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“I’m hungry. Is there anywhere to get something to eat around here?”

The man smiled and held his arm out to the palace entrance. “Of course, Wizard Zorander. Allow me show you to a dining hall.”

“How about it, Chase? Care for some lunch before I’m on my way?”

The boundary warden looked down at Rachel. “Lunch?” She grinned and nodded in earnest. “All right, Zedd. And where is it you’re going?”

Zedd shifted his robes. “To see Adie.”

Chase lifted an eyebrow. “A little rest and relaxation?” He grinned.

Zedd couldn’t help smiling a little. “That, and I must take her to Aydindril, to the Wizard’s Keep. We have a lot of reading to do.”

“Why would you want to take Adie to Aydindril, to the Wizard’s Keep, to read?”

Zedd gave the boundary warden a sidelong glance. “Because she knows more about the underworld than anyone alive.”