The Maker of Universes
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The Maker of Universes

Страниц: 48
Символов: 305416
ID: 126225
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
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Создана 1 декабря 2010 20:23


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When Robert Wolff found a strange horn in an empty house, he held the key to a different universe. To blow that horn would open up a door through space-time and permit entry to a cosmos whose dimensions and laws were not those our starry galxy knows.For that other universe was a place of tiers, world upon world piled upon each other like the landings of a sky-piercing mountain. The one to blow that horn would ascend those steps, from creation to creation, until he would come face to face with the being whose brain-child it was.But what if that maker of universes was a madman? Or an imposter? Or a super-criminal hiding from the wrath of his own superiors?THE MAKER OF UNIVERSES is unlike any science-fiction novel you have ever read, it is wonderfully unique.

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