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When he assured his father that it was committed to memory, they put the book back in the hiding place in the rocks and left it for three years. After that time, when Richard was beyond his middle teens, they returned one fall day and his father said if Richard could write the whole book, without a single mistake, they could both be satisfied it was learned perfectly and they would burn the book. Richard wrote without hesitation from beginning to end. It was perfect.

Together they built a fire, stacking on more than enough wood, until the heat drove them back. His father handed him the book, and told him that if he was sure, to throw the book into the fire. Richard held the Book of Counted Shadows in the crook of his arm, running his fingers over the leather cover. He held his father’s trust in his arms, held the trust of everyone in his arms, and he felt the weight of the burden. He gave the book to the fire. In that moment, he was no longer a child.

The flames swirled around the book, embracing, caressing, consuming. Colors and forms spiraled up, and a roaring cry came forth. Strange beams of light shot skyward. Wind made their cloaks flap as the fire sucked leaves and twigs into itself, adding to the flames and heat. Phantoms appeared, spreading their arms as if being fed by the blaze, their voices racing away on the wind. The two of them stood as if turned to stone, unable to move, unable even to turn away from the sight. Searing heat turned to wind as cold as the deepest winter night, sending chills up their spines, taking their breath from them. Then the cold was gone and the fire turned to a white light that consumed everything in its brightness, as if they were standing in the sun. Just as suddenly, it was gone. In its place, silence. The fire was out. Wisps of smoke rose slowly from the blackened wood into the autumn air. The book was gone.

Richard knew what he had seen—he had seen magic.

* * *

Richard felt a hand resting on his shoulder and opened his eyes. It was Kahlan. In the firelight coming through the doorway he could see she was sitting in a chair pulled close to his bed. Zedd’s big old coon cat was curled up sleeping in her lap.

“Where’s Zedd?” he asked, sleepy-eyed.

“He has gone to find the root you need.” Her voice was soft and calming. “It has been dark for hours now, but he said not to be concerned if it took him time to find the root. He said that you would go in and out of sleep but would be safe until he returned. He said the drink he gave you before would keep you safe until he is back.”

Richard realized, for the first time, that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her hair was tumbled down around her face and shoulders, and he wanted very much to touch it, but didn’t. It was enough to feel her hand on his shoulder, to know she was there and that he was not alone.

“How do you feel?” Her voice was so soft, so gentle, that he couldn’t imagine why Zedd had been afraid of her.

“I would rather fight another quad than another snake vine.”

She smiled her special smile, her private smile of sharing something with him, as she wiped his brow with the cloth. He reached up and grabbed her wrist. She stopped and looked into his eyes.

“Kahlan, Zedd is my friend of many years. He is like a second father to me. Promise me you won’t do anything to hurt him. I could not bear it.”

She looked at him reassuringly. “I like him, too. Very much. He is a good man, just as you said. I have no desire to hurt him. Only to seek his help in finding the wizard.”

He gripped her wrist tighter. “Promise me.”

“Richard, everything will be fine. He will help us.”

He remembered her fingers on his throat and the look in her eyes when she thought he was trying to poison her with an apple. “Promise me.”

“I have already made promises, to others, some of whom have given their lives. I have responsibilities to the lives of others. Many others.”

“Promise me.”

She put her other hand on the side of his face. “I am sorry, Richard, I cannot.”

He released her wrist, turned, and closed his eyes as she took her hand from his face. He thought about the book, all that it meant, and realized he was making a selfish request. Would he trick her to save Zedd, only to have him die with them? Would he doom all the others to death or slavery just to see his friend live a couple more months? Could he condemn her to death, too, for nothing? He felt ashamed at his own stupidity. He had no right to ask her to make such a promise. It would be wrong for her to do so. He was glad she had not lied to him. But he knew that just because Zedd had asked about the trouble they were in did not mean he would help with anything to do from across the boundary.

“Kahlan, this fever is making me foolish. Please forgive me. I have never met another with your courage. I know you are trying to save us all. Zedd will help us—I will see to it. Promise me only that you will wait until I am better. Give me the chance to convince him.”

She squeezed her hand on his shoulder. “That is a promise I can make. I know you care about your friend—I would despair if you didn’t. That does not make you foolish. Rest now.”

He tried not to close his eyes, since when he did, everything started spinning uncontrollably. But talking had sapped his strength, and soon the blackness pulled him back in. His thoughts were once again sucked into the void. Sometimes he came partway back and wandered in troubled dreams—sometimes he wandered in places empty even of illusion.

* * *

The cat came awake, his ears perking up. Richard slept on. Sounds that only the cat could hear made him jump off Kahlan’s lap, trot to the door, and sit on his haunches, waiting. Kahlan waited, too, and since the cat didn’t raise his fur, she stayed by Richard. A thin voice came from outside.

“Cat? Cat! Where have you gotten to? Well, you can just stay out here then.” The door squeaked open. “There you are.” The cat ran out the doorway. “Suit yourself,” Zedd called after him. “How is Richard?” he called to her.

When he came into the room, Kahlan answered from the chair. “He came awake several times, but he is sleeping now. Did you find the root you need?”

“I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Did he have anything to say when he was awake?”

Kahlan smiled up at the old man. “Just that he was worried about you.”

He turned and went back into the front room, grumbling. “Not without good reason.”

Sitting at the table, he peeled the roots, cut them into thin wafers, put the wafers into a pot with some water, and then hung the pot on the crane over the fire. He threw the peels and then two sticks of wood into the fire before going to the cupboard and pulling down a number of different-sized jars. Without hesitation he selected first one jar, then another, pouring different-colored powders into a black stone mortar. With a white pestle, he ground the reds, blues, yellows, browns, and greens together until it was all the color of dry mud. After licking the end of his finger, he dipped it in the mortar to collect a sample. He put the finger to his tongue for a taste and lifted an eyebrow while he smacked his lips and pondered. At last he smiled and nodded in satisfaction. He poured the powder into the pot, blending it in with a spoon from a hook at the side of the fireplace. He stirred slowly while watching the concoction bubble. For nearly two hours he stirred and watched. When at last he determined that the work was done, he plunked the pot on the table to cool.

Zedd collected a bowl and cloth and after a while called to Kahlan to come help him. She came quickly to his side and he instructed her how to hold the cloth over the bowl while he poured the mixture through.