't even got the power to order New York to install a new parking meter outside their front door."

The next revolutionary idea came from one of the Americans.

"Why shouldn't we all agree, for an unspecified time – let's see how it goes – to lower our price below that of North Hudson? In that case no one would want to buy their oil."

This proposal was met with stunned disbelief.

Corral spoke in a kind voice. "Not only would that lead to vast losses to the major oil companies, but would almost certainly and immediately lead Lord Worth to lower his prices fractionally below their new ones. The man has sufficient working capital to keep him going for a hundred years at a loss – -in the unlikely event, that is, of his running at a loss at all."

A lengthy silence followed. Cronkite was not quite as immobile as he had been; The granitic expression on his face remained unchanged, but the fingers of his nonsmoking hand had begun to drum gently on the armrest of his chair. For Cronkite, this was equivalent to throwing a fit of hysterics.

It was during this period that all thoughts of maintaining high, gentlemanly and ethical standards against drilling hi international waters were forgotten by the ten.

"Why not," Mr. A said, "buy him out?" In fairness it has to be said that Mr. A did not appreciate just how wealthy Lord Worth was and that, immensely wealthy though he, Mr. A, was, Lord Worth could have bought him out lock, stock and barrel. "The Seawitch rights, I mean. A hundred million dollars. Let's be generous, two hundred million dollars. Why not?"

Corral looked depressed. 'The answer to "Why not?' is easy. By the latest reckoning, Lord Worth is one of the world's five richest men, and even two hundred million dollars would be pennies as far as he was concerned."

Now Mr. A looked depressed.

Benson said: "Sure he'd sell."

Mr. A visibly brightened.

"For two reasons only. In the first place he'd make a quick and splendid profit. In the second place, for less than half the selling price, he could build another Seawitch, anchor it a couple of miles away from the present Seawitch – there are no leasehold rights in extraterritorial waters – and start sending oil ashore at his same old price."

A temporarily deflated Mr. A slumped back in his armchair.

"A partnership, then,” Mr. B said. His tone was that of a man in a state of quiet despair.

"Out of the question." Henderson was very positive. "Like all very rich men, Lord Worth is a born loner. He wouldn't have a combined partnership with the King of Saudi Arabia and the Shah of Iran, even if it were offered him free."

In the gloom of baffled and exhausted silence thoroughly bored and hitherto near-wordless, John Cronkite rose.

He said without preamble: "My personal fee will be one million dollars. I will require ten million dollars for operating expenses. Every cent of this will be accounted for and any unspent balance returned. I demand a completely free hand and no interference from any of you. If I do encounter interference I'll retain the balance of the expenses and abandon the mission. I refuse to disclose what my plans are – or will be when I have made them. Finally, I would prefer to have no further contact with any of you, now or at any time."

The assurance and confidence of the man were astonishing. Agreement among the mightily relieved ten was immediate and total. The ten million dollars – a trifling sum to those accustomed to spending as much in bribes every month or so – would be delivered within twenty-four – at the most, forty-eight – hours to a Cuban numbered account in Miami, the only place in the United States where Swiss-type numbered accounts were permitted. For tax-evasion purposes, the money of course would not come from any of their respective countries: instead, ironically enough, from their bulging offshore funds.