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“Well, let’s see. How about the ones that include a certain accountant?” Robert had been his friend for years. Part of the reason they became friends was his no-nonsense attitude.

But Chase didn’t want to talk about Natalie. He tightened his lips and leaned back.

Robert shifted. “Okay, how about damage control? You know, the other employees are talking about how she slept with you to get the CFO position.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

Robert held out his hands. “I’m only saying what they’re saying. You need to figure out how to handle this and quick. There are leaks in this company that would make a sieve jealous. The press is going to find out about Natalie, and it’s going to blow up in both of your faces unless you do something about it now.”

Chase dropped his head into his hands. “I know, but what am I supposed to do?”

“Don’t tell me you love her? I thought you were just getting over Alexis.” Robert held up his hands again.

Chase stopped glaring at Robert, but he still wasn’t happy. It would be a while before he was happy again. “We’ll deal with it when we deal with Martin.”

“We should also consider changing who she reports to.”

Chase slammed his hand down on the desk.

Robert stood up. “She’ll start reporting to me. We’ll start interviewing for the CFO position tomorrow. I already told Anne to call recruiters.”

“We’re not together anymore. She can still report to me.” Chase rubbed his hands over his face, feeling his hard-earned control slipping.

“It doesn’t matter if you are still together or not. We have to maintain appearances. And maybe if she isn’t reporting to you, she might actually stay with the company. If you hadn’t noticed, she has a good mind and a knack for numbers.”

“I noticed.”

“Good, then we’ll move forward with my plan.” Robert moved to the door and looked back. “Man, you must have it bad.” He slipped out. Chase’s pen hit the closed door.

The whole morning he stayed in his office trying to get through the script. Every few minutes someone else would knock on his door. By noon he was a mess of tension.

He’d finally managed to put aside the disaster his life had become and get into the script when a tentative knock on the door brought him out of it.

“What?” Chase bellowed at the door.

The door opened a crack. “Um, if now isn’t a good time, I could come back later.” Natalie stood in the doorway, looking like she’d prefer to run down the hall than come in and talk with him.

“Why are you here?” he snapped. Chase’s heart beat un-steadily in his chest. The smell of strawberries wafted between them, making him want to grind his teeth together.

A tinge of pink covered her cheeks and neck. She slid her glasses back up her nose. “Robert asked me to meet him here.” She glanced toward Robert’s office. Her uncertainty and discomfort made him feel a little better, but it also annoyed him.

He’d covered her blushes with his kisses. Brought smiles and sighs to those lips. Slipped his hands around her waist and held her body against him.

“Maybe I should wait in the hallway…” Her voice brought his attention back to her face.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Have a seat. I’m sure Robert will be here in a minute.”

Natalie considered turning tail and running for the door. Chase’s intense gaze turned her knees to water, while it caused her battered heart to leap up in her throat. She glanced once more toward Robert’s office and then at her watch. He’d said noon. It was five past.

She couldn’t make any more excuses. Her legs were stiff as she walked into Chase’s office and perched on the edge of the chair. Her cheeks were on fire, even more so when his gaze dipped down to her breasts. Having not gotten the memo, her body responded instantly.

She pressed her knees together and straightened her skirt. Her hands turned white from clutching them together, and her stomach started to churn, just like the last time she’d been in here.

“Relax, Natalie. I’m not going to pounce on you.”

Her gaze jerked to his eyes. She remembered him saying that to her before. She couldn’t place when, but it raised the ghost of Saturday morning. The things she’d said. Her gaze dropped to her lap.

The urge to run out the door raced through her, but she stayed. Chase didn’t say anything else, but she could feel his eyes on her. The silence relentlessly continued. Maybe she could come back later? Or he could call her when Robert came in. She raised her head to suggest it, but stopped before saying anything.

Pain. For a moment, his eyes seemed like an open wound. A wound she’d caused. But then it was gone like she’d imagined it. Maybe she had. He couldn’t possibly love her. It just didn’t make sense. As soon as the next actress crossed his path, he’d be fine. He probably wouldn’t even remember her name. A pain stabbed through her heart at the thought.

“Sorry, I got caught up on a phone call.” Robert swept into the office and closed the door. “Wow, you could cut the tension with a knife in here.”

Chase broke their eye contact to glare at Robert. “What is this about, Robert?”

Robert smiled. “Well, I figured if we were going to ruin this woman’s life she should be prepared.”

“What?” Natalie’s hand began to shake.

Robert gave her a sympathetic smile and reached over as if to take one of her hands. A growl from the other side of the desk stopped him.

“We have to make this go away, and the only way to make something go away in Hollywood is to be up-front and honest so there is nothing to find. Then wait for some huge, new scandal for them to sink their teeth into.”

Natalie’s heart tightened, and her gaze flitted to Chase’s stern face. His lips were pressed into a thin line.

“Natalie,” Robert began, “we have to put all the facts out there. Chase has already said your relationship is over, which will make the press only wonder why it ever happened and probably make them back off. Especially if they think it was just another boss-banging-the-worker story.”

Natalie winced at the harsh words. Chase had told Robert they were over? She’d known when she left Saturday there’d be no turning back, but it didn’t stop the shooting pain through her heart or the upheaval in her stomach.

“You’ll be reporting to me from now on and the new CFO when hired. I suggest that both of you-” Robert’s fatherly stare went between them “-stay away from each other. The less you are seen together the more seriously our statement today will be taken.”

“That won’t be a problem. I’m going to help Reggie in Ontario later this week. He’s been having issues with some of the scenes.” Chase brushed his hand through his hair.

Her fingers itched to smooth it back down. Something she’d never do again. He was leaving? For how long?

“That’s a good idea. With you gone, the focus should go with you. What about the luncheon next week? Our nominations?”

Chase stood and walked to look out the window. “I’ll be back for it.”

Natalie could feel the tears rising, and her stomach rolled, as well. She cleared her throat. “If that’s…if that’s all, I’ll go to lunch.”

Robert gave her a sympathetic look and nodded. “Sure, Natalie. Why don’t you go home for the rest of the day? I think after the news conference this afternoon things are going to get crazy here.”

“Thank you.” She rose and walked to the door. She glanced back at Chase’s profile. “Have a good trip.”

“Are you sure?” Rachel eyed her as if she’d gone out of her mind.

Maybe she had. Maybe she’d lost it the moment she’d run into Chase that first day. If not her mind, she’d definitely lost her heart.

Natalie set her pizza down on her plate. More comfort food that just wasn’t comforting. She shoved the plate across the coffee table and pulled her blanket tighter around her shoulders.