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Hal poured snifters for Reid and himself and coffee for Joel. After inhal ing the cognac’s vanilla bouquet, Hal tried it. “Wow, that’s smooth! Good find, Reid. Thank you.” “Enjoy it,” Reid said tilting his snifter for a sip. They smoked and told stories for the next half an hour. Finishing his cigar, Reid said, “I’m afraid it’s time for us to go. Hal, thank you for a wonderful evening, I look forward to seeing you at the Classic. You’ll be there, right?” “Of course I will. I wouldn’t miss it. Joel, take care of him.” “You bet, Mr. Simon.”

It was 12:30 a.m. when they pulled into the driveway, and the lights were still on in Joan’s house. They walked in to find Betsy, Hunter, Joan, Buddy and Stu still awake. Also in the room was Betsy’s friend, Sarah, with her husband and Reid’s childhood friend, Steven. The story in the paper and the news had brought an onslaught of phone calls to the house. Everyone was curious and worried for Reid and the family.

They reminisced and laughed until Reid said, “Steven, I hate to be rude but I’ve got to get to bed. We’re going to the city tomorrow. You want to come with us?”

Steven had to turn down the offer due to work, but he accepted Reid’s invitation to the Classic.

After Steven, Sarah, and her husband left, Betsy asked, “What was that about the city?”

“I thought I mentioned it earlier. I’d like us all to go into New York tomorrow. I want to take you two shopping,” he said to Hunter and Betsy. They looked at each other with excitement. “Yes, it’s our turn!” Hunter said with a pump of the arm. “We’ll shop, then have lunch at Sarabeth’s Kitchen. Afterward, I have a press conference and an ad campaign meeting with Eagle. Then I’m going to a party with Buck at Ross Misrok’s place.”

Misrok, a pitcher, had just been signed by the Yankees with the biggest baseball contract in history. He had been in the news as much as Reid lately. He was also Buck’s client and had asked him to bring Reid to the party. Exhausted, everyone said goodnight and went to their rooms.

Chapter 18

They were on the road, headed for New York City, by 9 a.m. “First stop, Tiffany’s, for Hunter’s surprise,” Reid said.

As they entered the glamorous store, Reid was recognized immediate ly. The manager approached and shook his hand. “Mr. Clark what a pleasure. How may I be of service?”

Reid took him aside and spoke with him quietly. The manager showed them to a comfortable, semi-private sitting area and offered them coffee, tea and pastries, then he turned and walked away, saying, “Please excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

He reappeared and held out a highly polished silver tray for Reid to inspect. Sitting on a black velvet liner were five pairs of the biggest, most brilliant diamond stud earrings he had ever seen. Reid nodded his approval and said, “Hunter, please choose a pair.” “Oh my God!” she gasped, dazzled by the sight. “Go ahead,” the manager said, “pick a pair and try them on.” Hunter’s hands shook as she reached for a pair. Betsy helped her put them on. They were magnificent. “I think you hit it on the first try. They’re exquisite on you,” Reid said.

Everyone agreed. Reid handed a credit card to the manager, who said, “I’ll be right back.” Hunter walked over to Reid and for the first time that he could remember, she was speechless. She hugged him fiercely and wouldn’t let go. Finally she whispered, “Thank you, I love them almost as much as I love you.”

“You’re very welcome. Enjoy them. I love you, too.” He signed the receipt and they left the store. “Okay, next stop, Betsy’s choice, Bendel’s or Barney’s.”

“OhmyGod, OhmyGod!” Betsy shrieked. “How do I decide which heaven is the right one?” Everyone laughed. “Hunter, you decide for me.” “How about both?” Hunter suggested. “Why not?” Reid said. “Really? Thank you,” Betsy said. They stopped at Barney’s first. Once again, Reid was recognized immediately. He spoke with the manager, who introduced them to Heather, who would be Betsy’s personal shopper. Reid said, “Okay, Bets, here’s the challenge. You have two stores to split your time between. You have two hours to buy anything and everything you can. Spend as much time as you want here, then we go to Bendel’s to spend the remainder of the time.” “Oh My God!” she screamed again, hysterically. “Ready, go,” Reid said. It was the funniest sight any of them had ever witnessed. Betsy started with shoes, rapidly throwing them on and off. Pradas and Jimmy Choos flew in every direction. After about an hour, she had wreaked havoc in most areas of the store. It was exhausting just watching her. Finally, having done extensive damage in the couture clothing department, she declared, “Okay, I’m done,” as she collapsed into a chair. “Next stop, Barney’s,” Reid said as everything was loaded into the van. Betsy’s repeat performance was every bit as amusing as the first. Joan rested in a chair as Reid and Hunter chased Betsy through the store, laughing all the way.

“Time for lunch,” Reid announced as they left the store. “Just one quick stop on the way. I need to go to my apartment and make sure she’s moved out.”

They all knew Reid meant Jennifer. They drove to his apartment on the Upper West Side. Joel and the girls followed him and noticed the apprehension on his face as they rode the elevator. He slowly opened the door and peeked inside. Walking through the living room, all was quiet. There was no sign of her until he passed the dining room, where she had thrown roses he had sent all over the room. The empty vase was knocked over on the table with a big water stain around it. They followed him to the bedroom where he opened a closet. It was empty except for a paper napkin taped to a hanger. He turned the hanger and saw a big, ‘F U’ with her signature underneath. He breathed a sigh of relief. She was gone. “Another one bites the dust,” he mumbled under his breath. Betsy said, “That’s awful.” “Gimme a break,” he said, folding the note and stuffing it in his pocket. He looked around the rest of the apartment. Everything was intact. They cleaned up the mess in the dining room and left. “Everything all right, dear?” Joan asked as they got in the van. “Yup, juuust fine.”

Chapter 19

Reid called Buck and asked where the press conference was to be held.

“Just come to my office,” Buck said. “Jay’s on his way. He wants to give us an update before we speak with the press.”

Buck and Jay were seated at the conference table in Buck’s opulent office when Reid and Joel arrived. Thick gray-blue smoke hung lazily throughout the room. The air filter was struggling to keep up as curls of smoke rose from cigars sitting side by side in a crystal ashtray.

Joel slowly strolled around the large office. First, he took in the view of the city through the two floor-to-ceiling, windowed walls, and then he moseyed over to the opposite corner, where a gallery of pictures of Buck with various celebrities, athletes and a few past U.S. presidents were hung.

Reid helped himself to a Cohiba from the humidor as he sat at the table. He lit up, and they got down to business. Jay explained that Detective Alto had run checks on everyone on the list. At the moment, no one looked more suspicious than any other. They had already interviewed and cleared about half of them. David Jordan had struck gold with two clients after Reid left him. He wasn’t happy when Reid’s name was brought up, but he certainly had no desire to threaten him. Of the three past girlfriends, two, Alyssa and Sydney, were models, working overseas for the past few months. Mikaela, the third, was dating another wealthy pro athlete and had all but forgotten Reid. Curiosity overcame Reid; he interrupted, asking who the guy was. “Ross Misrok,” Jay answered. “Oh great,” Buck snickered. Reid just laughed. “Private joke?” Jay asked. “May I continue?” “Sorry,” they both said, still chuckling. Jay continued, “Hubie from GolfCo made up for his loss with another golf investment. Believe it or not, he’s a major stockholder in Eagle. He certainly doesn’t want you dead.” He paused and puffed on his cigar.