Despite my lack of investigative experience, I wanted the killing to make some sense. It didn't. Why would Papa Danwe be making a move against our outfit? If he was, why did he do it by hitting a guy like Jamal? The kid just didn't merit the attention. Why squeeze him? He didn't have the juice to make it worthwhile. And why leave him hanging in his apartment? If Papa Danwe was sending a message, we weren't speaking the same language.

If I wanted to answer the "Why Jamal?" question, I needed to connect the kid and Papa Danwe. Maybe Jamal crossed him somehow. Maybe he'd even been working for Papa Danwe on the side and the relationship went sideways. Unless Jamal was a random victim, which seemed unlikely, there would have to be a connection. It sounded like a plan.

I stared at the vintage movie posters hanging on the living-room wall. I stared at the wall. I turned on the TV and turned it off. I had a couple more glasses of wine and fell asleep on the couch.

That night, I dreamed that Jamal was on the balcony outside my condo, trying to jimmy the French doors with a crowbar. Two When he wasn't tagging or tying someone up in his apartment, Jamal could usually be found on a playground in Crenshaw, shooting hoops with his homeboys. I parked on the street by the court and went in through a gap in the rusted chain-link fence.

There were seven guys playing full-court, all of them young black males. The oldest might have been twenty-five. A few girlfriends and hangers-on lounged courtside on the cracked concrete. They leaned against the fence and watched the game. They passed a blunt around and smoked. The court and both backboards were decorated with tags Jamal had put down.

The game stopped as soon as my car pulled up, and everyone was watching me as I stepped through the fence. The guy holding the ball walked toward me. He was a six-foot-ten, three-hundred-pound horse named Marcus. He'd come off the bench on a full-ride at UCLA for two years. He would have started his junior year at power forward, but he got collared for dealing crack and lost his scholarship.

"Yo, Domino," he called. "We need a skin."

It was going around. "You've got four skins and three shirts, Marcus."

"Nah, D, Shawan gonna go shirts." He nodded to one of the brothers. The kid jogged over to his gym bag and dropped a tank top over his head.

I was always a skin. Watching a five-foot-seven Mexican-Irish girl in her thirties trying to play ball with these guys wasn't enough entertainment. Jamal's boys always needed me to go shirtless. I'd learned a somewhat embarrassing lesson the first time this happened, so I was wearing a sports bra.

I stripped to the waist and handed my jacket and shirt to Marcus's girlfriend, a young twentysomething with an elaborately styled weave and gold fingernails. She smiled and folded them neatly in her lap. I passed her the shoulder holster with the forty-five and she tucked it under my jacket.

"Don't take Marcus money, Domino," she whispered. "We got rent."

"Yo, D, you been workin' out?" Marcus asked, laughing and elbowing the kid named Shawan. "You lookin' ripped, girl!"

"My people weren't bred to pick cotton." Casual sexism and racism were social etiquette in Crenshaw. I hear it makes some people uncomfortable.

"Nah, that's right. Your peeps bred skinny to crawl under the fence." Everyone laughed.

"I'm only half-Mexican," I said, and gave up the straight line. "My dad was Irish."

"Someone get this skinny bitch a potato," said Shawan. The game was delayed another couple minutes so he could be congratulated for his wit with chest-bumps and fist-pounds.

"Okay, Shawan, I got you. Bitch." I'd been cheating on the playground since kindergarten. This time, I only used enough juice to make sure Shawan didn't score and to throw down a two-handed jam in his face on an alley-oop from our point guard. Skins still lost, and I coughed up my twenty so Marcus could make his rent. After the game, I joined them along the fence for Red Bull and weed.

"So what you doing, D?" asked Marcus. "You come down here just to give your money to us poor black folks?"

"Yeah, Marcus, I don't pay taxes and I was worried your welfare check might bounce."

"Fuck that, D. I got a job."

Marcus, like most of the guys on the court, was a part-time criminal. No juice, no serious gang affiliation and no real connection with our thing. They were the handymen of Crenshaw's ghetto economy. If a small-time rock-slinger turned up dead or incarcerated and his boss needed someone to fill in, he'd have a ready labor pool waiting at the playground.

"Actually, I was just wondering if you knew what Jamal has been up to."

"You ain't seen him, neither, huh?" said Marcus. "Word is he got a new ho." Marcus's girlfriend scowled and drove an elbow into his ribs.

"Sorry, baby," he said.

"You know who she is?"

"Nah, girl, like I said, we ain't even seen the brother. The woman, you know, that's just what he said she said and whatnot."

"Any new friends, besides the woman, I mean?"

Heads shook.

"Maybe you've seen some new faces hanging around. Maybe some guys in Papa Danwe's outfit."

"Nah, D, Papa Danwe got most of Inglewood and Watts, but he don't got Crenshaw. Everyone know Crenshaw belong to the Turk."

Rashan was known as the Turk on the street, at least by those who didn't know him well. The outfit's turf is shaped like a crescent, running from Santa Monica around the southern edge of downtown, up through East L.A. and reaching into Pasadena. Rashan controlled Crenshaw, but there was only a nebulous border separating his territory from Papa Danwe's turf.

"All right, you give me a call if you hear anything else." Nods all around.

"Jamal in some kinda trouble, D?" Marcus asked.

"I think y'all might need to recruit another player," I said. "Jamal won't be going skins anytime soon."

I left Crenshaw and drove back to civilization. I took Santa Monica Boulevard into Beverly Hills. I've always liked Beverly Hills. The outfits exist by virtue of the fact that most people don't pay any attention to what's going on around them. It's charming. No other place has reached Beverly Hills's level of clueless perfection, with the possible exception of Vegas.

A vampire can walk down Rodeo Drive, window-shopping and pausing for the occasional snack, and no one will even notice as long as he's wearing the right suit. A sorcerer would have to turn a demon loose in Gucci to attract attention.

The art opening was like any other of its kind. When I walked in, the gallery was bustling with the young, rich and fashionable in-crowd. This was L.A., though, so everyone had two out of three working-they were all faking the third.

I was there to meet an associate, a connected probation officer on the outfit's payroll. His name was Tommy Barrow and he was twenty-nine years old. He used his secondary income, drug connections and gangster stories to circulate with the art-opening crowd and chase women who were out of his league.

I spotted him standing by an abstract painting in animated conversation with a salon blonde. Her swimsuit-model body and pouting lips advertised one of the many nearby clinics.

"Hi, Tommy," I said. "Who's your friend?" The blonde wore a diamond-and-ruby pendant that nestled in her prodigious cleavage. A red arrow painted on her chest wouldn't have drawn more attention to her neckline.

"Sandy, this is Domino, a friend of ours," Tommy said, his voice low and conspiratorial.

Sandy's tastefully decorated face brightened and the pouty lips stretched into a sunny smile. "Oh, so you work for Tommy in, you know, the business?"

I looked at Tommy and raised an eyebrow. He shrugged apologetically. "Not exactly," I said. "You could say we answer to the same boss."