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'What? Yes, the gardens. Please, do follow me my dear Lucian.

Lucian watched Luneberg's back for a moment as the Imperial Commander walked off towards a portal at the far end of the trophy-strewn chamber. He shook his head, the realisation that Luneberg was not entirely stable beginning to settle there. Pushing the notion aside, he followed after.

'Do tell me. Luneberg asked Lucian as they stepped out into the royal gardens, 'about the Arcadius dynasty'

Lucian looked around him while gathering his thoughts. The royal gardens were not as he would have expected. Instead of the meticulously maintained flora appropriate to the setting, the gardens were overgrown and untended. Twisting, alien weeds pushed their way through cracks in marble paving, and creepers sporting wickedly sharp thorns writhed across the path, around fine statuary, choking the remaining life from ornamental trees. The sun had long since set, but small lumens bobbed along the path a few steps ahead of Luneberg, ensuring that his way was always lit. The overall impression was one of neglect and decay, far from the impression a man such as Luneberg would ordinarily seek to give a visitor.

'Where to start. Lucian said, buying himself time. 'We are but one dynasty amongst many granted a Charter of Trade to exploit and to expand the frontiers of the Emperor's domains. We have done so for many centuries, not without success'

'Oh come now' replied Luneberg, not turning his head as he walked slowly along the dark, overgrown path. 'Such false modesty is unbecoming. Tell me of the world in which you live'

As had Trevelyan-Constance before him, Luneberg appeared now to be seeking information regarding the wider Imperium, of the vast galaxy beyond the borders of his own small fiefdom.

'The world in which I live? said Lucian, following Luneberg's lead in not taking his attention from the path ahead. 'My world is one of contrasts. A rogue trader moves in many circles, from the very highest, to the very lowest' At present, he felt himself moving in one of the latter, but refrained from imbuing his words with such a notion, so as not to cause Luneberg undue insult.

Luneberg nodded, clearly of the opinion that his own company qualified as one of those highest circles. 'Do go on Lucian. Have you, for example, much in the way of contact with the Imperial Court?

Lucian saw little harm in replying honestly, for Luneberg was clearly a man obsessed with status. 'I have, though infrequently, for my calling takes me far from Terra. Nonetheless, I like to maintain contact with the Senatorum, and visit in person whenever possible'

Luneberg appeared to consider this, nodding to himself slowly. He halted, his hand raised to his chin as he looked out, into the dark, overgrown expanse of the royal gardens. 'Tell me of Terra, would you Lucian?

Lucian now detected the slightest hint of mania in Luneberg's words. He determined to tread even more cautiously than he had intended, for there was evidently something more to Luneberg's line of questioning than was apparent.

He stopped beside Luneberg, looking out into the same darkness, yet not seeing what held the Imperial Commander's attention. 'To set foot upon sacred Terra is to tread the very same ground as was once walked by the Emperor' Lucian made the sign of the aquila. A sidelong glance told him that Luneberg did not. He continued. 'The very air of Terra is holy, laced with the scent of incense burned many centuries, millennia, before. Each time I have returned, I have been restored, for my calling takes me far from the light of the Emperor'

Lucian turned to regard Luneberg, and saw that he had dipped his head. The Imperial Commander spoke, his words ever so slightly slurred. 'That light at times seems like barely a guttering candle to us, so distant are we from its source'

Lucian felt his hackles rise. 'Sir, you must not speak thus'

'Do you judge me heretic, Lucian? Still Luneberg's head was lowered, his words muted.

'I do not'

'Then what?

Lucian took a deep breath before answering, tasting decay upon the stale air. 'I have travelled further into the darkness than you can imagine, Luneberg. You believe your world estranged from Holy Terra? I have walked upon worlds in the sway of such beasts as would curdle your blood, and I have never felt that the Emperor did not walk beside me'

Luneberg's head rose, and he turned to face Lucian. 'Tell me of them.

'Them? Lucian was confused for a moment as to the Imperial Commander's meaning, caught off balance by the manic gleam in the other man's eyes.

'Yes, of them! What beasts? What worlds? Tell me of them!

'I may not speak of them sir. It is forbidden.

'By the Administratum? You fear the Priesthood of Terra?

'By the Inquisition, my lord. I fear the Ordo Xenos.

By Luneberg's reaction to their mention, Lucian was gratified to see that the Imperial Commander had knowledge of one of the Imperium's institutions at least. Luneberg visibly trembled at Lucian's words, displaying a healthy fear for the agents of the Imperium's highest powers, those whose task it was to hunt down the vile alien, and those who would consort with them, and issue due punishment.

Now Luneberg turned towards Lucian. 'But you are a rogue trader. You have no cause to fear the Ordo Xenos, surely?

'I am a rogue trader, as you say, and you are indeed correct in that the power vested in me by the High Lords of Terra grants me certain… advantages. That does not put me outside of the power of the Inquisition however. One in my position must tread a fine line. Fortunately, we often do so beyond the sight of those who might object.

'I see. I believe we are much alike men, you and I. Luneberg was now staring into the darkness once more, his voice subdued as before.

'How so? asked Lucian, looking into the darkness too, and once again failing to see anything mere.

'I am an Imperial Commander, and my power too is passed down from the High Lords. Where your charter compels you to discover and exploit many new worlds, inine compels me to hold onto just one, by whatever means I deem necessary.

Lucian considered the other man's words, aware that they contained undertones not clear to him. He considered his next words cautiously, before asking, 'Is your rule here disputed?

With a sudden motion, Luneberg ploughed forwards before turning to Lucian, a shadow amongst the darkness. 'Disputed? he shouted, a very definite edge of mania edging his words. 'Certainly it is disputed'

Lucian had not expected to hear this, but pressed on, asking, 'Who disputes your right to rule here?

'How little you know of our corner of the Imperium my dear Lucian. Luneberg called back, a wry giggle entering his voice.

Lucian was tiring of Luneberg's nonsense, but was acutely aware of just how much hung upon the deal between them. He needed this madman, and he just hoped Luneberg needed him an equal amount. He resolved to push on, intent upon getting to the truth of the matter.

Lucian repeated his question. 'Who disputes your right to rule here?

Luneberg turned and resumed his stroll along the overgrown pathway. Lucian strode to catch up, and looked sideways at him as they walked. 'In truth, no man disputes my rule. Not as such'

'Not as such?

'I find myself, my world, in a war, a long and bitter, war'

Lucian stopped, risking offence by gripping Luneberg's arm. 'I see no sign of a war here. Tell me straight!

Luneberg giggled once more, and explained. 'Not that sort of war, my dear Lucian, not that sort. The war in which I find myself engaged is one you yourself should understand!

At last, Lucian began to feel he was getting somewhere, although he knew that Luneberg's cooperation was tenuous. 'Enlighten me, if you would.