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“What happened?” Bill asked, scanning the room but finding nothing wrong. “Are you all right?”

Reid was sitting with the pillow in his lap. “Shit, Bill, this really sucks. I’m trying like hell to take everything in stride, but it’s impossible. This sonofabitch is going to ruin my life.” Realizing his pun, he added, “That is, if he doesn’t kill me first.”

“Hey, man, it’s only natural for you to feel like that. Nobody expects you to be a hero. Sometimes it’s healthier to let your emotions flow. If you keep them bottled up, the pressure builds until you explode. Just let it go; it’s okay.”

“I know you’re right; I just don’t want my family or Shane to see that I’m so scared,” Reid said, shaking his head. It’ll just worry them more than they are already.” He let out a long sigh. “I’m fine now, thanks. Believe it or not, that scream helped.” “I hope so, because it scared the shit out of me.” “Sorry.” “No need to apologize. I enjoy a little excitement on my shift. It gets my adrenaline flowing.” “Well, in that case, I’m glad I could be of service. Next time use the door knob though,” Reid said. “Oh well, I guess I got a little overzealous. Sorry.” “Don’t worry about it. Now get the hell out of here so I can get some sleep,” Reid joked. “It’s so nice to be appreciated. Goodnight.” As Bill turned to leave the room, he and Reid noticed that everyone in the house was at the door, looking in.

“I’m okay, everyone,” Reid said. “Please go back to bed. Sorry for wak ing you.” Joan started to walk into the room. “What happened?” “Mom. I’m fine. Now please go back to bed. I really don’t want to talk right now.” “Whatever you say, dear.” Joan turned and sighed as she stepped over the splintered wood and left the room.

Chapter 25

The next morning, Shane joined Reid and Stu for a run. Reid ran slower than normal so she could keep up. Bad move! Once they made the turn onto Reservoir Road and Shane didn’t need Reid to show the way, she took the lead and increased the pace. He had to work hard to keep up. Soon, his legs began to burn. Two things kept him from dropping back: his pride and his view. The distraction took his mind off the intense pain. What legs, he thought. Then, as his eyes shifted a little north, he stumbled on a protruding stone in the dirt road. Stu couldn’t refrain from laughing as he watched Reid lurch forward, arms flailing as he compensated to avoid a nasty fall. Relieved, Reid said quietly so Shane couldn’t hear, “I better keep my eyes on the road or I’m really going to fall for her.” He and Stu laughed. “What’s so funny back there?” Shane asked. “Oh nothing,” said Reid. “Just enjoying the view.” “Hey, watch it, wise guy, or the view is going to leave you in the dust.” Shane increased the pace again, and the friendly banter ceased for the balance of the run. When they returned to the house, Reid had a message on his cell phone. It was Aimee inviting him down to the studio to preview the commercial. It was far from finished, but it was looking very good, according to her.

A short time later, Reid, Shane, Joel and Stu drove downtown in the Jaguar. Stu and Shane decided that the back seat was perfect if you were under 10 years old. They felt like size nine feet in a size six shoe. All four of them met Aimee at the studio and watched the commercial. The set was long gone. Not even a puddle remained. “You shot that here, in this studio? It looks like you’re on a glacier,” Shane said.

“Hard to believe, huh?” Reid said. “You should have seen the set. It was incredible.” “Well, congratulations, the commercial is excellent,” Shane remarked. “Don’t congratulate me; it was Aimee who pulled it off. Can we get a copy?” he asked Aimee. “Sure, I’m glad you like it. Don’t let him fool you, Shane. He’s a natural actor.” “Yeah, I’ve noticed.” “Hey,” Reid said grinning. He threw a slow soft punch falling short of her jaw. Aimee opened a folder and said, “Here, take a look at the magazine and billboard proofs.” “These are good,” Joel said, leafing through them. “I can’t believe that’s me,” Reid said. “They’re going to be incredible when they’re done. This is one of the best campaigns I’ve ever worked on,” Aimee said. “I’m impressed,” Reid said. “I’m also hungry. Aimee, you’ll join us for lunch, won’t you?” Reid asked. “Sure,” she said, “Gotta eat, right?” After lunch, Aimee left them to head back to the studio. On their way home, Reid wanted to stop and visit some old friends who owned a store in the town of Rye. They entered Woodrow Jewelers where Reid introduced everyone to Michael and Rob Woodrow. Then he nonchalantly began to look around the store. As he had hoped, Shane was drawn to the jewelry. He joined her and together they looked at some necklaces. He asked Michael to take a few out for her to try on. She tried to object, but Reid couldn’t be stopped. Together, they chose an emerald and diamond necklace that matched the green in her eyes.

She reached for a glimpse of the price tag but Reid ripped it off, say ing, “Oh no you don’t.” He handed Michael his credit card.

After hugs and kisses, they went to an electronics store and bought a huge high definition TV and DVD player for Reid’s mom. He made sure it would be delivered the next day because he couldn’t stand another day of watching her antique TV. On the way back to the house, they picked up several pizzas for dinner. They ate early and went to see a movie.

The following day, they went back to Westchester Country Club. When Reid explained to Steve that yesterday’s unexpected trip to the studio caused him to miss their lunch date, Steve said, “Don’t worry about it. I was just about to go grab a bite. Why don’t you all join me?”

The main dining room was crowded. Tour golfers who had begun to arrive for the tournament greeted them throughout the meal.

After lunch, they walked the back nine. Reid and Buddy discussed dis tances, bunker locations and possible pin placements on the greens. They got back to Joan’s house around 5 p.m. to find Joan, Hunter and Judy hard at work in the kitchen. They were making linguine with white clam sauce, one of Reid’s favorite meals.

“Hey, what’s with the TV?” Joan asked. “It barely fits in the room. My old one worked just fine. You didn’t have to get me a new one.” “You’re welcome, Ma. Just enjoy it.” “Thank you, it’s wonderful,” she said. Turning to the others she said quietly, “I think some of these gifts he’s buying me are more for his enjoyment than mine.”

“Hey, I heard that. Maybe you should wait till I leave the room before making comments like that.”

“Sorry, honey. Look, I love the car and the club membership, but the TV…you know I couldn’t care less about what kind of TV I watch. I barely watch it anyway. But if it gets you to visit more often, then I love it.” “Sure, Mom. Whatever.” Joan shrugged. Everyone sat down for dinner and talked about the day. They decided to go to the beach the next day, Saturday. Shane needed to go home first to pick up a bathing suit and more clothes if she was staying through the weekend. Reid offered to take her shopping instead, before going to the beach.

The group crammed into the den after dinner to watch the commer cial. When the TV was turned on, Joan commented enthusiastically, “Wow, what a great picture! This TV is great! I love it!” Everyone had a good laugh. They started the video. What Reid wasn’t prepared for were the outtakes that Aimee included at the end. They were hilarious. The comments afterward ranged from roasts to high praise. When everyone settled down, they started a movie. Betsy brought in popcorn and Hunter’s homemade brownies.

As much as he had tried, Reid couldn’t concentrate on the movie. Thoughts of the threats were consuming him. He looked around the room. He was upset and annoyed. Why had it taken a death threat to get him to spend time with the people he loved? Was someone really going to take all this away from him?