I made my way back through the trashed flower shop, pausing to pick out a red rose for Adan. The Benz was stopped but the driver wasn't getting out of the car. Fred was struggling to peel himself off the asphalt. I guess five hundred years of owning mortals had made him a little stubborn.

"A great flame follows a little spark," I said, and a grapefruit-size sphere of fusion fire appeared, spinning like a miniature sun above my upturned hand. I let Fred get a good look at it.

"You might want to stay down, Fred, so I don't have to cook your pasty ass."

Fred's jaw clenched, whether in pain or frustration I wasn't sure. I could see the pride and survival instinct, both honed over centuries, warring in his eyes. He looked at me. He looked at the fire. Survival won.

Like I said, vampires are pussies.

"Here's the way it is, Fred. Out of respect for your friendship with Mr. Rashan," I said, turning and smiling at Adan, "I'm going to let you walk away. But Fred, if you fuck with me again, you're going to burn. Clear?"

The Vampire Fred gritted his pointy teeth, and then he nodded.

"Groovy," I said. "Now get the fuck out of here."

Without a word, Fred pulled himself up and hobbled off down the street. Even with a busted wheel, the vampire limped faster than the human eye could follow.

I pulled in juice and dropped a confusion spell over the street, just enough hoodoo to render any witnesses or inconvenient security cameras useless to a police investigation. I looked in the direction the vampire had fled, then turned back to the crowd of stunned onlookers and shrugged.

"He wasn't on the list." Three Adan was annoyed. We were cruising down Santa Monica Boulevard toward the beach, and he was pressed against the passenger door and glaring at me.

"You didn't have to kick his ass like that in front of everyone."

"He started it," I said. "I wasn't going to touch him as long as he didn't scratch my car."

"You sound like a ten-year-old, Domino."

"Well, what should I have done? He's a vampire. You want me to go back and let him take a bite out of me?"

"No, of course not. And I know he's a vampire, but he's been cool to me. Besides, you provoked him."

I shrugged. That was true. I tried a different angle.

"He's cool? You know the magic is in the killing, right? Every human is topped off with ten pints, give or take, but all that's just foreplay. It's the mouthful that stops the heart that keeps him going."

"I know. I just said he's been cool to me." He shook his head and snorted. "Anyway, you're a gangster. Where do you get off judging him?"

I scowled. "Yeah, I'm a gangster-in your father's employ, I might add-but that doesn't make me a homicidal undead monster. Come to think of it, I can't even remember the last time I killed a guy and drank his blood."

"No, you just kill guys and have some stooge bury the bodies."

Ouch. That was going to leave a mark. "I don't kill anyone. Usually. And never civilians. If you choose to get in the game, you know the rules and you know the risks. It's not murder when you have to kill an enemy soldier."

Adan laughed. "Oh, yeah, the standard gangster code of situational ethics. That bullshit's an insult to real soldiers."

"That…is probably true. Anyway, it's just a fucking metaphor. Excuse my language."

"Actually," Adan said, "I think it's a fucking analogy."

I glared at him and he laughed. I shook my head, chuckling, and just like that the tension was borne away by the wind whipping through the open convertible.

I wasn't sure why I was arguing with this guy, anyway. His last name was Rashan. He knew the score. The truth was, Adan had pushed one of my buttons. Growing up, I'd always thought I'd end up using my magic for the Forces of Good. Maybe work a quiet job by day and kick evil ass by night, like Batman or the Ghostbusters. Long before I hooked up with the outfit, I'd seen enough of the world to know how things really work.

Adan was right. I clung to that gangster code because it was just about all I had to distinguish myself from psychopathic freaks like the Vampire Fred. I hadn't killed often, but I had killed. I hadn't killed innocents, but I'd taken husbands, and fathers, and brothers and sons. Even some sisters. To stay sane, I tried to convince myself they were bad guys, just like me, and they got what they deserved.

And still, late at night and usually when I was drunk, I'd type their names into that search box on my laptop and reach out to them in the Beyond. They never answered, but I knew they were waiting for me out there in the dark.

Adan noticed my uncharacteristically angsty mood and laid a hand on my arm. "I've had this argument a thousand times with my dad," he said. "You know what he says? He says the difference between a strong man and a weak man is that the strong man will do anything, even kill, to remain strong…the weak man will do anything, even die, to remain weak. He says that a man who is both strong and good will kill to remain strong, and will hate himself for it."

I looked at Adan, and a little smile teased his infinitely kissable lips. That's about when things started to get really complicated. I knew my little stunt with Fred would have ended my chances with most of the guys I'd met. Not because they felt sorry for Fred or disapproved of violence or anything like that, but because they would have felt threatened and humiliated by it.

The bottom line was that I'd worked over the vampire because I'd wanted to protect Adan. And he didn't seem to mind. The reason for his enlightened attitude was obvious-he knew the outfit. He knew the life. He knew that in the underworld it wasn't about girl power versus machismo or any of that shit. It was about the juice. I had it and he didn't. Adan accepted that. He maybe didn't like it, exactly, but he was man enough to deal with it. For a girl like me, Adan was a miracle.

By the time we got to the beach, I'd forgotten why I went to the club. Sitting with Adan on the sand, listening to the sound of the waves and the wind, I forgot about Jamal altogether.

We were sitting quietly together when I heard laughter drifting across the water. The moon was out, and I could see there were no late-night surfers or swimmers out there.

I nudged Adan. "Watch," I said. I scooped up a handful of juice that washed ashore with the tide and spun a spell of true seeing. Golden, sparkling light cascaded out over the waves. The light revealed figures frolicking in the surf, male and female, their skin so pale it was almost translucent in the moonlight.

"Oh, my God. What are they?" Adan whispered.

"Ocean spirits. Mermaids-merpeople-or something like it. When I was a kid, I used to come down here all the time just to try to catch a glimpse of them. They're more common now than they used to be. I don't know why. Sometimes I'd go months without seeing one."

The creatures noticed us and froze, suspended in the water like seaweed bobbing in the tide. Then, as suddenly as they'd appeared, they were gone. I dropped the spell and the light faded.

"Domino, that was amazing. I had no idea," Adan said, moving closer to me. I shivered, shamelessly, and he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me against his body.

"There's a whole world out there most people never even see," I said. "Some of it is beautiful." Most of it just wants to eat you. I decided to keep that part to myself.

"I want to see you again, Domino."

"I'd like that."

"What about my father?"

"Yeah, I'll have to see him again, too."

Adan laughed. "No, I mean, he probably wouldn't approve."

I smiled. "I'm sure of it. He probably wants you to find a nice professional girl, like a doctor or lawyer or something."

"No, he hates lawyers."

"Well, whatever fathers want for their sons these days, I'm pretty sure a gangster isn't what he has in mind. If you're planning to get involved in the outfit, it could get really complicated."