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When the Seawitch blew up, dead on schedule, it did so with a spectacular effect that would have satisfied even the most ghoulish. There was even a miniature mushroom cloud such as the public had become accustomed to in the photographs of detonating atom bombs. Seventeen seconds later, those on the Roamer heard the thunderclap of sound, and shortly afterward a series of miniature but harmless tidal waves rocked but did not unduly disturb the Roamer.

After Mitchell had told Conde to broadcast the news to all aircraft and shipping, he turned to find a stony-faced Marina confronting him.

"Well, you've lost Daddy his Seawitch. I do hope you're satisfied with yourself."

"My, my, how bitter we are. Yes, it's a satisfactory job, even if I have to say it myself: obviously nobody else is going to."

"Why? Why? Why?"

"Every man who died there was a murderer, some of them mass murderers. They might have got away to countries with no extradition treaties with us. Even if they were caught, their cases might have dragged on for years. It would have been very difficult to get proof. And, of course, parole after a few years. This way, we know they'll never kill again."

"And it was worth it to destroy Daddy's pride and joy?"

"Listen, stupid. My father-in-law-to-be is – "

"That he'll never be." She was glaring at him.

"So okay. The old pirate is almost as big a crook as any of them. He associated with and hired for lethal purposes known criminals. He broke into two federal arsenals and mounted the equipment on the Seawitch. If the Seawitch had survived, federal investigators would have been aboard in an hour or so. He'd have got at least fifteen to twenty years hi prison, and he'd probably have died in prison." Now her eyes were wide, with fear and understanding. "But now every last bit of evidence is at the bottom of the Gulf. Nothing can ever be traced against him."

"That's really why you vaporized the Sea-witch?"

He eyed her affectionately. "Why should I admit anything to an ex-fiancee?"

"Mrs. Michael Mitchell." She mused. "I suppose I could go through life with a worse name."