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Reid watched both men hurry to their van and drive away. He turned and kicked a pyramid-shaped pile of balls that flew in all directions. Bobby was going to have his day.

It’s never smart to alienate a news reporter, he thought. So why do I keep doing it? It took Reid a long time, but he finally settled down. He wasn’t leaving the range until he was hitting balls consistently long and straight again. He knew if he left now, it would not bode well for him mentally. After regaining his composure, he started to laugh at the whole episode. “What a mess that was. Buck is gonna to go crazy when he sees it on TV. Guys, please tell me that wasn’t my fault. Was it?”

“No, Reid, they were both way out of line, but you can’t react like that any more,” Joel said. “I know I overreacted. I just can’t stay calm in situations like that.” “I don’t think I could have either, if it makes you feel any better,” Stu said. Buddy laughed. “What’s so funny?” Reid asked. “I was just imagining the headlines,” Buddy said. “The Bad Boy of Golf takes a few days off to be nice to his fans, but never fear, he’s back with a vengeance,” he said, drawing an imaginary line in the air as if pointing to a headline. “I actually think your fans will love it.”

Chapter 28

Back at the hotel, the men went for their second massages. Afterward, they relaxed by the pool. Everyone except Reid, that is. Incessant fear was eating him up. He tried unsuccessfully to meditate. He thought it ludicrous that at a time he needed relaxation the most, his stress and fear prevented him from getting anywhere close to nirvana. He finally deemed it fruitless and gave up.

After a light dinner in the garden café, Reid, Buddy, Joel and Stu went to the bar to relax. A celebrity gossip show was on TV. Reid looked around to see if anyone else was watching. Seeing no one, he said, “Hey, Buddy, why don’t you go ask the bartender to change the channel?”

Buddy stood up and turned to walk to the bar when Reid snapped, “Wait. Hold on. Oh no!”

They all watched as the reporter said, “And during practice at the Classic today in Westchester, The Bad Boy of Golf proved once again how he got that label.” The next image was the scene from the driving range. “Reid Clark and Jim Turner, who by the way had his Porsche stolen earlier, were at each other’s throats on the practice range. The two, known to dislike each other, had to be held off one another by Reid’s caddie and bodyguards. Turner told us that earlier this week, Jay Scott, the PI handling Reid’s death threat investigation, had actually questioned him on his whereabouts during the incidents. Reid Clark could not be reached for comments.”

Reid was cursing as his cell phone rang. He flipped it open and brash ly said, “Hello.”

“What the fuck was that all about? Keep it up, pal, and your endorse ment contract is going to go right down the toilet,” Buck yelled. “I can do damage control, but I’m not a fucking magician. Stop the bullshit now, kid. I mean it.” “B…Buck, listen, he…,” Reid stammered. “Save it, I don’t have the time. I’ll be there Wednesday.” Buck ended the call. “Dammit!” Reid yelled, snapping his phone shut. “Come on, let’s get out of here,” Joel said. Up in the suite, Reid dialed Shane’s number. “Hi, this is Shane.” “Hey, I miss you already.” “I miss you, too. What was that all about on TV?” “You saw it?” he said, embarrassed. “No, Jamie just called and told me. He’s called and left a few messages since I broke up with him. He just asked if I saw the news and said that he wanted me to know what kind of guy I was getting involved with. You didn’t get hurt, did you?” “Just my pride. I feel pretty dumb. Buck is totally pissed at me.” “Rightfully so, I guess.” “Please, don’t you start too,” he begged. “Hey, why don’t you come up tomorrow instead of Wednesday and we’ll go out for dinner. You can help keep me out of trouble.” “Out of one kind of trouble and into another, right?” she said. “What do you mean?” “You’re breaking all your tournament rules because of me, aren’t you?” “My rules weren’t intended for you. They were pre-Shane rules. How do you know about them anyway?” “Your sisters. They told me a lot about you.” “Well, don’t they have a couple of big mouths?” “They love you and you’re lucky to have them.” “I know, I know… So are you coming up tomorrow or what?” “I’ll be there, but not till late in the afternoon. I have a deadline for an article I’m writing. I’ll meet you at the hotel around 5, okay?” “Perfect, see you then. Wear something nice, I’m taking you to a fancy restaurant.” “That will be nice.” “Good. Well, I’ve got to hit the sack, I’m beat. I love you.” Wow, he thought, I said it again. “I love you, too. Goodnight babe.” He hung up, then stuck his head out into the living room and said,

“I’m going to sleep. Goodnight.” “Goodnight,” Joel, Stu and Buddy said.

Tuesday was a better day. No cameras, no autographs, no fights, almost boring. Reid played the front nine in the morning, had a quick bite of lunch, then spent the afternoon playing the back nine. Joel, Stu, Buddy and Reid went back to the hotel at 3 p.m. for massages. Afterward, they went out to the pool, where Reid did some laps, then went to lie down.

The next thing he knew, someone was kissing him and whispering in his ear, “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!”

Peeking through one sleepy eye, he caught a glimpse of Shane. He pulled her down on top of him and returned her kiss. Although dressed to the nines, ready to go out for dinner, she didn’t complain. They lay there together for a few minutes, just holding each other. It was the most peaceful moment he’d had in two days. “Thank you,” he said. “For what?” “Just for being you.” After another brief hug, he said abruptly, “Now get off me, woman. We need to get ready to go.” She hit him playfully and asked, “Where are we going?” “A restaurant called Lori’s Place; it’s supposed to be excellent.” They passed Howard on their way to the suite and Reid introduced them. Other golfers walking by stopped and stared, probably waiting for an introduction to Shane. Reid wasn’t in the mood for them.

In the suite, Shane sat in the living room while Reid went to change. When he came out, Joel and Stu had joined her. “Guys, you need to move it. We have reservations for two tables at 7:30 p.m., one for you two and one for us.”

They were ready in 10 minutes. Upon arrival to the restaurant, they were greeted by Sal Ferro, the actor who owned the place. He joined Reid and Shane at their table, per Reid’s request. “Why don’t you order for us? You know what’s good.” Reid immediately corrected himself. “I mean, I’m sure everything is excellent but… Oh, you know what I mean.” “No, Reid, what exactly do you mean?” Sal asked, feigning resentment. Reid stammered apologetically. “Take it easy, I was only kidding. I’ll be happy to order for you,” Sal said with a laugh. “I can’t believe you thought I was serious.” Reid rolled his eyes and shook his head in relief. “I don’t know whether to be more embarrassed for what I said or for being so gullible. This is the last time I have dinner with an actor.”

Shane chuckled and said to Reid, “Ha, look who can dish it out but can’t take it.” “Oh, please don’t start with that,” Reid pleaded. “Don’t be so sensitive,” Sal said with a smile. “So, what are you guys in the mood for? The tuna, duck and Beef Wellington are all excellent. My chef is known for them.”

“They all sound so good, why don’t we get one of each and share between the three of us?” Reid said. “I didn’t think I was joining you for dinner.” “Please, join us, Sal. Otherwise I have to listen to him all night,” Shane said with a grin. Taken off guard, Reid responded, “Excuse me?” “Calm down, you know I love you.” Shane leaned over and gave him a kiss. “Very nice, this must be a new relationship between you two. Am I right?” Sal asked. “Very,” they both agreed simultaneously, smiling at each other. “Well, it looks like it’s working.” “It is,” Shane said, with a subtle smile. Reid reached over and covered her hand with his. “Are you sure you want me to join you for dinner?” Sal asked. “Absolutely,” Reid responded. “I’d love to hear what you’re working on;