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Berkrath - A Tarmak goddess.

Brutes - A colloquial term used by the people of Ansalon to describe the Tarmak.

Damjatt - An indigenous culture on the island of the Brutes that was subjugated by the Tarmaks. They have largely assimilated into Tarmak culture. They are renowned on their island for the breeding and training of extremely large warhorses.

dekegul (pl. dekegullik) – Officer in charge of one dekul. The dekegullik answer to the Akkad.

dekul (pl. dekutlik) – A unit of the Tarmak army consisting of 1,000 warriors.

dodgagd - A bitter tasting berry of Ithin’carthia. From it, the Tarmak make a juice, which they believe promotes good blood-flow.

Dog warriors - When a Tarmak soldier is punished, he is relegated to being a “dog soldier,” the lowest ranking worker delegated to the most menial and degrading tasks.

Drathkin’kela – A title meaning “Chosen of the Dragon” or “dragon friend.”

Drathkin’kelkhan – A title meaning “child of the chosen of the dragon.”

ekwegul (pl. ekwegullik) – Officer in charge of one ekwul. The ekwegullik answer to a dekul.

ekwul (pl. ekwullik) – A unit of the Tarmak army consisting of one hundred warriors.

Imshallik - A Keena high priest.

Ithin’carthia - A large island and homeland of the Tarmak, Damjatt, and Keena peoples.

Kadulawa’ah - The Tarmak name of Takhisis, Queen of Darkness and Mother of Dragons.

Keena - An indigenous culture of Ithin’carthia that was subjugated by the Tarmaks. They have largely assimilated into Tarmak culture. They are the most philosophically and religiously inclined culture of their homeland, and many Keena find roles as priests, scribes, and scholars.

ketkegul (pl. ketkegullik) – Officer in charge of one ketkul. The ketkegullik answer to a ekwul.

ketkul (pl. ketkullik) – A unit of the Tarmak army consisting of ten warriors. Ten ketkullik comprise one ekwul.

ket-rhild – Tarmak term for a formal challenge, a battle to the death.

Khanwhelak - The current Emperor of the Tarmak.

Loruth - One of the women of the Akeelawasee.

Malawaitha - A minor daughter of Emperor Khanwhelak. Her mother was a slave.

marthtok – In the Tarmak tongue, it means literally “ill-shaped,” but the term is most often used to describe deformity, especially in infants.

Mathurra - A Tarmak soldier.

Orchemenarc - A fortified tower and lighthouse that stands on a promontory outside the harbor at Sarczatha.

orgwegul (pl. orgwegullik) – Officer in charge of guards and sentries.

quartal – Among Tarmak aristocracy, the family or clan symbol. Usually a bird of some sort.

Ruthig - A guard in the third ketkul currently assigned to guard the Akeelawasee.

Sarczatha - Capitol city of the Tarmaks and seat of the Emperor.

Shurnasir - Keena priest among the Tarmak forces in Missing City.

Tarmak - The dominant culture on Ithin’carthia. They subjugated the Damjatt people of the island many years ago and finished their conquest of the Keena people just a few years prior to the Summer of Chaos.

tazeer - A powerful drink made from leaves, bark, and other ingredients. Supposedly, it increases mental vitality and fertility.

Tzithcana - First wife of Emperor Khanwhelak and current Empress of the Tarmak.

Urudwek - Akkad of the Tarmak forces sent to subdue the Plains of Dust. Official title: Akkad-Ur. Killed by Sir Remmik. See Flight of the Fallen, Chapter 23.

Miscellaneous Characters, Sites and Terms

Abyssal Lance - A weapon of great evil created during the Chaos War. The lance has an ensorcelled barb that works its way deeper into the victim until it kills.

Amania - A young girl living among the refugees of Missing City.

Ansalon - The southernmost continent of Krynn.

Ariakan - Son of Ariakas and the goddess Zeboim. Founder of the Knights of Takhisis. Prior to the Summer of Chaos, he established the Dark Knights’ alliance with the Tarmaks and brought many of them to Ansalon to serve in his armies.

Azurale - Centaur member of the Missing City militia.

Bendic Darthassian - Father of Lanther Darthassian.

Beryllinthranox - Green dragon overlord. Commonly known as “Beryl.”

Blood Sea of Istar - The large sea to the northeast of Ansalon.

Callista - A beautiful courtesan.

Caphiathas - Centaur officer of the Missing City militia and the uncle of Leonidas.

Carrebdos - Centaur. Chief of the Windwalker Clan.

Chaos War - The war fought during the Summer of Chaos. See Dragons of Summer Flame, by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

Chayne - A silver dragon.

Cobalt - The blue dragon companion of Sara Dunstan.

Courrain Ocean - The great ocean east of Ansalon.

Crucible - Bronze dragon and erstwhile guardian of the city of Sanction.

Cyan Bloodbane - A green dragon most noted for aiding in turning the realm of the Silvanesti into a cursed forest of nightmare. He was later enslaved by Raistlin Majere, but when Raistlin entered the Abyss, Cyan returned to Silvanesti to exact his revenge upon the elves.

Danian - A blind healer dwelling among the Plainsmen.

Desolation, the - An area of east-central Ansalon devastated by the great dragon overlord Malystryx.

Dockett - General of the militia of Missing City and unofficial commander of the refugee forces after the fall of the city.

draconian - “Dragonmen” created from the corrupted eggs of good dragons during the Age of Despair.

Duntollik - A region of the northwestern Plains of Dust.