
I was totally controlled as a child. My folks both worked but still did not make very much money so they were determined that I go to college to get a good job.

They made all the decisions from the clothes I wore to all my activities. They checked with my school counselor and found out that to make sure I was accepted by a college I had to have good grades and would need to be in a lot of extra curricular activities. To be well rounded they insisted I become a cheerleader and to get on the school paper and join the computer club. With all my activities and study I didn't get a chance to date.

To give me incentive to study I would get a spanking if any work I did or test was less than an "A". It worked, I hardly ever got more than one spanking per week with a strap over my clothes. It hurt but the humiliation of having to get the strap to offer to my Dad and then bend over a chair to say, "I have been bad. Please spank me." was even more of a deterrent and I never got less than a "B".

My mother had been working with my school counselor since I started high school. They picked my school and decided I should join my counselors old sororiety as they would be able to provide supervision.

When I got to the college I immediately went to the sorority and gave the president letters from my Mom and the counselor.

She read them and then said, "It sounds like you are going to be a pain in the ass. Both letters say you will need a lot of guidence and that your scholership demands at least a 3.2 average. Since you couldn't get a 4.0 in high school that might be tough. I am intrigued by your Mom's statement that it was necessary to give you spankings to keep up your grades. Is that true?"

I was embarressed Mom had mentioned that since I had kept it secret knowing the other girls in my high school had been punished by withholding their allowance or being grounded. I blushed but admitted that it was true and that it had helped.

"Good. You will have an advantage over the other pledges because you are used to painful punishment. As pledges you will all be subject to painful punishment but that will be new to most of the others."

She then went on to explain that this was a small but exclusive sorority with only twenty permanent members so everyone could have their own room. They pledged eight girls but by the end of the quarter only five at most would remain either by voluntary drop-out or by being blackballed. Requirements were a high grade average and to be attractive.

I had noticed all the girls I had seen were really pretty and also there had been some good looking boys in the living room.

She went on to say that the girls all liked to party and that it was important not to cause trouble or to let grades slip so the school administration would stay off their ass.

I was really happy that I might now have a chance to date and to go to parties. I knew with all girls being pretty a lot of great boys would be around.

She then explained that the pledges would be staying together in a sleeping porch and took me there to show me my closet, bed, and study desk. She introduced me to the other pledges who seemed as excited as I was then pointed out a list on the wall of our duties.

We would have to clean the rooms of the members, as well as the rest of the house and take turns serving meals with a warning in big print that improper cleaning or serving would bring on punishment.

When she left we huddled to talk excitedly. One girl said her mother had been a member and that most of the girls were engaged to rich boys before they graduated and that they had fabulous parties.

One of the girls said there was also bad things. An older girl she knew had dropped out because the punishments were terrible and that she did not know if she could stand it because her worst punishment had just been getting grounded for a week.

Another girl said that the fifteen upperclasswomen had gone through it so it could not be too bad and that even the shitty sororities paddled.

We agreed and I was kind of glad my folks had spanked me because I had the knowledge that the pain did not last long.

At first we were all sure we had made the right decision because we each had a member help us with registration which was a maze of decisions and also helped us get our books and supplies and show us where our classes were located.

The Friday after we were all registered we had a candlelit ceremony welcoming us to the house where we sang the school song and sorority song we had been instructed to memorize. When it was over we were hugged and kissed and told that we were all sisters now and could count on each other's help. The only jarring note was when Sue the president reminded us that the members were older sisters who would make sure we did the right thing no matter how much it might hurt us.

The honeymoon ended the next day. We were gathered in the living room and Kay the pledge-master shocked us by saying that we were a long way from being real Chi Delt sisters. She said we were all fat and homely and would have to be taught everything about make-up, hair care, poise, posture, table manners and to lose weight. She said until we measured up to the house standard we would be treated like the scummy slave sluts we were only good for.

She must have noticed my shocked expression because she picked me out to stand in front of her. I was embarressed and let my head sink and kind of slumped. She said, "You see what I mean. Her posture sucks! Her tits are sagging and her stomach is pooching out. When we are finished you will stand proudly with your tits out, your stomach in and your butt tight. To make sure you don't forget you will wear a costume you can't hide behind. Dee. Strip so you can model it."

I hesitated in embarressment then decided I was being silly. I had been naked in the girls locker room everyday in high school. I stopped when I was only wearing bra and panties. She laughed and asked me where I bought the old-fashioned cotton bra and grandma panties.

When I told her Mom had bought them for me she laughed again and said, "I hope the rest of you girls have enough pride to buy your own underwear."

She had me take them off and then tossed them into the fireplace then told me to go upstairs to bring down the rest of my underwear. When I gave them to her she tossed them into the fireplace too. She set them on fire! I whimpered, "What will I wear to school? I can't go naked under my clothes."

"You will until we get a chance to get you proper underwear. Now turn around so I can put on your one size fits all costume."

I turned and then was embarressed again by all the girls staring at my naked body while they were all completely clothed. She was not through with me. She said, "Dee is thoroughly unkempt. There is no way you could stuff all that crotch hair into a bikini."

I started to protest that I didn't wear bikinis when I heard a buzzing noise and a tingle at my crotch as I realized she was running a hair clipper over my crotch. I tried to move away but she slapped my tummy sharply with her hand and told me to stand still then had two of the other girls hold my legs apart until I just had short stubble on my crotch. I had never felt so naked! I was so grateful when she put on the lower part of my costume I thanked her although it was just a string around my waist with a two inch strip of cloth hanging from it that hid my pussy lips. The top was just another string with two pieces of cloth to hide my nipples.

The costume worked! I found that without a conscious effort I had pulled back my shoulders to raise my breasts and had sucked in my tummy.

I felt better when the rest of the girls went up one by one to be dressed and had to admit Kay was right. The other girls had tiny sexy underwear and their pussies had already been trimmed for bikinis so it only took seconds to cut the center closer.