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Peyton Jones: No, no. Software’s different I think. Because if you write software that’s ten times as big that doesn’t mean you have to run it on a computer that’s ten times as fast. The program counter spends its time in a small portion of the code. Ninety percent of its time is spent in ten percent of the code or something. So the parts that are performance critical may be a relatively small part of the program.

It’s true that what tends to happen is you slap abstraction on abstraction on abstraction and before you know it pressing a single button on the screen a great number of things happen all the way down the chain before you finally get to some registers being moved.

So we may have to work on ways of collapsing out those layers by sophisticated compiler transformations so not so much happens. The abstraction boundary may be useful for people but machines don’t care. So I don’t think just because we may reach the boundaries of what computers can do that necessarily software will immediately halt from getting more complicated. Because by that time they’ll be pretty fast anyway. I think the primary limitation on software is not the speed of computers but our ability to get our heads around what it’s supposed to do.

Seibel: What do you enjoy about programming?

Peyton Jones: For me, part of what makes programming fun is trying to write programs that have an intellectual integrity to them. You can go on slapping mud on the side of a program and it just kind of makes it work for a long time but it’s not very satisfying. So I think a good attribute of a good programmer, is they try to find a beautiful solution. Not everybody has the luxury of being able to not get the job done today because they can’t think of a beautiful way to do it.

But I really think it’s a funny medium because it’s so malleable. You can do virtually anything with it. But that means you can build ugly things as well as beautiful things and things that will be completely unmaintainable and undurable. I sometimes feel a bit afraid about the commercial world with, on the one hand, the imperatives of getting it done because the customer needs it next week and, on the other hand, the sheer breadth rather than depth of the systems that we build.

Systems are filled with so much goop—in order to build an ASP.NET web service-y thing you need to know about this API and this tool and you need to write in three different languages and you need to know about Silverlight and LINQ and you can go on doing acronyms forever. And each of them has a fat book that describes it.

This is a tension I don’t know how to resolve. These are useful systems—they’re not designed by accident. Each of them is there for a reason and each of them has a smart person who’s thinking hard about how this thing should be architected. But nevertheless, each, individually, has a broad interface. It may or may not be deep but it’s certainly broad. There’s a lot of stuff you need to just have in your head. It’s like learning a language—a human language—there’s a large vocabulary.

For me, that’s no fun. I never learned my multiplication tables. I always worked them out from first principles every time and I just developed enough tricks that I could do it quickly enough. When you do seven nines I still have to go, oh, seven nines, oh, seven tens and subtract, so it’s sixtythree. Whereas other people just learnt them. And that’s a relatively small thing. So I hate things were you just have to learn these big things. So instinctively I back away from these big goopy things. But at the same time I acknowledge that they’re useful and important in practice. The question in my mind is, if you were able to take a bit longer to design some of these things, could they be designed with smaller, less complicated, and less ad hoc interfaces?

Seibel: Sometimes it seems that it’s exactly because each of these blobs has some smart person or people working on it and each smart person wants their own little playground to play in, that things get so complicated.

Peyton Jones: I’m sure there’s an element of that. But to put a more positive construction on it, if you like, it’s a big, complicated world and there’s a lot to get done. If you had a grand Olympian vision—if you had a very large brain and enormous throughput—you might be able to do something with less overlap and more overall coherence.

But in practice we have to factor these problems into little chunks. And then the little chunks each have somebody who looks after it and who’s conditioned by the things they’ve done before and their heritage. So maybe they design something within that space that may not be as good as it could possibly be—they’re pressed for time. And certainly by the time you look at the combination of everything it’s maybe quite a lot less good than it could possibly be. And then before you know it you’re locked into a legacy problem—that’s another reason that things are not as good as they could possibly be.

So there’s a tremendous legacy ball and chain that’s being dragged around. It’s one of the nice things about Haskell. When I gave a retrospective on Haskell at, I think it was POPL 2004 or something, I put up a slide that said one of the things we’ve learned to do in Haskell is to “avoid success at all costs.” This is clearly a sort of meme because people remember that phrase and they quote it back to me.

It has a grain of truth in it because it means by not being too successful, too early, we’ve been able to morph Haskell quite a lot during its life. And part of the reason that I’m feeling a bit manic at the moment is because Haskell has become more successful and so I get more bug reports, more feature requests. And more people saying, “Don’t break my program please.” That didn’t use to happen.

Seibel: You’ve mentioned writing beautiful code a couple of times. What are the characteristics of beautiful code?

Peyton Jones: Tony Hoare has this wonderful turn of phrase in which he says your code should obviously have no bugs rather than having no obvious bugs. So for me I suppose beautiful code is code that is obviously right. It’s kind of limpidly transparent.

Seibel: What about those little jewels of code that you almost have to puzzle out how they work but once you do, it’s amazing. Are those also beautiful?

Peyton Jones: Sometimes to say that it’s obviously right doesn’t mean that you can see that it’s right without any mental scaffolding. It may be that you need to be told an insight to figure out why it’s right. If you look at the code for an AVL tree, if you didn’t know what it was trying to achieve, you really wouldn’t have a clue why those rotations were taking place. But once you know the invariant that it’s maintaining, you can see, ah, if we maintain that invariant then we’ll get log lookup time. And then you look at each line of code and you say, “Ah, yes, it maintains the invariant.” So the invariant is the thing that gave you the insight to say, “Oh, it’s obviously right.”

I agree completely that just looking at the bare code may not be enough. And it’s not a characteristic, I think, of beautiful code, that you should be able to just look at the bare code and see why it’s right. You may need to be told why. But after you have that, now with that viewpoint, that invariant, that understanding of what’s going on, you can see, oh yeah, that’s right.

Seibel: Does that put an upper bound on how big a piece of software can be and still be beautiful?

Peyton Jones: I don’t know if it’s a bound on its size. The insights that you need in order to reassure yourself that it’s right, or at least right-ish, are along the lines of being more confident that it’s correct. Any really, really big piece of software is bound to have shortcomings or indeed outright things that you just know are wrong with it. But it’s not economic to fix them at the moment. It’s certainly true of GHC and it’s definitely true of Microsoft’s software.