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“I’ve got to know what they are saying. I need to be prepared for tomorrow.” Natalie’s eyes were dry, too dry. The kind of dryness that only happened after all the tears were gone.

Still watching her, Rachel clicked the remote for the TV and turned her laptop on. The bright light from the TV hurt Natalie’s eyes, but she didn’t care. Chase had caught a flight out in the afternoon, that much she knew.

“In a surprising turn of events, Pandora Productions in the news again shortly after their nomination for Best Picture for their production Night Blooming. The company has brought charges of fraud against their former CFO, Martin Morrison.”

A picture of Mr. Morrison being escorted from the building appeared on the screen behind Ryan Seacrest.

“Shortly after his arrest, Morrison leaked to the press that Chase Booker, co-owner of Pandora, had been having an affair with one of his staff.”

A shot of her escape from Chase’s house Saturday came up on the screen. She curled tighter into the corner of the couch. Clips of Alexis and Chase started to show on the screen.

“Alexis Brandt stated today that she and Chase never really got back together, and she was as shocked as everyone else by this turn of events. This afternoon, Chase Booker and Robert Addler spoke with E!”

The screen cut to the news conference. Chase stood behind Robert as he spoke to the crowd. “We have turned all our evidence on Martin Morrison over to our lawyer and the police. We were sad to see Martin go as we had always considered him an asset before all this came to light.”

Robert glanced back at Chase before returning to the microphones. “We are currently looking for a replacement CFO. We will not be promoting anyone within the company. In addition, we have shifted the accounting department to be more fully under my direction. This will enable Chase to spend more time in the field and to star in more films.”

He shifted behind the podium. “Martin also claimed an ongoing affair between Chase and one of our staff. Chase was trying to protect the woman from the misguided attention of the paparazzi. Regardless, the affair is over, and the woman would prefer to remain anonymous. I would hope that the press would respect her and Chase’s privacy in this matter. Thank you.”

The TV cut back to the studio. “We were also told that Chase would be going to Ontario to help work on Pandora Productions’ filming. Meanwhile, Britney Spears-”

Rachel hit Mute on the remote. “Okay, here’s what the entertainment news is saying. Some say you were a rebound and the real reason he’s going to Ontario is to see Madeline Stark, who recently dumped Andre Pratt.”

“Do you think that’s why he went?” The tears began to burn at the back of her throat again. Had she really just been a rebound?

“I don’t know, sweetie.” Rachel rubbed her hand on Natalie’s leg in a comforting way.

Natalie fought down the tears. “What are they saying about me?”

“Let’s see.” Rachel’s eyes roamed the page as her hand moved the mouse. “Here’s something. They suspect you are the woman in the picture, but no one will confirm it. A source, one of your stupid coworkers, claims that you and Chase worked late for the past two weeks and seemed very chummy in the office.”

Natalie picked at the threads coming out at the end of the blanket. She needed to know more. She needed to know why Chase had picked her. She needed to know why he’d been with her. “What else does it say?” she choked out around the held-back tears.

“Natalie, I don’t think you want to know.” Rachel shut the lid on the laptop. “It’s just the normal catty stuff.”

“The stuff you enjoy?”

Rachel brushed a stray piece of Natalie’s hair behind her ear. “Only when it’s about someone ridiculous, which you aren’t. Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? I swear I won’t leak it to the press.” She smiled softly.

“I know you won’t.” Natalie tried to return her friend’s smile but wasn’t sure if it came across. “I just…I want to understand, is all.”

“Understand what?”

“Why me?” A tear slipped over the edge. The rest of the tears, seeing the escapee, pressed forward.

Rachel handed her a tissue. “Why not you, Natalie? You’re bright, intelligent, loving, pretty. You take care of anyone you care about. What’s not to love about you, Natalie?”

The tissues kept coming as Natalie’s vision blurred behind the tears. “He said he loved me.” She sniffled. “He said he loved me, and I said he didn’t.”

Chapter Seventeen

The week that followed was the hardest of Natalie’s life. From the guy digging around in her trash to the car that followed her to work, at first she wondered if she was just paranoid. When a camera flashed as she left the grocery store, she knew she wasn’t.

It was so subtle she barely noticed it at first. Rachel kept showing Natalie pictures of her when she hadn’t even known anyone was around. The receptionist held all calls to Natalie’s phone.

Robert had been especially nice to her and had even had a meeting with the staff informing them that the new CFO would start in two weeks. Natalie buried herself in the piles of paper. Eventually the strutting down the hall picked up again, and people didn’t stop talking when she came into the room.

Her heart ached every time she passed Chase’s empty office. It had to be easier than actually seeing him every day. Rachel stopped informing Natalie of Chase’s comings and goings when she continued to break down into tears and run from the room.

Natalie sighed with relief as the hour turned to four. One more hour and then she’d have the whole weekend to lock herself away with tubs of ice cream and her favorite mov-

Pushing aside the folder on her desk, she realized she couldn’t watch her favorite movie. The constant ache in her chest throbbed. Maybe she’d rent some horror flicks instead, or a good chick flick.

Her phone rang, and she didn’t think twice about picking it up. “This is Natalie.”

“Natalie, Jared Anderson. Before you hang up, give me a minute of your time.”

She held the phone to her ear instead of slamming it down. “I’m listening.”

“Good. Why don’t we meet somewhere? You could get your side of the relationship on record. It could launch your career. At least get you on a reality show.”

Her mind blanked. “Is that all you people think about? Do you really think I like having my name in headlines or my face in your papers? Well, I don’t. I don’t want to be any part of this industry. I’m an accountant, for Pete’s sake. Not someone waiting for her big break. I’ll thank you to never call me again.”

She slammed the phone down and felt better than she had all week.

“Nice job.” The voice stilled her heart.

She couldn’t look up. She wasn’t ready. She couldn’t see him. She couldn’t resist. Her gaze trailed up the jean-clad hips to his black T-shirt, the planes of his body as familiar as her own.

Her heart pounded within her chest. His lips were curved into a wary smile and his eyes… Why did they have to be so green? “Chase.” His name slipped out of her mouth on a sigh.

“I heard what you said.”

Had she been talking? His eyes appeared tired, and there was a strain around his lips.

“Sorry?” Her brain had flown out the window when she’d heard his voice again.

“The reporter? I couldn’t have said it better myself.” He pointed toward the phone and her gaze followed, completely dumbfounded.

Heat rushed into her cheeks as his words sunk in. “Oh.”

“I’ve got to…” He gestured down the hall with his thumb.

“I hope you had a good trip.”

He nodded and disappeared down the hall. She dropped her head down to the desk. So much for being intelligent. What was he doing back? What had he been doing? Did he hook up with that actress up there?