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(«Yes. It is a friend doing the magic, not an enemy as I thought. Stay away from me, Crystal. You might be caught in the magic. Stay here, be happy.»)

(«I will, I will.») She wanted to cry but was fighting it back.

(«Good girl. «)

She will do damned well as the first female Guardian of the Uchendi, was Blade's last thought in the Dimension of the warriors of Latan.

Chapter 28

Lord Leighton sat at his desk and contemplated the laboratory reports on Blade's trip to Latan. He also contemplated the complexity of the Universe. At times it seemed as if that complexity altogether exceeded the bounds of reason. This was one of those times.

Leighton knew there was no real reason why the Universe should be so regulated as to be comprehensible to him or to anyone else. He did not really have the right, as a mere human, to feel a sense of personal grievance against those in charge of arranging such matters.

Nonetheless, he did. He also felt more than a little frightened. What Blade had brought back from the last trip was throwing far too many questions about time, space, and Dimension X into the melting pot. Leighton felt as if he were sliding down an ice-coated hillside on a black night with the wind howling about him and strange shapes lurking in the darkness just out of range of clear vision.

He would have felt still worse if it hadn't been for three things.

One was Blade's and Cheeky's safe return. They were now at Blade's country house, supposedly relaxing, but Leighton figured Blade had probably recommenced on the remodeling of the old house already. Blade couldn't sit idle for long.

The second good thing was the gun Blade had brought back from Latan. J's weapon experts had studied the submachine gun and confirmed what the markings indicated: that the UZI was from Englor. That meant that someone else-and someone who was not an enemy-was capable of Dimension X travel. Just how capable they were was something Leighton might not ever learn, but if he did, it might just be possible that England and its inter-Dimensional counterpart-Englor-would be able to pool their knowledge and capabilities.

Leighton picked up the UZI and pulled the trigger. The only sound was an empty click. The weapons experts had said that the gun was beyond repair. But Crystal had fired a round. Had the woman really made the gun function with only her mind?

«Telekinesis…» Leighton murmured to himself and shook his head. «Perhaps it can also move a person the way it can move an object…» Well, enough of this speculation, Leighton thought. There would be time to consider telekinesis later.

Now Leighton scanned the laboratory report on the kerush seed. This was the third good thing that had resulted from this trip to Dimension X. The report said that the key ingredient of the kerush could be synthesized without too much trouble. Not without much expense, however, because the processes were costly, but they were well proven for many years in the pharmaceutical industry.

In a few months they could have enough kerush for years of experiments in telepathy. Should they go ahead?

Should rain fall down?

The more difficult question was where to begin. They would need both Blade and Cheeky for these experiments, which would attempt to find others with telepathic capabilities. They would hope to find someone who could link up with Blade and/or Cheeky in such a way that he or she would be able to go to Dimension X also.

Whatever the case, the kerush seemed to be the key to telepathy, and telepathy might still be the key to regular travel into Dimension X.

Leighton activated the terminal on his desk and punched in the call for a readout on certain key items of equipment they'd need to produce the kerush, as well as the cost of doing so. He'd want to be briefed with all the vital statistics before he sat down to persuade the Prime Minister to release more money from the Secret Fund.