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Swarge stood stiffly in the small galley. At a nod from his captain, he sat down. His big rough hands rested lightly on the edge of the table. Leftrin sat down opposite him with a sigh. It had been a long day; no, it had been a long three months.

The secrecy the project demanded had tripled the work involved. Leftrin had not dared to move the log; towing it down the river to a better place to work on it was not an option. Any passing vessel would have recognized what he bad. So the work of cutting the log into usable lengths and sections had all had to be done right there, in the mud and brush of the riverbank.

Tonight it was finished. The wizardwood log was gone; the small scraps that remained had been stowed as dunnage in Tarman's holds. Outside on the deck, the rest of the crew was celebrating. And in light of what they'd conspired to do, Leftrin had decided it would be best if all of them made a fresh commitment to Tarman. All the rest of them had signed the ship's papers. Only Swarge remained. Tomorrow, they'd relaunch Tarman, return to Trehaug to drop off the carefully selected and discreet woodworkers who had served them so well. And afterwards, they would go back to their regular run on the river. But for now, they celebrated the completion of a massive project. It was finished, and Leftrin found he had no regrets.

A bottle of rum and several small glasses occupied the centre of the table. Two of them weighted down a scroll. A bottle of ink and a quill rested beside it. One more signature, and Tarman would be secure. Leftrin nodded to himself as he studied the riverman opposite him. Streaks of dried mud and tar clung to the tillerman's rough shirt. His thick fingernails were packed with silvery sawdust, and there was a stripe of dirt on his jaw where he'd probably scratched his face earlier.

Leftrin smiled to himself. He was probably just as grubby as the tillerman. It had been a long, hard day's work, and it was labour of a kind neither one of them was accustomed to. It was coming to a close now, and Swarge had more than proven himself. He had been willing to join Leftrin's little conspiracy and had done more than his share without complaint. It was one of the things that Leftrin liked about the man. Time to let him know that. 'You don't complain. You don't whine and you don't find fault when something just plain goes wrong. You jump in and do your best to fix the situation. You're loyal and you're discreet. And that's why I want to keep you on board.'

Swarge glanced again at the small glasses and Leftrin got the message. He uncorked the bottle and dolloped out small measures for both of them. 'Best clean your hands before you eat or drink. That stuff can be poisonous,' he advised his tillerman. Swarge nodded and carefully wiped his hands down the front of his shirt. Then they both drank before Swarge responded.

'Forever. I heard from the others that's what this is about. You're asking me to sign on and stay aboard Tarman forever. Until I die.'

'That's right,' Leftrin confirmed. 'And I hoped they mentioned that your wages will go up as well. With our new hull design we're not going to need as large a crew as we've shipped in the past. But I'll budget the same for pay, and every sailor aboard will get an equal share of it. That has to sound good, doesn't it?'

Swarge bobbed a nod at him, but didn't meet his eyes. 'Rest of my life is a long time, Cap.'

Leftrin laughed aloud. 'Sa's blood, Swarge, you been with Tarman for ten years already. For a Rain Wilds man, that's half of forever already. So what's the problem with signing on permanent? Benefits us both. I know I got a good tillerman for as long as Tarman floats. And you know that no one is ever going to decide you're too old to work and put you ashore without a penny. You sign this, it binds my heir as well as me. You give me your word on this, you sign the paper with me and I promise that as long as you live, Tarman and I will take care of you. Swarge, what else you got besides this boat?'

Swarge answered the question with one of his own. 'Why has it got to be forever, Cap? What's changed so much that I got to promise to sail with you forever now or clear off the ship?'

Leftrin concealed a small sigh. Swarge was a good man and great on the tiller. He could read the river as few men could. Tarman felt comfortable in his hands. With all the changes the ship had undergone recently, Leftrin didn't want to break in a new tillerman. He met Swarge's look squarely. 'You know that my claiming that wizardwood and what we've done with it is forbidden. It's got to stay a secret. Best way to keep a secret, I think, is to make sure it benefits every man who knows it. And to keep those who share the secret in one place.

'Before we started, I let go any man I didn't think was mine, heart and soul. I've got a plum little crew here now, hand-picked, and I want to keep you all. It comes down to trust, Swarge. I kept you on, because I knew you'd done some boat-building back when you were a youngster. I knew you'd help us do what Tarman needed doing, and keep it quiet. Well, now it's done, and I want you to stay on as his tillerman. Permanently. If I bring a new man aboard, he's going to know immediately that something about this ship is very unusual, even lor a liveship. And I won't know if he's someone I can trust with a secret that big. He might just have a big mouth, or he might be the type that thinks he could squeeze some money out of me for silence. And then I'd have to take steps I'd rather not take. Instead, I'd rather keep you, as long as I can. For the rest of your life, if you'll sign on for that.'

'And if I don't?'

Leftrin was silent for a moment. He hadn't bargained on this. He thought he'd chosen carefully. He'd never imagined that Swarge would be the one to hesitate. He said the first thing that came into his mind. 'Why wouldn't you? What's stopping you?'

Swarge shifted from side to side on his chair. He glanced at the bottle and away again. Leftrin waited. The man wasn't known for being talkative. Leftrin poured another tot of rum for both of them and waited, almost patiently.

'There's a woman,' Swarge said at last. And there he stopped. He looked at the table, at his captain, and then at the table.

'What about her?' Leftrin asked at last.

'Been thinking to ask her to marry me.'

Leftrin's heart sank. It would not be the first time he'd lost a good crewman to a wife and a home.

The recently repaired and renovated Traders' Concourse still smelled of new timber and oiled wood. For the ceremony, the seating benches had been removed to the sides of the room, leaving a large open space. The afternoon sun slanted in through the windows; fading squares of light fell on the polished floor and broke into fragments against those who had gathered to witness their promises to one another. Most of the guests were attired in their formal Trader robes in the colours of their families. There were a few Three Ships folk there, probably trading partners of Hest's family, and even one Tattooed woman in a long gown of yellow silk.

Hest had not arrived yet.

Alise told herself that did not matter. He would come. He was the one who had arranged all this; he would scarcely back out of it now. She wished devoutly that her gown did not fit her so snugly, and that it was not such a warm afternoon. 'You look so pale,' her father whispered to her. 'Are you all right?'

She thought of all the white powder her mother had dusted on to her face and had to smile. 'I'm fine, Father. Just a bit nervous. Shall we walk about a bit?'

They moved slowly through the room, her hand resting lightly on his forearm. Guest after guest greeted her and wished her well. Some were already availing themselves of the punch.

Others were unabashedly scanning the terms of their marriage contract. The dual scrolls of their agreement were pegged down to the wood of a long central table. Silver candelabra held white tapers; the light was needed for anyone who wished to read the finely written words. Matching black quills and a pot of red ink awaited Hest and her.