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Meanwhile, the Uchendi warriors were running down the hillside toward Blade and Crystal, laughing and shouting their war cries. They ran up to Blade, each boasting about his skill in finding a hiding place. Several of the archers got into a lively argument over whether they should have been the one to shoot the arrow, and if they had whether they would have done better than Friend of Lions. They all expected Blade to praise them. He would have been perfectly happy to do so if he'd been able to get a word in!

Blade waited until the warriors started running out of breath and Winter Owl came down the bank. Then he said, «You have learned well what you must know, it seems to me. «

«It was Winter Owl's doing more than any others,» said Friend of Lions. «He said that we should learn to shoot from hiding and far away, so the poison would have time to work in the shpugas. A dying shpuga is as deadly as an unhurt one. The only shpuga it is safe to have close to you is a dead one.»

«Even better, a rotten one,» said someone.

«Well, they will all be rotting soon enough,» said Winter Owl. «And we will put their heads on the Guardian's grave, so his Spirit will know that we have finished his work.»

That got a chorus of agreement. Obviously Friend of Lions and Winter Owl were now getting along famously. While the warriors started talking again, Blade unslung his pack and opened it. As they saw what he was doing, the warriors seemed to realize what was coming. One by one they fell silent. By the time Blade raised the Idol over his head, the silence was like a graveyard's.

It lasted a long time. Even Eye of Crystal got down on her knees and closed her eyes, although she'd seen the Idol morning, noon, and night since they left the cave. She wasn't the only one closing her eyes, either. Half the warriors seemed to be afraid that if they looked at the Idol it would vanish. Were they dreaming or was Blade doing some magic to make them believe that they saw what was not there?

Winter Owl kept his eyes open, and it was finally his voice that broke the silence. «Rise up and look, Uchendi. It is the Idol returned.»

Then everyone was cheering and shouting, crowding around Blade and Eye of Crystal, almost ready to lift them up and carry them around. Cheeky was scared half out of his wits; he yeeeped frantically and burrowed out of sight in Blade's pack. Between the heads of the warriors Blade saw Crystal laughing and kissing every warrior who offered himself. For the first time since her father's death, Blade no longer saw his ghost in her eyes.

This was a victory, his first real one in this Dimension. But it was only one victory. They still had to win the war.

Teindo idly stroked Ellspa's bare thigh. It and the rest of her glistened in the firelight with love sweat. Teindo himself felt his hair matted and damp from their exertions. It had been some time since he was with a woman so eager and so young.

However, his wits were not tired. Even if they had been, he would still have spoken out. To do otherwise would be to betray the warriors of the Rutari. There had been enough betrayal already, without his adding more.

«Is it still your command that we ride at once into the south, to seek the Idol?»

Ellspa sat up. Although she still looked splendid, she was clearly angry.

«Did you think that bedding me would make me change my mind? I did not worship a man's weapon even when I was an unbroached girl. Now I am the Wise One of the Rutari. «

«Between us you are. The lawful rites have not taken place. And who knows what other rites may be needed, with the Wise One dying as she did?»

«And how long will all of these rites take?»

«I am not-«

«Teindo, you are not an adept in the kerush-magor. Therefore how can you know anything of these matters?»

«Perhaps I cannot. But you cannot be the Wise One simply by saying so.»

«Then let the war against the Uchendi begin without our having a Wise One. I shall go and do what I can, and we will think of rites when the Idol is returned.»

Teindo closed his eyes. The idea appalled him. Ellspa slapped him across the cheek, lightly, to get his attention, but in a way that told him clearly she was in a rage and not to be trifled with.

«Teindo, what purpose would there be in war, if the lawless have time to hide the Idol or even destroy it?»

«We do not know what new war-magic the Englishman Blade may have taught them. The Idol will not save our warriors if they cannot face his magic.»

«You think a warrior of the English has greater power than the Idol?»

«The Idol allowed him to take it back to the Uchendi, Ellspa. That is not a message I would ignore.»

«It proves nothing. Also, consider that Blade will need time to work his magic. If we ride now, we may come upon the Uchendi before they are ready for battle. If we wait as you wish, the Uchendi may make themselves too strong even for you and your warriors.»

The attempted flattery did not impress Teindo. «Perhaps. And perhaps not. To charge like a bull shpuga in the mating season, that is not worthy of the warriors of the Rutari. «

«You fear the lawless ones, it seems to me. Has your courage deserted you? Is the only weapon you can still use the one between your-«

He slapped her. Hard, much harder than she'd slapped him. She rocked on her haunches but did not fall over or make any effort to stop him with her mind, although she could probably have done so. She merely glared at him and spoke with anger crackling in her voice.

«Go on. Strike me, beat me, kill me. And then the Rutari will learn of what you did and kill you. There will be no one to lead them, the Uchendi will learn of this, and no English magic will be needed to destroy us. Follow your anger where it leads you, Teindo. Follow it and destroy your people.»

For those words Teindo wanted to strangle Ellspa slowly. He also knew that she was telling the truth. He was certain that she wanted an immediate war against the Uchendi because she felt betrayed by Blade, not because she'd thought out the wisdom of the matter. He was certain that his own fears of a trap were justified.

He was also certain that he and Ellspa had to agree in the sight of the tribe. The Rutari were in too much danger to permit quarrels among their leaders. Perhaps she would think again if there was bad luck in the war.

And perhaps the River of Life will flow straight up into the sky and water the Gardens of the Moon.

He sighed. «Ellspa, it will be as you wish. I ask only one thing, that we take only riders and shpugas. No one on foot. And we take no prisoners. Those Who Went Before must ask for some other offering until we have the Idol safe home again.»

«I do not question any of this,» said Ellspa. «Forgive me, that I doubted your manhood or wisdom.» Her eyes glowed with the anticipation of victory as she came into his arms.