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By Monday morning the weekend rain had passed, leaving everything greener and brighter. Natalie had gone home Sunday, and Rachel hadn’t even missed her. Rachel had asked what she’d done last night, and Natalie had mentioned going out to a movie or shopping or something.

Her heart had been full, and her body had been relaxed. She’d slept wonderfully last night, with only thoughts of Chase racing through her brain.

Natalie had come in early this morning to get the report finished for Mr. Morrison. Her heart jumped every time the exterior door opened, knowing that Chase would be here soon.

When Mr. Morrison showed up at nine, Natalie had handed him the report with trembling hands, sure he would sense she knew. Mr. Morrison took it and didn’t spare her another glance as he made his way back to his office.

The morning dragged on, but still no Chase. Natalie lost herself in her work. When Mr. Morrison went out for lunch, she pulled out the copies of the bank statements and listed the cash withdrawals. She made sure they were put away before he returned.

She took a quick break to run and get something to eat at her desk. By then she figured Chase wasn’t coming in. She didn’t want to arouse anyone’s suspicions by asking the receptionist about him. Her nervous energy drained off as she spent the afternoon engrossed in an audit of another film that Mr. Morrison wanted her to do.

“Good night, Natalie. That was a fine report you put together.”

She broke away from the list of numbers she was adding to look up at Mr. Morrison blankly.

“Chase and Robert have it on their desks now. Don’t worry about working late this week.” Mr. Morrison locked his door and left before Natalie could think of anything to say.

Her head was spinning. Was Chase here? Why hadn’t she noticed him go by? Why hadn’t he said anything? She picked up her water bottle and headed down to the kitchen. She at least could check to see if his light was on.

It wasn’t like they’d actually made any plans for today. Maybe he’d had time to think about it and really didn’t want to be with her anymore. Maybe it’d just been a line to make her feel better. Her stomach dropped. Well, it wasn’t like it was going to last.

She slowed her pace as she reached the end of the hall near his office. His door was shut, but light peeked out from under the door. Was that the sun or his desk light?

She sighed and went into the kitchen. Why did she care? They were just going to have an affair. It’s not like they’d decided to date. She had been the one to try to cut things off. The water ran over the top of her bottle.

Maybe he’d decided that she was right. Her heart twisted but she ignored it. Maybe this was for the best. Not sparing his door another glance, she headed back to her desk. Putting it out of her mind, she filed what she was working on and pulled out the documents for Night Blooming. Chase wouldn’t hide from her. Obviously, he had to do stuff away from the office sometimes.

She shoved her glasses up on her nose. She’d checked the shipping documents online for her contacts. They were supposed to be delivered today. Maybe she would call it an early night. After all, hadn’t Chase said they should work on it together?

She heard the door close as the last person left. Well, she thought, the last one, except for her and potentially Chase, if he really was in his office. She sighed. She had it bad.

Her computer fan shut down, leaving the office in silence. She glanced down the hallway. She could knock to see if he was there and tell him she was leaving for the night. If he wasn’t there, no one would know. If he was there…well, she could cross that bridge when it happened.

As she moved to stand, her desk phone rang. It was almost six o’clock. Who would be calling her at work?

“This is Natalie.”

“Hi, Natalie. Jared Anderson. Before you hang up, let me apologize for the way I came off the other day. I’m just trying to show people the real Chase Booker.”

She almost hung up the phone, but his last sentence stuck with her. “The real Chase Booker?”

“You know, the man behind the legend. The real Chase Booker, not the public persona.”

Actually she was very familiar with the real Chase Booker, or at least the Chase Booker he’d shown her. How could she really trust that was the real Chase? He was a great actor. Award winning. What made her think he wasn’t acting with her?

“Hello? Are you still there?” Jared’s voice cut across the phone line.

She cleared her thoughts. “I’m sorry. I really can’t help you.”

“That’s fine. I’m going to send you an e-mail with my contact info in case you change your mind. Good night, Natalie.”

She hung up the phone. Maybe he was right. Maybe no one knew the real Chase. Her mind wandered back to this weekend. Her pulse kicked up a notch and she released a breath. If that hadn’t been real, she didn’t know what was.

Or maybe she just didn’t want to know if it was faked. Maybe she wanted to cling to those feelings for a little while longer.

Chapter Twelve

Chase set down the phone. All day it had been one disaster after another. He’d avoided going anywhere near Natalie today for fear he wouldn’t be able to resist pulling her into his arms.

His life had always been filled with beautiful women willing to give him anything. Whenever he was available, another woman would slide effortlessly into the role of girlfriend. Natalie’s reluctance to be a part of his public life was something he’d never dealt with before. Even his high school girlfriend had loved the extra attention at first.

Everything about Natalie felt different, and he was afraid of letting her slip through his fingers. For once in his life, he wasn’t sure what to do.

He’d hoped to catch her before she left for the day, but at five a director had called him to work out some issues with their next production. An hour later, he’d worked through the details, but feared Natalie had already left the office.

Pushing back from his desk, he strode to his door and yanked it open. Natalie stood there looking achingly uncertain. Her pale face bloomed red as she met his eyes.

Quickly glancing down the hall and seeing no one, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his office. He slammed the door and slipped his arms around her, gathering her close. He lowered his head and found her lips with his. The stress of the day fell away as her arms clung to his neck, and her lips responded to his.

It’d only been a day since he’d seen her, but it felt like forever as his hands skimmed her backside. Her hands sank into his hair holding him close, but not close enough for him. He reached behind her and clicked the door lock into place before lifting her. Still rediscovering her sweet mouth, he set her on the edge of his desk. Her fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt while his worked on hers.

His hands skimmed over the satin of her chemise. The softness eased the ache within him slightly. He took a breath and smiled down at her.

“Hi.” He pushed her shirt down her arms and kissed her collar bone.


He looked up in time to catch her smile, the one she only gave to him. Her cheeks and neck were flushed, but he knew it was due to arousal rather than embarrassment.

He smoothed his hands up her thighs, raising her skirt as he went. “I missed you last night.”

She scooted forward on the desk until her body was pressed against his. “I missed you, too.” Her voice trembled. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this here.” But she made no move to push him away.

He pressed his mouth to hers and ran his hand up her inner thighs. “Do you have someplace better in mind?”

Her sharp inhale was followed by a tightened grip on his arm. Her eyes unfocused as his hand reached the juncture of her thighs. Her lips parted.