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The door to Droon's audience chamber swung open, and Korvane stepped through into the cavernous space carved into the mountainside. The chamber thronged with courtiers and the setting sun, visible through the open cave mouth, cast the scene in a deep, jade light.

'Ah! Korvane, step forward and meet our new associates!

The head of every courtier in the chamber turned towards Korvane. Droon addressed him from his throne at the cave mouth, and beside him stood the tall alien who had led the procession from the xenos vessels. The alien took a step forwards, and paused before Korvane.

The figure was slightly taller than an average man, his spindly arms and legs engulfed in the flowing robes of shimmering, silver fabric. His face was visible beneath a wide, flat hat, and that face was without a nose and dominated by black, almond shaped eyes. The skin was a pale, bluish grey, and the mouth wide, flat and expressionless. Korvane noted a vertical slit in the centre of the forehead, only barely discernible beneath the wide hat — an olfactory organ perhaps, or something more exotic, thought Korvane.

The figure stood before Korvane and made a slight bow. Korvane's courtly upbringing told him instantly that here was a being skilled in the political arts. This was no commander of mercenaries, thought Korvane, but some manner of ambassador or diplomat. This might be an alien, but some things varied little between races.

'I present' Droon announced, 'Korvane Gerrit of the Arcadius, trader and master of the Arcadius fleet.

Korvane remained silent, aware of his part in the unfolding ceremony. Droon had introduced Korvane to the alien, in all likelihood indicating that the Imperial Commander at least considered the alien of higher rank than Korvane. He would let that slide, for now at least.

Then, his voice booming with evident pride, Droon introduced the alien, 'Por'o'Sar, envoy of the tau.

Korvane dipped his head in greeting, waiting to see whether the alien would address him directly, or whether Droon would speak on his behalf.

'Master Gerrit. the alien said in flawless, smooth High Gothic, surprising Korvane with the clarity of his speech. 'I am honoured to meet you. Lord Droon tells me you are a trader of some means. I hope we can make our relationship profitable to all'

With practiced ease, Korvane covered his surprise that the alien spoke the High Gothic tongue so perfectly, replying, 'That is so, and I share your hope'

'Good! Droon clapped his hands once and stood from his throne, descending the steps to stand beside Korvane and the alien. 'I believe then, we can all go into this venture boldly, with common purpose.

'Indeed' replied the alien. 'The forces of the tau stand beside you, ready to aid you in casting off the shackles of oppression. You agree to the price for our aid?

Korvane felt a sudden dread at the alien's tone, and looked to Droon as the Imperial Commander gave his answer. 'I agree to your price, Por'o'Sar.

Korvane felt the urge to interrupt, to demand to know what Droon had agreed to pay in return for the services of these aliens. His courtly training asserted itself however, and he maintained his outward calm, despite the rising doubts he felt within.

'Good. the alien said. 'Then I, Por'o'Sar, Envoy of the Council of the Highest, Nexus of the Third Sun, Voice of Kari'La, pledge to you, Droon, of Arris Epsilon, called Epsil'ye'Kal, the friendship and alliance of the tau, in this time of adversity' The alien produced from his voluminous robes a pendant, a round icon of a substance unfamiliar to Korvane. Droon lowered his head as the envoy lifted the pendant over it.

'And by your words and your deeds, do you pledge your world and your people, for now and for all time, to the service of the tau empire?

The court filled with a deafening silence. Korvane fought to remain outwardly unmoved, despite the fact that grand treason was unfolding before him, the likes of which he had never before witnessed. He realised that he too was right at the heart of it, his immediate future, as well as that of the Arcadius, entirely reliant on what occurred here, today.

'I do so pledge' replied Droon, the alien lowering the pendant over his head. The former Imperial Commander raised his head once more and looked around him, the expression in his eyes suggesting that he was viewing his court and his subjects with entirely new eyes.

He looked directly at Korvane. 'Today, history is written. No longer will Arris Epsilon — Epsil'ye'Kal' the alien nodded slowly, 'live as some long-forgotten orphan, at the mercy of a hostile universe and an uncaring Imperium. No. This day, we take our place alongside our friends the tau, with whose aid we shall settle our debt of honour with Mundus Chasmata, for all time'

Mercenaries indeed, thought Korvane, the price for whose service was the casting off of ten thousand-year old vows. Droon had bought the service of the tau at a terrible, unthinkable price: secession from the Imperium of Man. The Imperium would hear of this, Korvane knew, no matter that it might take years for retribution to come. Come it would, of that he was sure, for the wages of such treachery could only ever be death.

However, that might not occur for some time, Korvane realised, so what of the here and the now? His agreement with Droon still stood, despite the fact that Droon himself had changed loyalties. Can I really aid this man and his xenos allies… masters… in his attack on Mundus Chasmata? he wondered. Can I afford not to?

The brief ceremony complete, Droon and the alien envoy now turned towards him as one, the Imperial Commander addressing him. 'Korvane, you will join us, and pledge the service of the Arcadius to the' he looked to the alien, and then back at Korvane, 'to the greater good?

Damn them, thought Korvane. They don't just want my help in the attack on Chasmata. They want me to revoke my loyalty to the Imperium.


'All stop! Lucian ordered, his bridge a hive of activity as servitors responded to orders and human bridge crew relayed them to the other decks.

'All stop, aye. called back Helmsman Raldi, 'holding station at one, one ten.

'Well enough, helm. responded Lucian, leaning forwards in his command throne. 'I want total surprise, or so help me I'll void every last one of you out of the sub-space crap-per. Clear?

Those of the deck crew capable of comprehending Lucian's threat nodded, Lucian heartened to see the terror writ across their faces. Good, he thought. I mean it, too.

Lucian studied the holograph, a green glow against the red of general quarters. The Oceanid had shadowed the alien vessels as they closed on Arris Epsilon, Lucian ordering the distance kept to a maximum lest their prey detect their presence. He now watched as they disgorged a number of landers to the surface. He had been faced with a stark choice, although there was only a single possible course of action. While Brielle was evidently yet to arrive in system, Korvane was down mere now, he knew, stuck in the middle of an alien invasion. Well, he wasn't prepared to let these alien swine take an Imperial world from under his nose, not while one of his own was down there at least.

'One hundred kilometres. called the helmsman.

Lucian leaned forwards still more, intent upon the formation of the alien vessels. He looked for any sign that they might have detected the Oceanid's presence, any sign at all that he might have revealed his hand too soon.

Still, the alien vessels wallowed in orbit, more interested, Lucian guessed, in what was going on down below than what was coming at them from behind. He'd never fall for such a trick, Lucian thought, not since that privateer attack at Krysla VII, at least.