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'That was hardly… Droon spoke up, about to object to the fact that the damage to the Rosetta had been self-inflicted, and that done to the Oceanid had been caused in no small part by the weapons of the Mundus Chasmata Primary Orbital.

'Your fault? Lucian growled. 'It was "hardly your fault" that you conspired with xenos to reject the just rule of the Adeptus Terra? It was "hardly your fault" that you did so entirely to setde an ancient grudge with a neighbour with whom you should have been cooperating in harmony?

'What, then, are your terms? Droon replied.

'Glad you asked. Lucian grinned, handing a data-slate to a nearby page, who carried it across to Droon.

Droon read the slate, his eyes widening as he took in the enormity of the figures listed there. The Imperial Commander swallowed, hard, before handing the slate back to the page. 'And if I cannot settle on these terms?

'Well, my dear commander, there are a number of reasons why I really think that you will. For one, my astropath has been monitoring the declarations of independence issued by every world in this region. You have been fooled, Droon: the tau were not fighting for your cause — they were fighting to stir the likes of you to rebellion. I can guarantee you that every other Imperial Commander on every other world in the Timbra Subsector and beyond has been approached, in one way or another, by these aliens' agents. Evidently, most have fallen to the temptations offered to them. In Luneberg's case it was exotic goods — his world was crawling with them — and weapons with which to equip his vessels. In your case it was mercenary service'

'My astropath has picked up a new voice' Lucian continued. 'The Imperium, Droon, has already heard of the situation out here' He paused, allowing that to sink in, gratified that Droon's entire court had fallen to absolute silence. 'On my word, he can inform the very highest of authorities of the part you had to play in all this. You know what will happen then, Droon?

When Droon did not reply, Lucian went on. 'If you are lucky, a Guard army of occupation will arrive and you will be executed quickly. If you are unlucky, it might be the Astartes. They don't do occupation Droon, they go straight to the head and cut it off. It might even be the Inquisition. If it's them, you will not be executed quickly. They will execute very slowly, and very painfully'

'Very well, Lucian Gerrit' replied Imperial Commander Zachary Droon. 'I will have my factors draw the necessary bonds'

Lucian suppressed a grin, clapping his son's shoulder, and catching the wry glance cast his way by his daughter. Following her manoeuvre: the manoeuvre that had allowed the tau fleet to escape, he had threatened to ship her off to take control of a grox-lard processing plant on Chogoris in which he owned a controlling interest. I still might, he thought.

The Arcadius had emerged triumphant, and the price he had exacted upon Droon for his not turning the Imperial Commander over to the first Imperial Navy warship he encountered would go a very long way to restoring their fortunes. Yes, Lucian thought, the Arcadius are back.

The Rosetta, restored to a semblance of running order, to the Oceanid's port and the Fairlight to her starboard, Lucian stood upon the bridge of his vessel. He had been about to issue the order to make warp, when his astropath, Master Karisan, had rushed onto the bridge, breathless, and interrupted him.

'Speak, Karisan. Lucian ordered distractedly, 'but make it fast and get back to your quarters. We make warp any moment'

The astropath stood before Lucian, blocking the forward viewing port. The old man fidgeted and wrung his hands, a motion that instantly irritated Lucian.

'Report, man' Lucian barked.

Well, it's this… Karisan cleared his throat before continuing. 'Not only has every world for twenty light years announced its secession from the Imperium of Man' Karisan said, evidently catching his wind, and barely able to contain himself. 'Almost every such world has announced its joining of a new… he paused.


'Go on' The astropath now had Lucian's complete, undivided attention.

The forces of these aliens are even now flooding the entire region — everywhere to the galactic east of the Damocles Gulf. The secessionists are announcing, to all who will hear them, their joining of this alien empire: this tau empire'

'But' Karisan continued before Lucian could interrupt, 'but, I have been monitoring the distant voices of the Imperium'

'What of them? Lucian asked, sensing that life in the Timbra subsector was about to get very interesting indeed.

'A crusade! The astropath's voice cracked as he yelped with something resembling religious ecstasy. Lucian had never before seen the old man so animated.

'A crusade is being preached even now my master. Cardinal Gurney preaches war against the tau. He denounces their lies and already, others have pledged aid or service to him'

'Who? Lucian's mind raced as he considered the possibilities unfolding before him. 'Who pledges aid to this Gurney against the tau?

'Why' replied Karisan, 'the fleet, of course, and Brimlock musters even now. Five regiments and more'

'Five regiments of Guard have no hope of-

'Not just them' Karisan interrupted. Lucian let him continue. 'Inquisitor Grand of the Ordo Xenos! The Astartes! The Iron Hands! The Emperor's Scythes. Even' and here the astropath leaned towards Lucian, 'the White Scars'

Lucian leaned back in his command throne, feeling an exhilaration that he had not experienced for many years wash over him. Thoughts of the tales of old Abad and the others came to him, tales of his ancestors penetrating the outer dark at the head of vast, all-conquering fleets, Navy, Guard and Marines rallied to their Emperor-given banner.

Here, now, he, Lucian Gerrit of the Arcadius found himself uniquely placed to make such a thing a reality once more. This preacher, this Cardinal Gurney might prove troublesome, but Lucian could scarcely believe his luck that a contingent of the White Scars Chapter was present. The White Scars, those savage sons of Chogoris, who called the very same world home, as had Bridle's mother, and he was not without contacts there still.

'Master? Helmsman Raldi turned towards Lucian, his hand still gripped upon the Oceanid's tiller. 'Are we to make way?

'What? Lucian's attention was brought back to the here and the now. He looked to his helmsman, before addressing the whole bridge. 'Belay my previous order. We are not to return to the west'

'Your orders then, my lord? Raldi asked. Lucian saw the glint in his eye.

'East' He glanced at a star map, taking in those systems that Karisan had indicated were now in the sway of the alien tau. He picked one.


As the bridge crew went about the business of enacting their new orders, Lucian smiled to himself. Perhaps the Arcadius would stay around for a while. It looked to him as if the Damocles Gulf was about to become a very interesting, and very profitable, place for a man such as he.