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He paused. She could find no breath to answer his outrageous proposal. He thought, perhaps, that she hesitated. He repeated what, to another woman, might have seemed insult most foul, but to her was simply an acknowledgment of their positions. 'I do not think you will get a better offer. I am rich. Servants will do all the drudgery. You may hire whatever house-keepers and butlers you wish. Hire a secretary and a cook to plan our dinners and entertainments. Whatever staff you need to preserve our facade, you shall have. You will have not only the time to pursue your studies, but an income sufficient to acquire the scrolls and books you require. And if you must travel to follow your studies, I will provide you with the proper companionship to allow you to do so. I do, sincerely, regret that I have made you lose the opportunity to see the dragons hatch. I promise you that, if you accept my proposal, you will be allowed to journey up the Rain Wild River and take whatever time you think you need to study the creatures for yourself. Come now. You cannot hope for a better bargain than that!'

Alise spoke slowly. 'You would buy me, in the hopes of a simpler life for yourself. You would buy me, with scrolls and time for scholarship.'

'You put it a bit crudely but—'

'I accept,' she said quickly. She held out her hand to him, thinking perhaps he would lift it to his lips and kiss it. Thinking, perhaps, he might even draw her into an embrace. Instead, he took it with a smile, shook it firmly as if they were two men sealing an agreement, and then turned it palm up. He set the treasured scroll into it. It was heavy, preserved by oil rubbed into it perhaps. The smell of its secrets rose to entice her. She hastily raised her other hand to cradle the precious thing. Hest was speaking, his deep voice rich with satisfaction.

'With your permission, I will announce our nuptials at the Summer Ball. After, of course, I have begged your father's leave.'

'I scarcely think you will have to beg it,' she murmured. She clasped the scroll to her breast as if it were her first born, and wondered what she had agreed to do.

The heels of Hest's boots clacked sharply against each stone step as he descended from the entry of the Kincarrons' modest manor house. Sedric straightened up from where he had been lounging against the tall red wheel of the pony trap. He brushed his brown hair back from his eyes and smiled as his tall friend approached. The broad grin on Hest's face promised good tidings. The little horse lifted his head and whickered softly as Sedric greeted him with, 'And so?'

'Both so impatient, are you?' Hest asked them affably as he approached.

'Well, you were a bit longer than we thought you'd be,' Sedric agreed as he clambered to the seat and took up the reins. 'I thought it might mean things weren't going so well. The signs lately have not been encouraging.'

Long-legged I lest easily mounted to the passenger side of the cramped vehicle and sat down with a sigh. T hate this contraption. The top of the seat hits me just above the small of my back, and the wheels find every bump in the road. I'll be grateful when Father lets me put the carriage back into service.'

Sedric clucked to the horse and he leaned into his harness. 'I expect that won't be soon. While the roads are so bad, this is a much more sensible mode of transport. We can thread our way around and through the blockages in the streets. Half of Gold Drive is blocked with stacked timber this week, and that's because they're rebuilding. There is still so much of Bingtown that needs to be demolished and hauled away before new structures can be erected. Half the shops in the Grand Market are still burned husks.'

'And the summer only makes the reek of the burned-out buildings worse. I know. I tried to find an open tea shop there yesterday, and the stench drove me away. I know the pony trap is more sensible. Just as wedding Alise Kincarron is the sensible thing to do. I don't have to like either one, only endure them. I tell you, Sedric, I've only been sensible for a few months now, and I'm already heartily sick of it.' With a groan, Hest leaned his lanky frame back on the low-backed seat, then sat up with an exclamation of disgust and rubbed his back. 'This is the most uncomfortable mode of transport ever invented. Why on earth did the Kincarrons build their manor so far from the centre of town?'

'Possibly because it was the piece of land they were originally granted by the Satrap. It's had one benefit for them. The raiders and the looters didn't want to come out this far.'

'Keeping an ugly house intact is small recompense for living in such a forsaken location. Didn't they ever consider moving to a better part of town?'

'I doubt they've had the financial option.'

'Seems like poor planning. A few less daughters to dower and they'd have had a better estate for their sons.'

Sedric chose to ignore his friend's complaint. He held the reins lightly in his browned hands, guiding the horse around a washed-out bit of the road. 'So. Must I drag the details from you? How did your courting go? Have you divined why the lady has seemed to scorn such an eminently fine catch as yourself?'

'It was as you surmised. It shocks me to admit this, but your penchant for knowing the gossip and peculiarities of Bingtown have paid off yet again. Alise would genuinely rather travel up the Rain Wild River and watch dragons hatch than accompany me to the ball. She herself admitted that her dragon fixation is a bit of an obsession; apparently she had resigned herself to being an old maid and deliberately chosen an eccentric pursuit to occupy her lonely days. And then I not only dashed her dreams of spinsterhood all to splinters, but spoiled her chance of watching dragons hatch by viciously begging that she accompany me to the ball. So. I'm a beast. Naturally, that devastates me.'

Sedric cast a glance over at his usually devil-may-care friend. Hest looked solemn. 'So I will have to drag it out of you, won't I? Did you salvage anything? Will she accompany you to the ball?'

'Oh, she'll do better than that.' Hest stretched casually, and then turned and gave Sedric the full benefit of his perfect grin. His green eyes sparked in conspiratorial glee. 'Your gift suggestion worked perfectly. One glimpse of it and she accepted my proposal. Asking her father for her hand will be a mere formality, as she herself noted. Congratulate me, my friend. I'm to be wed.' As he made that final announcement, his voice flattened, his tone suddenly at odds with his words.

Sedric bit his lower lip for a moment, quelling his own dismay. Quietly, he offered, 'Congratulations. I wish you both every happiness.'

Hest scowled at him. 'Well, I don't know about her, but I intend to be happy. Because I don't intend that this should change any aspect of my life. And if she's wise, she'll choose to be happy, too. She won't get a better offer. Oh, don't give me that rebuking look, Sedric. You're the one who suggested that the best way for me to make my family happy was to find a woman who wouldn't expect much of me. You even suggested that Alise Kincarron would perfectly fill the requirement. I met her, I agreed with you, and now she's to be mine. In time, she'll grace my home, provide me with a fat baby to inherit my name and fortune, and guarantee to me that my father doesn't choose my cousin as heir over me. All very practical and wise, and at a minimum of inconvenience to myself.'

'But sad, nonetheless,' Sedric said quietly.

'Why sad? We'll all be getting what we want.'

'Not precisely,' Sedric muttered. 'And not honestly.' He sighed again. 'And Alise deserves better. She's a good person. A kind person.'

'You, my friend, are too prone to sentiment. And honesty is vastly over-rated. Why, if we imposed honesty on Bingtown in general, all the Traders would be paupers by next week.'