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In his mind Isak held the spirit of Aryn Bwr, but gently now; the time for force was over. There was no way for the elf to wield power over him any more.

What have you done? Isak felt the elf's voice in his mind, soft and pained, but tinged with fear.

I've survived; just like you've taught me to every day of my life.

What will you do with me? Aryn Bwr knew he was closer than at any other time to the final retribution of Ghenna's deepest pit.

I'm not going to kill you, if that's what you mean. I think I can find a better use for you. If the Land looks to me to be the Saviour, then I think I'll need your brain.

You were never meant to be Saviour-

I know, Isak interrupted with a smile. 'In silver light born, in silver light clothed.' That was never intended to be me; that was your rebirth tonight. Except now it's not going to happen. All things have their time; remember that, my chained dragon. Your time has passed.

You've broken history. Destiny had you die this night. Do you realise what that means?

Isak stretched and felt a cool breath of air drift past his face. He could feel himself returning to the temple inside the trees, to the life that was at long last his own.

It means we make our own future now. It means no prophecy fits what is going to happen. All we have is ourselves.

He smiled. The Land awaited him.