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He turned me around to face him, and I came very close to doing a not-so-graceful nosedive into the floor. Brian steadied me with his hands.

“Maybe we’d better get you off your feet before one of us ends up in the emergency room,” he said, and though he wasn’t laughing, I could hear the smile in his voice.

By “off your feet” he meant “on your knees,” a fact I was able to divine without any further prompting from him. He kept his hands on me the whole way down, making sure I didn’t topple over. I heard the jingle of his belt buckle, then the rasp of his zipper. I sucked in my cheeks and flexed my jaw a bit, hoping I’d be able to manage a good blow job after spending however long that had been with the ball gag in my mouth.

“Open wide,” Brian commanded, and there was still that smile in his voice. I was kind of glad for the blindfold all of a sudden, because I didn’t much want to see how much he’d been enjoying himself— although I guessed I was about to get some pretty concrete evidence in my mouth.

I love giving Brian blow jobs. His pleasure in it is downright contagious. But after everything that had gone between us lately, I couldn’t just swallow him without a word of affection, especially not when I was kneeling at his feet, blindfolded and with my hands tied behind my back.

“I love you,” I murmured, and to my surprise, tears sprang into my eyes behind the blindfold.

Brian’s hands caressed my hair, then slid down to gently cup my cheeks. The tenderness of the touch brought even more tears to my eyes.

“I love you, too,” he said, then pushed the blindfold up and out of the way.

I got a quick glimpse of his rampant arousal before he fell to his knees in front of me and seized my mouth for a hard, passionate kiss. I opened wide for him, all right, my mouth, my heart, my soul. Kissing me all the time, he fumbled at the cuffs that bound my hands and managed to get them off by feel.

As far as I had noticed, nothing he’d done to me while I was bound had aroused me in the slightest. And yet now, only moments after he’d freed me, I was desperate to have him inside me. Luckily, he seemed to feel the same way.

Who needs a bed when you’ve got a perfectly good floor available? Before I knew it, Brian had rolled me under himself, away from the bed. My thong panties were flimsy enough that he was able to rip them off with one quick jerk. And then he was making love to me, his strokes hard, and masterful, and perfect. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, tears falling unheeded from my eyes as I clung with everything I had.

Afterward, Brian rolled to the side, pulling me with him. He was still buried inside me, and I pressed as close to him as was humanly possible.

“Don’t ever leave me again,” I said as I pressed my lips to his chest and tasted the salt of his sweat. “Of all the bad things that have happened to me, that was the worst.”

He squeezed me even tighter, so hard I practically couldn’t breathe. “I didn’t like it so much, either. It seems like whatever either one of us does, we always end up back together. Maybe the universe is trying to tell us something.”

“Maybe so,” I agreed, raising my head so I could meet his eyes. And maybe, just this once, I would actually listen to what the universe was saying.

Later, when we were both recovered enough to stand and were both feeling a little awkward and shy with each other, Brian showed me the “instructions” Dominic had written him:

If you’ve gone along with Morgan’s plan enough to get to this note, then I presume you’re planning to go through with it. Let me give you some friendly advice about the toys in this case. First, if you don’t know what it is, don’t even think about using it. Second, if you don’t know how to use it properly, don’t even think about using it. (Hint: You don’t know how to use the crop, the flogger, or the paddle, even if you think you do.) Third, make sure Morgan always has a way to signal she wants to stop, and respect the signal if she gives it. And last but not least, if you ignore my advice, I’m going to come over there personally and kick your ass! Don’t think because I’m gay I can’t do it. Respect and treasure the power she’s putting in your hands, and don’t abuse it.

My eyes misted with tears when I read it. Brian slipped his arms around me from behind and pulled me close to his heat.

“Dominic’s a pretty cool guy,” he said softly into my ear.

I nodded and sniffled, then turned in Brian’s arms so I could lay my head against his shoulder as I held him tight. “So are you,” I whispered, then raised my head to look into his eyes. God, I loved him! I was sure tonight’s encounter was little more than a patch on our wounded relationship, but a patch was a step in the right direction, and I vowed that I was going to do everything I could to put all the pieces of us back together.

Brian lowered his head, his lips brushing softly against mine. Returning his kiss, I closed my eyes and let Dominic’s note flutter to the floor.


A week after I’d left the hospital, my lawyer finally convinced Jordan Maguire Sr. to drop the lawsuit. Without any outside forces to whip him into a frenzy, it seemed Maguire just didn’t have the will to persecute me. I suspect in his heart of hearts, he knew I wasn’t really at fault, but it’s not a theory I’ll ever be able to confirm.

Saul now had an official identity, having magically become Saul Davidson, a twenty-eight-year-old native of Southern California who had been a legal, registered demon host for five years. He even had all the paperwork to prove it. I wondered if somewhere in a courthouse in California there existed a falsified video of Saul’s registration process. I decided I didn’t want to know.

And then there was Barbie.

I’d avoided her as much as I could, not being anxious to fulfill Lugh’s promise. Truthfully, though, I knew it had to be done. Barbie had seen and heard far too much, and with her inquisitive mind, she’d be able to put together enough facts to come up with some uncomfortable conclusions, even if those conclusions were all wrong. Raphael contended we’d be better off killing her and hiding the body, but I think he was just saying that to goad Saul.

To make sure everyone was on board and fully aware of Lugh’s wishes, I called together the entire council before I invited Barbie to my apartment for the long-awaited explanation. She was, of course, on crutches, her leg broken in two places from Abraham’s brutal kick. Not coincidentally, she ended up sitting next to Saul when I called the meeting to order.

I told Barbie the whole, long, intricate story of Lugh’s banishment to the Mortal Plain and the danger Dougal represented to the human race. Others chimed in occasionally with extra details and clarifications. Barbie had to be surprised by what she was hearing, but she mostly hid the surprise well, only the occasional widening of her eyes betraying her shock.

I didn’t exactly invite her to join Lugh’s council— council membership was more of a command performance than a choice—but I couched it as delicately as I could.

“I know being part of the council will sometimes interfere with your paying job,” I said—it sure as hell interfered with mine, even when I wasn’t suspended. The U.S. Exorcism Board moves with all the speed of your average bureaucracy, which meant they still hadn’t lifted my suspension, even though the lawsuit had fizzled. “But we’ll do whatever we can to make sure Blair is taken care of.”

Barbie’s eyes widened hugely and she gasped. “Oh! So you’re the one who set up that trust.”

“Huh?” I said, looking around at the other members of the council and seeing similarly blank expressions.

Barbie frowned. “The anonymous trust? The one that came out of nowhere to fund Blair’s stay at The Healing Circle?”