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“They might try,” Richard corrected.

A slight smile curled the corners of Bill’s mouth. “We’ll get the other one.”

When they left, Richard gave Kahlan two silver coins. “When they come back, give the boy one of these to take the horses to the stables for us and tend to them. Tell him that if he will spend the night watching them and have them ready for us at sunrise, you will add the other.”

“What makes you think he will do it?”

Richard gave a short laugh. “Don’t worry, he’ll do it, if you ask. Just smile.”

Bill came back carrying Zedd in his husky arms. Randy followed, carrying most of their packs. Bill gently laid the old man on the floor next to Chase. He gave Richard a look from under his curly eyebrows, then turned to his son.

“Randy, go get this young lady a basin, and a pitcher of water. And a towel. A clean towel. She might like to clean up.”

Randy backed out of the room, smiling and tripping over his feet as he went. Bill watched him go, then turned to Richard with an intense look. He took the toothpick out of his mouth.

“These two are in bad shape. I won’t ask you what happened to them because a smart fellow wouldn’t tell me, and I think you’re a smart fellow. We don’t have a healer around here, but there’s someone who may be able to help, a woman named Adie. They call her the bone woman. Most people are afraid of her. That bunch downstairs won’t go near her place.”

Richard remembered Chase saying Adie was his friend. He frowned. “Why?”

Bill glanced to Kahlan, and back to Richard, narrowing his eyes. “Because they’re superstitious. They think she’s bad luck of some sort, and because she lives near the boundary. They say that people she doesn’t like have a bad habit of dropping dead. Mind you, I’m not saying it’s true. I don’t believe it myself. I think it’s all made up in their own heads. She’s not a healer, but I know of folks she’s helped. She may be able to help your friends. At least you better hope she can, because they’re not going to last much longer without help.”

Richard combed his fingers through his hair. “How do we find this bone woman?”

“Turn left down the trail in front of the stables. It’s about a four-hour ride.”

“And why are you helping us,” Richard asked.

Bill smiled and folded his muscled arms across his chest. “Let’s just say I’m helping the warden. He keeps some of my other customers at bay, and the wardens bring me an income from the government with their business, here and from my dry goods store next door. If he makes it, you just be sure to tell him it was me that helped save his life.” He chuckled. “That’ll vex him good.”

Richard smiled. He understood Bill’s meaning. Chase hated to have anyone help him. Bill did indeed know Chase. “I will be sure to let him know you saved his life.” The other looked pleased. “Now, since this bone woman lives by herself, way out by the boundary, and I’m to ask for her help, I think it would be a good idea if I took her some things. Can you get together a load of supplies for her?”

“Sure. I’m an approved supplier—I get reimbursed from Hartland. Of course, that thieving council takes most of it back in taxes. I can put it in my tally book for the government to pay, if this is official business.”

“It is.”

Randy came back with the basin, water, and towels. Kahlan put a silver coin in his hand and asked him about caring for the horses. He looked to his father for approval. Bill nodded.

“Just tell me which horse is yours, and I’ll take extra good care of it,” Randy said with a big grin.

Kahlan smiled back. “They are all mine. Take care with each, my life depends on it.”

Randy’s face turned serious. “You can count on me.” Unable to decide what to do with his hands, he finally jammed them in his pockets. “I won’t let anyone near them.” He backed toward the door again, and when all but his head was through it, added, “I just want you to know I don’t believe a word of what those men downstairs are saying about you. And I told them so.”

Kahlan smiled in spite of herself. “Thank you, but I do not want you to endanger yourself on my account. Please stay away from those men. And do not mention that you talked to me, it will only embolden them.”

Randy grinned and nodded and left. Bill rolled his eyes and shook his head. He turned to Kahlan with a smile.

“You wouldn’t consider staying here and marrying the boy, would you? It would do him good to have a mate.”

An odd look of pain and panic flashed across Kahlan’s eyes. She sat on the bed, looking down at the floor.

“Just kidding, girl,” Bill said apologetically. He turned back to Richard. “I’ll bring you each a plate of supper. Boiled potatoes and meat.”

“Meat?” Richard asked suspiciously.

Bill chuckled. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare serve those men bad meat… I could lose my head.” In a few minutes he returned and set two steaming dishes of food on the table.

“Thank you for your help,” Richard said.

Bill raised an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, it will all be in my tally book. I’ll bring it to you in the morning to sign. There anyone in Hartland who will recognize your signature?”

Richard smiled. “I think so. My name is Richard Cypher. My brother is First Councilor.”

Bill flinched, suddenly shaken. “I’m sorry. Not that your brother is First Councilor. I mean that I’m sorry I didn’t know. I mean that if I had known, I’d have given you better accommodations. You can stay at my house. It’s not much but it’s better than this. I’ll take your things over right now…”

“Bill, it’s all right.” Richard went to the man and put a hand on his back, reassuring him. The proprietor looked suddenly less fierce. “My brother is First Councilor—I am not. The room is fine. Everything is fine.”

“You’re sure? Everything? You’re not going to send the army here, are you?”

“You’ve been a big help to us, honest. I have nothing to do with the army.”

Bill didn’t look convinced. “You’re with the head of the boundary wardens.”

Richard smiled warmly. “He’s a friend of mine. For many years. The old man, too. They’re my friends, that’s all.”

Bill’s eyes brightened. “Well, if that’s true, then how about if I add a couple of extra rooms to the tally book? Seeing as how they won’t know you all stayed together.”

Richard kept smiling, and patted the man’s back. “That would be wrong. I won’t put my name to it.”

Breathing out with a sigh, Bill broke into a big grin. “So, you are Chase’s friend.” He nodded to himself. “Now I believe you. I haven’t been able to get that man to fatten my tally book in all the time I’ve known him.”

Richard put some silver in the man’s hand. “But this wouldn’t be wrong. I appreciate what you’re doing for us. I would also appreciate it if you would water the ale tonight. Drunken men die too easy.” Bill gave a knowing smile. Then Richard added, “You have dangerous customers.” The man studied Richard’s eyes, glanced to Kahlan, then back again. “Tonight I do,” he agreed.

Richard gave him a hard look. “If anyone comes through that door tonight, I will kill them, no questions asked.”

Bill looked at him for a long moment. “I’ll see what I can do to keep that from happening. Even if I have to knock some heads together.” He went to the door. “Eat your supper before it gets cold. And take care of your lady, she has a good head on her shoulders.” He turned to Kahlan and winked. “And a pretty one, too.”

“One more thing, Bill. The boundary is failing. It will be down in a few weeks. Take care of yourself.”

The man’s chest rose as he took a deep breath. He held the doorknob as he looked into Richard’s eyes for a long moment. “I think the council named the wrong brother First Councilor. But then, they didn’t get to be councilors because they worry about doing right. I’ll come get you in the morning when the sun is up and it’s safe.”