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It was a quotation every Farlan knew, and it came from the legends before the Great War. King Emin saw the Ghost beside him mouth the words of a prayer, then he turned to gain a last glimpse of Commander Brandt, struggling hopelessly against two attackers. Then the burning white light was all he could see, pierced only by the screams of the dying and the very earth itself trembling.


'And so it begins.' His thoughts stirred lazily, as if moving against the heavy current of a river.

'What do you mean?'

The banished have returned. Soon you will command an army of the Devoted. Prophecies are stirring and you're at their heart.'

‘I’ve never wanted this.'

'What do you want? Can you fight what must come to pass?'

'1 don't know, but 1 don't want a war that could tear the Land apart. If the prophecies of this Age are colliding, who knows what destruction could result?'

'Sometimes peace can only come about through war. You cannot sit and do nothing when others strive to conquer and destroy.'

‘That's not the same as being the Saviour people expect.'

The life I am trapped in is one of premonitions and possibilities. I can sense some of your future because it's a future 1 will share. Dark clouds are gathering, forces you cannot control. I've seen you dead while a horror takes your place and leaves you mindless; living like an animal; cast into the Dark Place while the Land goes to ruin.'

'So what can I do? Let the Devoted pledge themselves to me when I meet them in Llehden?'

'Llehden? Who suggested meeting there? It's a place of great power; I can't imagine the Devoted being welcome there. They must be des-perate to keep the meeting secret. When you go there, you will meet the witch of Llehden. She may be able to help you.'

'What help could some village crone give me?'

The Land is slipping out of balance, driven by power used without thought given to the consequences. The witch draws her power from the Land itself, where there must be balance in all things. I believe she will not stand aside and allow that to be destroyed, and that she

will recognise your own need for balance. I sense she will show you a path through darkness.'

The darkness brightened. Isak felt his limbs, tired and aching, and his eyes caked with tears. Wakefulness insinuated itself, sharp and insistent, though he longed to sink back into the sanctuary of sleep. He felt a bed beneath him, damp and clammy after the cool cradle of empty air. The buzz of conversation stung at his ears before calming into words, and voices he recognised. Slowly, he returned to the Land and its cares.

'We should let him sleep.'

'He needs to be up, so people can see him.'

'How did he survive?'

'How do you think? His first hours as Lord of the Parian – Nartis could hardly fail to watch over him, especially during a storm. What I want to know is how he did what he did. It wasn't just using his magic to create lightning, he actually called the storm on to him. It scared the shit out of the king's mages, and then-'

'But what about his arm?'

That I can't explain. Reckon we'll need a mage or maybe a priest to explain that.'

Isak suddenly gasped for air, as though surfacing from water. The people around his bed jumped back in surprise – he'd been as still as a corpse. Now his heaving gulps of breath sounded like a return to life. Looking up, Isak focused on the roof above. He was in the palace, some corner of a lavishly decorated hall. With an effort he brought his mind into focus: was this the Queen's Hall? It wasn't the main audience chamber; it was a smaller and more elegant room.

'How do you feel?'

Isak had to suppress a laugh at Tila's question. He had not taken stock of his injuries yet, but he did know every bone and muscle in his body hurt. Lifting his head from whatever was supporting it caused a sharp spasm of pain to drive deep behind his eyes and his vision wavered and blurred.

When he opened his eyes again, Tila and Mihn were kneeling at his side, hands on his chest and forehead to keep him still.

'Careful,' Tila warned him softly. The wall collapsed under you; you fell quite a way.'

'What happened?' Isak croaked.

'What happened?' Carel repeated behind her. Isak forced his eyes to focus on his old friend. He saw a battered and weary face, bruised and still bleeding a little down the left-hand side. His arm was in a sling, wrapped in grubby bandages. 'Don't you remember bringing down the wrath of the Gods on those soldiers?'

'1- No, I remember flashes. That's all.'

'Flashes is all there were, boy!' A glint appeared in Carel's eye. 'A whole damn lot of them, more lightning than nature ever cast down in one place. We still don't know how many you killed, but it was hundreds. They had crammed near every man they had into the breach. You had your shield in the air and it attracted the lightning, then channelled it down on to them.'

Isak could feel a dull throb in his hand, but it was mild compared to how the rest of his body felt. He carefully lifted his shield arm – and fought back a scream. To his absolute horror his left arm had changed completely: it felt the same: same size, and weight, but instead of his usual healthy colour it glowed an unearthly white, shining in the bright morning sunlight. The skin was perfectly smooth, and unbroken by even the slightest scratch. It looked as if every drop of blood, every hint of colour, had been leached from his arm. Panicking, he raised his other hand, but that looked normal, although grazed and bruised after the battle.

'It's only the left one,' Tila said softly, soothingly, but her expression betrayed her alarm.

'How far up does it go?' He tried to twist his head sideways to get a better look, but the effort made him wince in pain and he let his head slump back on the pillows.

'Just beyond the shoulder,' Mihn said, appearing behind Tila. 'It ends abruptly – it looks like you've dipped your arm in paint.' He betrayed no emotion now. Isak remembered seeing him fighting on the wall, wielding only his staff. Mihn had surpassed even the men of the Brotherhood for agility and speed. He'd not been hurt, avoiding even the smallest cut, though his tears had flowed freely. He'd vowed never again to use a sword after he failed to become a Harlequin, but he had broken that vow to help rescue Isak from the White Circle; that was one more shame he felt on his soul.

Dipped in paint: that was an accurate description, Isak thought: the bit he could see wasn't translucent, not drained of colour at all, just purely white. He remembered how the lightning had curled lovingly

around his arm, its burning bright light first warming his skin, then seeping down to the very bone. Now he looked closer, he could see the fine hairs, and two moles on his forearm, still there, but snow-coloured. Although he healed exceptionally fast and almost inhumanly well, he had one scar, from when he'd fallen from a tree and nearly lost his arm: now that was barely visible. Isak stared at it in fascination. Blue veins were just visible under the skin. His arm wasn't damaged, just touched by the divine.

He reached for Eolis, lying at his side, and touched the edge of the blade against his forearm. Despite the battle it was as sharp as ever: he watched, mesmerised, as a trickle of scarlet edged its way down his arm. The contrast against his skin was shocking.

'If you've quite finished?' Tila sound exasperated. 'I've just bandaged every wretched cut on your body and you want to make more? Don't mind me, will you.'

Isak looked up at the girl, grinning wider as a reluctant smile crossed her own lips. Her once-elegant green silk dress was now torn and stained with blood, and frayed at the edges where she'd ripped off the flounces for bandages and run a knife from thigh to calf to free her legs enough to move properly.