"Well.. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it. How should we decide who is first?"

"We can do it at the same time. Just take off your costume and lie on your back on the big padded table with the winches."

When we were naked she laid down then I crawled on top of her to pull her legs apart and dip my tongue into her pussy while I let my pussy settle onto her lips. It was great! She copied everything I did so it was like I was controlling her to get maximum excitement.

Just as I was about to go into orgasm she pushed my hips up to say, "Stop. I am about to cum and I want to save myself for that machine."

We got over to it and began sliding our crotches together while lying on our back. The dicks were so big my pussy had to stretch around it but it slid in since we were so wet. I turned the switch a little and it began to move. We gasped as it buried itself in our pussies alternately then Kelly turned the switch to make it go faster. Just as I was starting my first orgasm I turned it even more and we began to pant and squeal as orgasms got stronger and stronger until Kelly turned it down to go real slow while little after shocks hit until we began to calm down.

After we rested awhile I told her I thought I would try the rubber band machine.

She laughed and said, "I was sure you would. Anyone that can have orgasms from being whipped could never resist that. If it isn't too bad I may try it too."

I sat down on it noting the supports made me open my legs wide then turned the switch just a little. The wheels began turning and the rubber bands began slapping against my nipples and clit. It didn't hurt at all! It just felt like they were being massaged. I turned it to go faster. Now there was a sting and the bands stretched under centrifugal force to reach deeper into my slit and include the underside of my breasts as well as the nipples.

"OOh Kelly! This is fantastic!"

I was rapidly approching orgasm so I turned the switch more. That made it really hurt as the bands stretched to hit my asshole then drag through my slit while the ones at my breasts kept them constantly shuddering and made my nipples feel raw.

I leaned back and spread my legs even more to let more of the bands go inside until I had such a crushing orgasm I just rolled off the back to lie on the floor shuddering and panting like a fish out of water.

Kelly said, "God I have never seen anyone cum that hard before. I have to try it!"

It affected her the same way. Maybe even more because she began twisting her body so the bands could cover every inch of her breasts and pussy while turning at max until she screamed and like me rolled off backward.

It took her quite awhile to calm down while she gently caressed her breasts and pussy.

When she began to breathe normally she exclaimed, "Oh shit! That was in-fucking-credible! Is it that exciting to be whipped?"

I thought about it before answering because they were two different experiences.

"I think it is even more exciting to be whipped. It doesn't hurt much more and you feel like a star performing in front of an admiring audience. It kind of gives you a feeling of power to make your audience crazy with excitement. The girls told me that they would never have participated in a group orgy if I had not gotten them so excited."

"Yeah I know what you mean. When I was cheerleading I used to pull my panties up into the crack of my butt to make the boys and men whoop and whistle."

She giggled and continued, "My teachers thought it was accidental because of my round butt. They kept trying different types of panties to keep it from happening. They would have shit if they had known I jerked them up when everyone was looking at action on the field."

We went upstairs and were shocked to see how red our breasts and pussies were in the bright light. We knew we had no right to poke around in the basement so we concocted a story about experimenting with different whips on our sensitive parts. We needn't have bothered, the redness was gone by the time the girls got back.

The next day was our time to pay off demerits. I had twenty lashes coming but when I bent over the chair Kay said, "Not you Dee. We are going to save up yours for the next party."

To Kay's astonishment Kelly said, "I want to save up mine too."

Kay said, "You don't get enough demerits to put on a show."

"I don't care. I will take the same amount Dee does and you can whip both of us at the same time. That should make the boys crazy."

"Are you sure? She may get a lot of them."

"Yes. If it is too bad I'll just take my own next time."

"Alright. It is your decision and you are stuck with it."

Later the other pledges, Carla, Muffy, and Jan gathered around us curious as to why we had agreed to getting so many lashes at one time. Kelly told them that she had let me give her lashes on her breasts and pussy and that with the smaller whips it had been just terribly exciting and that she agreed with me that it would be even more exciting to have an audience. They had all been cheerleaders or in plays or dance recitals so they understood that extra thrill. Muffy giggled and said at a beer party she went to in high school the boys had shown a video tape of strippers. She was a little drunk and said that the dancers weren't really sexy and she could do better. They had challenged her to prove it and found it really excited her to be able to get the boys so turned on. She ended up making love to four of the boys and got great orgasms.

I offered to give them some lashes so they would know how it felt. They discussed it and decided I might hit too easy and decided they would ask Kay to do it at their next session.

Kay was surprized but pleased they wanted to experiment and must have decided to go easy on them because she asked me which whip I preferred. That was an easy decision. The whip made of leather bootlaces was by far the most exciting because the small strands could go in between the asscheeks or the slit of the pussy but was light enough to sting without bruising.

I had to give the girls credit. They took from thirty to forty five lashes without being tied or anything. Kay just had them pose with their legs spread and their arms folded on the top of their heads to raise their breasts while she hit butts, breasts, and pussies up, down, and sideways. Jan had only earned thirty. To Kay's delight she asked for more so she could go into orgasm. Like me the excitement easily over-rode the pain. She spread her legs even wider as Kay swung the whip up into her pussy making some of the thongs go out of sight inside until she let out a little scream and dropped to her knees digging frantically at her pussy to keep the orgasms coming until she was exhausted.

As usual they were sent upstairs to rest after punishment but they were obviously much too excited to sleep because they were back down in a few minutes to ask that their punishments should be saved for the party.

Kay was delighted, "That is wonderful! The boys will go crazy. That is important as you will find out in the meeting tonight.

That night Kay told us that she had received a letter from an alumni who offered us her house in Rio for the Christmas break. The only problem was that there was not enough money in the sorority's budget to pay for air fare for all of us. Therefore the rest of our parties would be fund raisers. She explained, "The next party will be a Hawaiin lua and we will be charging the boy's fifty dollars per head for tickets. It will be open to more than one fraternity so we can get fifty guests which should pay air fare and part of our costs for food and entertainment in Hawaii. There will be other changes. The actives have agreed to dress like you in only grass skirts and will volunteer for activities to help raise money. The only exception will be our three seniors who are engaged. They and their boyfriends will be going else where. As you remember we let the boys whip Dee last time. This time you will be given thirty lashes by your active sisters then if the boys want to finish with the lashes you have coming they will have to pay for it at a five dollars per lash. If they want to fuck us afterwards they will have to pay us for that too. I am betting the whipping will get them so excited they will pay plenty to get off."