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Chapter 21

After dinner, they went to pick up Carl. Reid was thinking about the next day’s photo shoot. He said, “Guys, I don’t want to be a downer, but I would like to leave the party early, so I can go home to study my lines.” They all agreed. It had been a long day. Misrok’s apartment took up the top two floors of an Upper East Side building. He greeted them as the elevator opened into his private lobby. His highlighted hair was gelled into a flip. He wore tight, faded jeans and a gray sleeveless t-shirt revealing his well-toned arms. “It’s about time, Buck. I thought you said you’d get here early.” “Good to see you too, Ross,” Buck said in an icy tone. He introduced

Reid and the others. Without even acknowledging the others, Ross said, “Reid, I couldn’t wait to meet you. Congratulations on the Master’s. I hear you’ve been pretty busy lately with the new endorsement.” He turned to Buck and whined, “By the way, Buck, when is it going to be my turn?” Turning back to Reid, he said, “Hey, what’s the deal with the wacko, anything new? I have some friends who would be happy to take care of him for you if you want. Just let me know.”

“Thanks, I think,” Reid answered. He had taken an immediate disliking to Ross. Could anyone be more obnoxious than this guy? he thought.

At that moment, a petite blond woman joined Ross. She was stunning: blue eyes, full lips, a tight body barely concealed by an even tighter short red dress. “I guess I don’t need to introduce the two of you,” Misrok said. “Everyone else, this is my girlfriend, Mikaela. She and Reid have a little history together, right, babe?”

“Yup,” she said with a slight nod, her eyes locked on Reid. “How’ve you been? It’s good to see you,” she said, a little too seductively.

Wow, he thought. I don’t remember her looking this good. What a knockout! Maybe I should…nah, what am I thinking? She was way too flirtatious with other guys when we were dating. Kind of like she’s acting right now!

“You too, Mikaela,” he said a little cooly. “You’re looking good as always.” “Thanks, you too.” Just then, a friend of hers on the other side of the room waved her over. Mikaela said, “Excuse me, it was nice to meet you all. Reid, it’s good to see you. Maybe we can chat a little later.” “Sure, later,” he said, hoping he wouldn’t have to. “Gentlemen, there are bars on both floors,” said Misrok. “Enjoy yourselves. I’ve got to go work this party. Reid, I hope we can spend some time together. I’d like to get to know you.”

Reid nodded as Misrok went to greet some guests who had just arrived. Reid was already uncomfortable. He didn’t want to talk to Mikaela and he really didn’t want to “get to know” Ross. The guy seemed like a pompous jerk.

“What a nice guy,” Carl said facetiously to Jay and Joel. “I don’t think he even noticed we were here.” “Come on, guys, forget about him,” Buck said. “Let’s go get a drink.” Ten minutes passed and Reid was ready to leave. It seemed every prominent New York athlete, actor, musician and tycoon was there. Reid was approached by Mick, Alec, Donald and Derek. The party was the place to be if you were a New York celebrity. Reid was not in the mood to socialize. He was miserable, and it was obvious. He felt the party was ruining a great day. The longer they stayed, the more irritable he became. Women tried to make small talk with him and he practically growled at them. Buck was apologizing left and right for Reid, explaining that he wasn’t feeling well.

Just as Buck finally agreed to leave, a magnificent woman made an entrance. She was with a man who Reid quickly learned was a partner in a Wall Street boutique investment firm. He wore his slick black hair in a pony tail and was dressed in black from head to toe. He seemed to think he was too cool for words. As far as Reid was concerned, he was sickeningly chic. On the other hand, the woman with him was the ideal specimen of female splendor. Mere words could not do justice to her beauty. Her long ginger hair cascaded down her back in large swooping waves. The little makeup she wore enhanced her gorgeous features. A loose-fitting, white, silk tank top accented her olive-toned skin. Tight jeans revealed long muscular legs. Her spiked sandals showed off the crimson nail polish on her delicate feet. Top to bottom, this woman was a work of art, eye candy that would satiate even Reid’s sweet tooth for female perfection.

Noticing a quick change in Reid’s disposition, Buck said, “Okay, let’s go.” “Hold on. Not so fast,” Reid said. “Come on, you should go home and study your lines,” Buck said, sensing imminent trouble. “Leave if you want, I’m staying,” Reid said in a low voice. “Let’s get out of here before you piss somebody off,” Buck warned. Without drawing attention, Reid let Buck know to stop pestering him.

He was determined to meet this girl, now! He went to the bar and ordered a beer. Turning to watch her, he found it difficult to stop staring. He didn’t even notice as other girls approached him. One woman said hi to him and stormed away when he did not respond. Reid turned in time to see her walk briskly away. He had no idea that she was even upset with him. He was so focused on the other woman, he barely realized there was anyone else near him. When she finally looked his way, he made direct eye contact, gave her his best grin and slightly motioned with his head for her to follow him. The grin rarely failed. He ordered another beer and walked out onto the balcony, hoping she’d follow. The balcony was a huge wrap-around, full of potted plants and trees. It was an extraordinarily beautiful night, and the view was magnificent. At the edge of the balcony, Reid leaned on the railing, looking down toward midtown. He was lost in thought when someone appeared at his side. He turned his head to comment, but nothing came out of his mouth. It was her. For the first time in his life, Reid could not think of something clever to say. He quietly mumbled, “Hi, I’m Reid.” She reached to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m Shane.” Reid was tongue-tied. He wanted to make a good first impression, but couldn’t put two words together. After a moment of silence, he started to chuckle at himself. He thought, if I don’t say something soon, I’ll probably never have the opportunity again. She will think I’m some kind of nut.

He said, “I’m so sorry, I feel like an idiot. Honestly, I’m tongue-tied. You probably think I’m a total jerk.” She nodded in agreement. “I guess it’s obvious that I’ve been staring at you since you walked in. I can’t remember ever being at such a loss for words. I wanted to meet you as soon as I saw you. Please excuse my childish behavior; it’s not the way I usually act.” “That’s not what I’ve heard,” she responded. “What?” he blurted out with concern. “I’m only kidding,” she giggled. “Oh my God, I thought you were serious,” he said with a laugh. “Well, I have read some interesting things about you, but I believe in giving everyone a fair chance. You have quite the reputation as far as the press is concerned. Should I trust them or my instincts?”

Reid was quiet once again, unable to respond. He knew already that he had never met anyone like her. No woman had ever made him this nervous or self-conscious. He was completely embarrassed and absolutely smitten. “Can we leave this party and go someplace where we can get to know each other?” “No,” she said, “I’m sure you noticed I’m here with another man.” Coincidentally, her boyfriend was just making his way toward them, claiming in an obnoxiously loud voice, “There you are. I finally found you!” Shane introduced Jamie and Reid to each other. “Shane, Reid Clark needs no introduction.” Jamie slapped Reid on his shoulder and said, “Congratulations on winning the Master’s, what a tournament! Reid, I have an incredible opportunity for you. Give me some of those winnings, and I’ll double them for you. What do you think?” Again, he slapped Reid on the shoulder. “I think if you slap me on the shoulder one more time I’m going to throw you over the railing.” Reid grinned after he said it. Jamie looked at him for a minute, then said loudly, “What a sense of humor. Let me go refresh our drinks and we’ll talk some business.” Seeing an opportunity to make Jamie disappear, Reid said, “Great,