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By this time Conde, aboard the Roomer, had arrived at the S&awitch, and the big derrick crane aboard the platform was unloading the heavy weaponry and mines from the Louisiana arsenal It was a slow and difficult task, for the tip of the derrick boom was two hundred feet above sea level and, in all, the transfer was to take about three hours. As each dual-purpose antiaircraft gun came aboard Larsen selected its site and supervised Palermo and some of his men in securing it in position: this was done by drilling holes in the concrete platform, then anchoring the gun-carriage base with sledgehammer-driven steel spikes. The guns were supposed to be re-coilless, but then neither Larsen nor Palermo was much given to taking chances.

The depth charges, when they came, were stacked together in three groups, each halfway between the three apexes of the triangle. That there was an inherent risk in this Larsen was well aware: a stray bullet or shell – or perhaps not so stray – could well trigger the detonating mechanism of one of the depth charges, which would inevitably send up the other charges in sympathetic detonation. But it was a risk that had to be taken if for no other reason than the fact there was no other place where they could be stored ready for immediate use. And when and if the time came for their use the need would be immediate.

The drilling crew watched Palermo and his men at work, their expressions ranging from disinterest to approval. Neither group of men spoke to the other. Larsen was no great believer in fraternization.

Things were going well. The defensive system was being steadily installed. The Christmas tree, the peculiar name given to the valve which controlled the flow of oil from the already tapped reservoir, was wide open and oil was being steadily pumped to the huge storage tank while the derrick drill, set at its widest angle, was driving even deeper into the substratum of the ocean floor, seeking to discover as yet untapped oil deposits. All was going well, there were no overt signs of attack or preparation for attack from air or sea, but Larsen was not as happy as he might have been, even despite the fact that they were still receiving the half-hour regular "on course, on time" reports from the ^prbello.

He was unhappy partly because of the non-existence of the Tiburon. He had recently learned from Galveston that there was no vessel listed in naval or coast guard registries under the name Tiburon. He had then asked that they check civilian registrations and had been told that this was a forlorn hope. It would take many hours, perhaps days, to carry out this type of investigation, and private vessels, unless fully insured, would show up neither in official registries nor in those of the major marine-insurance companies. There was no law which said they had to be insured, and the owners of the older and more decrepit craft didn't even bother to insure: there are such things as tax write-offs.

Larsen was not to know that his quest was a hopeless one. When Mulhooney had first taken over the Tiburon it had been called the Ham-mond, which he had thoughtfully had painted out and replaced by the name Tiburon on the way to Galveston. Since Cronkite had since replaced that by the name Georgia, both the Ham-mond and the Tiburon had ceased to exist.

But what concerned Larsen even more was his conviction that something was far wrong. He was unable to put a finger on what this might be. He was essentially a pragmatist of the first order, but he was also a man who relied heavily on instinct and intuition. He was a man occasionally given to powerful premonitions, and more often than not those premonitions had turned into reality. And so when the loudspeaker boomed "Commander Larsen to the radio cabin, Commander Larsen to the radio cabin," he was possessed of an immediate certainty that the hour of his premonition had come.

He walked leisurely enough toward the radio cabin, partly because it would never do for Commander Larsen to be seen hurrying anxiously anywhere, partly because he was in no great hurry to hear the bad news he was convinced he was about to hear. He told the radio operator that he would like to take this call privately, waited until the man had left and closed the door behind him, then picked up the telephone.

"Commander Larsen."

"Mitchell. I promised I'd call."

"Thanks. Heard from Lord Worth? He said he'd keep in touch, but no word."

"No wonder. His daughters have been kidnaped."

Larsen said nothing immediately. Judging from the ivoried knuckles, the telephone hand-piece seemed in danger of being crushed. Although caring basically only for tirmself, he had formed an avuncular attachment toward Lord Worth's daughters, but even that was unimportant compared to the implications the kidnaping held for the welfare of the Seawitch. When he did speak it was in a steady, controlled voice.

"When did this happen?"

"This morning. And no trace of them. We've blocked every escape route in the southern part of the state. And there is no report from any port or airport of any unusual departure since the time of the kidnaping."

"Vanished into thin air?"

"Vanished, anyway. But not into thin air, we think. Terra firma, more likely. We think they've gone to earth, and are holed up not far away. But it's only a euess."

"No communication, no demands, from the kidnapers?"

"None. That's what makes it all so odd."

"You think this is a ransom kidnap?"


"The Seawitch.”


"Do you know why Lord Worth went to Washington?"

"No. I'd like to."

"To demand naval protection. Early this morning a Russian destroyer and a Cuban submarine left Havana, while another destroyer left Venezuela. They are on converging courses. The point of convergence would appear to be the Seawitch."

There was a silence, then Mitchell said: "This is for sure?"

"Yes. Well, Lord Worth's cup of woes would seem to be fairly full. The only consolation is that nothing much else can happen to him after this. Please keep me informed."

In Lord Worth's radio room both Mitchell and Roomer hung up their phones.

Mitchell briefly indulged in some improper language. "God, I never thought his enemies would go to this length."

Roomer said: "Neither did I. I'm not sure that I even think so now."

"You mean Uncle Sam's not going to let any foreign naval powers play games in our own backyard?"

"Something like that. I don't think the Soviets would go so far as to risk a confrontation. Could be a bluff, a diversionary move. Maybe the real attack is coming from elsewhere."

"Maybe anything. Could be a double blwff. One thing's sure: Larsen's right in saying that Lord Worth's cup of woes is fairly full. In fact, I'd say it was running over."

"Looks that way," Roomer said absently. His thoughts were clearly elsewhere.

Mitchell said: "Don't tell me you're in the throes of intuition again?"

"I'm not sure. When you were talking to Larsen just now you mentioned 'terra firma.' Firm land, dry land. What if it weren't dry land? What if it were Unfirm land?"

Mitchell waited patiently.

Roomer said: "If you wanted to hole up, really get lost hi Florida, where would you go?"

Mitchell hardly had to think. "You're right! Unfirm laud, infirm land, whatever you want to call it. The Everglades, of course. Where else?"

"Man could hide out for a month there, and a battalion of troops couldn't find him. Which explains why the cops have been unable to find the station wagon." Between them, MacPherson and Jenkins had been able to give a fairly accurate description of the kidnapers' wagon. "They've been checking the highways and byways. I'll bet they never even thought of checking the roads into the swamps."

"Did we?"

"Right. We blew it. There are dozens of those roads into the glades, but most of them are very short and right away you reach a point where a wheeled vehicle can't go any further. A few dozen police cars could comb the nearest swamps in an hour."