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Seibel: Do you still program a lot?

Peyton Jones: Oh yes. I write some code every day. It’s not actually every day, but that’s my mantra. I think there’s this horrible danger that people who are any good at anything get promoted or become more important until they don’t get to do the thing they’re any good at anymore. So one of the things I like about working here and working in research generally is that I can still work on the compiler that I’ve been working on since 1990.

It’s a big piece of code and there are large chunks of it that I’m really the person who knows most about it.

How much code do I write? Some days I spend the whole day programming, actually staring at code. Other days, none. So maybe, on average, a couple hours a day, certainly. Programming is such fun. Why would you ever want not to do it? Furthermore it keeps you honest—it’s a good reality check to use your own compiler and to use the language that you advocate as well.

Seibel: And you still enjoy programming just as much as when you started?

Peyton Jones: Oh, yes, yes. That’s the most fun thing. I think most programmers have the feeling that “there must be a good way to do this.” One of the nice things about working in research is that instead of some manager standing over me saying, “This has to be done this week—just get it done,” I can sit and look at something and say, “There must be a right way to do this.”

So I spend a lot of time refactoring and moving interfaces around and writing new types or even just rewriting a whole blob to try to make it right. GHC is pretty large—it’s not large by industrial standards; it’s large by functional programming standards—it’s about 80,000 lines of Haskell, maybe a bit more. And it’s long-lived—it’s 15 years old now. The fact that it’s still actively developed is indicative that chunks have got rewritten. There are no untouchable bits. So it’s both challenging and good fun to look at something and think, “What is the right way to do this?” And often I’ll hold off for weeks on something but I just can’t think of a nice way to do it. But that’s tantalizing. Because there has to be a nice way.

Seibel: In those weeks, what happens?

Peyton Jones: Oh, I’m thinking about it in the back of my mind. And sometimes I’ll have a go at it—I sort of run up the hill. And then I remember why it was so complicated and then usually some other displacement activity takes place. So sometimes I run up this hill several times. Sometimes I’m thinking about it in the background. And sometimes I think, “Well, time’s up—just got to do something now.” And maybe it’s not quite as beautiful as it could be.

Seibel: Is it the kind of thing that you wake up in the morning and you say, “Ah, I’ve got it!” Or is it that you decide to take another run at it and this time you get to the top of the hill?

Peyton Jones: It’s more like that. It’s seldom that I just having a blinding insight in the morning. Another thing that happens as a researcher is you have the opportunity to reflect on what you’ve done and write it up. So quite often if something interesting has happened I try to write a paper about it. So an example of that is there’s a paper called “The Secrets of the GHC Inliner,” which is really a very implementation-oriented paper that describes some implementation techniques that we developed for a particular part of GHC’s innards which we thought might be reusable for others. The chance that you have as an academic is to abstract from the code that, the fourth time around, you’ve finally kicked into a shape that feels good, and write about it so other people can reuse that same technique.

Seibel: What is programming to you? Do you think of yourself as a scientist or an engineer or a craftsman? Or something else entirely?

Peyton Jones: Have you read Fred Brooks’s paper about this, the one called, “The Computer Scientist as Toolsmith”? I reread it recently. It’s very nice. I think it’s good to remember that we’re concerned with building things. I think that’s why programming is so interesting.

At the same time I’m really keen on trying to extract principles of enduring value. I have a paper about how to write a good paper or give a good research talk and one of the high-order bits is, don’t describe an artifact. An artifact is an implementation of an idea. What is the idea, the reusable brainthing that you’re trying to transfer into the minds of your listeners? There’s something that’s useful to them. It’s the business of academics, I think, to abstract reusable ideas from concrete artifacts. Now that’s still not science in the sense of discovering laws. But it is a kind of abstraction into reusable thought-stuff out of the morass of real life that I think is very important.

Seibel: So what about engineering vs. craft. Should we expect to be like the guys who build bridges where, for the most part, bridges don’t fall down? Or are we really more like the guys making pottery—except the pottery is just incredibly complex—where all you can do is apprentice yourself to someone and learn from them how they do it?

Peyton Jones: It’s a bit of a false dichotomy. It’s not truly an either-or choice. One thing that is hard, even for professional software engineers and developers, is to viscerally grok the size of the artifacts on which we work. You’re looking at the Empire State Building through a 1-foot-square porthole, so it’s difficult to have a real feel for how gigantic the structure you’re looking at is. And how it’s interconnected.

How big is GHC? I don’t have a feel for that in the same sense I have a feel for how big this building is. So I don’t think we’re anywhere near where the engineers are with building bridges. Their design patterns have now been boiled down to where they can pretty much be sure that the bridge isn’t going to fall down. We’re nowhere near that with software. But I don’t think that that’s a reason for saying we just shouldn’t worry about it at all.

In fact I think it’s somewhere where functional programming has a lot to offer. Because I think fundamentally it enables you to build more robust structures. Structures that are easier to comprehend and test and reason about. And here is something that I think functional programmers are lagging on: we talk about reasoning about functional programs but we don’t do it very much. I’d like to see much more by way of tools that understand Haskell programs and formally reason about them and give you guarantees beyond their types. We stand on a higher platform and we should be able to go further.

So that’s about saying the material should become more robust. The more robust your materials, the less you need to concentrate on the minutia instead of the larger-scale structures. Of course that will just make us more ambitious to build larger structures until we get to the point where they fall apart again.

I think that’s sort of an invariant. As soon as you can do it, you stretch to the point where you can’t do it anymore. I suppose I don’t really see it as, is it this or is it that? There will always be a strong crafty element, I think, just because we’ll stretch our ambition. In the case of engineering structures, there are physical limits on how far you can stretch. Nobody’s going to build a bridge that traverses the Atlantic any time soon. And that really might fall down if you built it. But that’s not the reason people won’t build it—it’s just because it’d be too expensive. Whereas nowadays, with software, once you can build bridges over the Channel pretty quickly and cheaply, well then, that becomes a done deal and we now think that’s pretty cheap so we’ll now try the Atlantic. And now it falls apart again.

Seibel: Guy Steele was saying how Moore’s Law has been true for his whole career and he suspects it won’t be true for his son’s whole career and was speculating a bit about what that’s going to do to programming. I wonder will we eventually have to stop just saying, “If we can build a bridge over the Channel, we can build one over the Atlantic”?