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Unable to resist, he captured her mouth as his hand slipped beneath her underwear to the warm, wet flesh beneath. He caught her gasp in his mouth.

His cell phone vibrated on the table. He ignored it, knowing it would go to voice mail, and nothing was more important than Natalie at this moment.

He pulled away from her to slide her underwear down her legs and slid off her sandals. Her hands sought his chest, his shoulders, his back. Every touch branded him as hers.

He made quick work of his jeans and a condom before drawing her into his arms. He tried to ease into her, but she linked her legs around his back and pulled him into her fully.

The air escaped his lungs at the feeling of her surrounding him, her legs around his waist, her hands on his shoulders, her breasts crushed against his chest. He withdrew and sank into her again. His lips sought hers as they came together at a frantic pace.

Had it only been a day since he’d been with her? Her sex clamped down on him as her body pulsated around him. He strained as he felt his own climax approaching, surrounding him, pulling him down with her. He held her to him as if she would slip away if he let go.

He could feel her heart thundering along with his. Her panting echoed in his ear. Slowly, his pulse returned to normal and he eased away from her, holding her to keep her from falling.

When she looked up at him, he smiled. “Hi.”

“You definitely know how to greet a girl.” Her smile was shy and tentative, even after the weekend they’d shared and what they’d just done on his desk.

“It was probably about time to break in the desk.” He brushed his lips across hers as he bent. He pulled up his pants and then picked up her discarded clothing. He held them out to her. Before she could take them, he snatched them out of her reach. “Come back to my place tonight.”

A worried look crossed her face. “Do you think that’s smart? What about the paparazzi?” She reached out for her underwear and shirt.

He held it out of her reach. There had to be a way. “I’ll follow you home, and you can ride there in my car.” He smiled, problem solved.

“Then how do I get home? Can we discuss this with my underwear on?”

He waggled his eyebrows at her. “I think some of our best discussions have been when you aren’t wearing underwear.”

She laughed. “Usually there’s not a lot of talking at that point.”

He waggled his eyebrows again. “I know.” He kissed her soft smile. “Come home with me.”

She snatched her clothes from him. “Fine, but we better not get caught.”

“That’s part of the fun.”

It may be fun, but it definitely wasn’t comfortable. Sure the backseat of Chase’s car was plush, but Natalie had been right to worry. As they pulled up to the gate, she stared out the tinted back windows at three cars parked along the street with cameras in the windows waiting for the money shot. Butterflies flew haphazardly in her stomach.

Fortunately, no one had followed Chase and her or they would have been caught. Chase had assured her the only reason paparazzi were on his street was the multiple homes that belonged to celebrities.

But Natalie knew at least one reporter who wanted to find out what was going on with Chase. Though they were in the clear tonight, it couldn’t possibly last.

She just couldn’t imagine not being with Chase every opportunity she had. As they pulled through the gates, her cell phone rang. Rachel.


“Natalie, are you going to be late tonight?”

She glanced at Chase’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “Yeah, I probably won’t get in until you’re asleep.” From the look in Chase’s eyes, she probably wouldn’t be home until right before Rachel woke up. Her body tightened in anticipation at the promise in his eyes.

“Could you pick up my dry cleaning when you pick up yours tomorrow?”

“Yeah, sure, anything else?”

“Nope that’s it. Did you hear that Alexis isn’t with your boss anymore? She was seen this weekend, but Chase was nowhere to be found. Do you think he’s found someone else?”

Chase pulled into the garage and turned in his seat to look back at her. His eyes sent shivers down her spine.

“I don’t know.”

“Oh, well, keep me up on the dirt. Talk to you later.”

Natalie clicked the End button.

“We did it.” Chase opened his door and stepped out. He opened her door. “Not one photo snapped.”

She took his offered hand, and he spun her in a circle into his arms. She laughed. She refused to think about tomorrow or next week. This sexy man wanted her now.

But if he wasn’t being seen with Alexis… “How long before the press starts to wonder if you’re with someone?”

His face turned thoughtful. “They’re always speculating. It will probably get intense around the Oscars as they wonder who I’m bringing or who I’m not bringing.”

A month until the Oscars. Surely, they’d be out of each other’s system in a few weeks.

He led her into the house. A buzzing sound went off in the kitchen. Natalie started and looked around, positive that someone had found them out.

“It’s just the gate buzzer.” Chase dropped a kiss on her mouth, before moving over to a panel on the wall. He pressed a button. “Hello?”

“Chase, I thought we were going to talk this weekend.” Alexis’s sultry voice blared through the intercom.

“Alexis, now isn’t a good time. Can we talk later?”

Natalie sank into a kitchen chair. Was he trying to juggle two women? Why was she one of them?

“Well, maybe if you’d answered your cell phone when I’d called, I wouldn’t have driven all this way.”

“Sorry to make you drive, but tonight isn’t a good time to talk.” Chase sent Natalie an apologetic look.

She smiled tightly. She didn’t have the face or body that Alexis had, but Chase didn’t seem to care about that. After this weekend and the office… Her face flushed thinking about it. She clasped her hands tightly on the table.

“Oh, I’m sure these nice photographers standing listening to our conversation would love to know why you aren’t inviting me up to the house. Wouldn’t you, guys?”

Natalie could hear the smile in Alexis’s voice.

“Fine, Alexis. Let me buzz you in.” Chase released the button and dropped into the chair next to Natalie. His hands covered hers.

“Do you want me to go?” Natalie whispered.

“No, I don’t, but I don’t want her to see you here.”

Her lips tightened, and she tried to ignore the ache in her chest. She started to pull her hands out from under his.

His hands tightened. “Natalie.” His voice was soothing. “It’s not like that. She would love to cause a scandal where she was the woman wronged, but that’s not what this is about. She’s trying to get ahead and using me as a stepping stone. She and I were never real. Do you understand that?”

Not looking up, she nodded.

“The only woman I want to be with is you. Why don’t you go upstairs and get tucked into bed? I’ll be up in a few moments after I get rid of Alexis, and I can show you what we have is real.” His finger brushed back a stray hair and then tipped up her chin. “I’ll even bring ice cream.”

He seemed sincere, but the man acted for a living. She couldn’t lie worth a damn, but his career was to pretend and make people believe him. Something in his eyes drew her and reassured her. Maybe she just wanted to be reassured, and he was spewing crap, but she wanted him to be speaking from his heart, even if they were doomed.


She focused on his eyes again. Her heart clenched, but she wasn’t ready to face the truth. She didn’t want him to be using her.


She nodded. He brushed his lips over hers. She stood and strode across the kitchen. Without looking back she walked through the dining room and out into the entrance hall where the stairs were.

Even though her eyes were on the marble tile beneath her feet, she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. She stopped and looked through the glass door with horror. On the other side stood Alexis, her hand raised to press the doorbell.