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So that’s one important aspect, the idea of the abstractions that we have to understand, the abstractions that allow us to deal with large systems and still be pretty confident that we’re in control and we know what we’re doing, even though they’re a mind-bogglingly complex things.

There are lots of other things that look like they’re important changes but to me they don’t seem to make that much difference. These are the surface, the different type of syntactic sugar and the different dialects of languages that we have. There are many different flavors that appeal to different personality types. Some people are more logical than I am, for example. They really like to have lots of parentheses, and things matching up and saying that, “I’m now going to start something,” and then at the end you say, “I’m now going to finish it.” And that’s not as appealing to me. That’s not the way I think. But that’s the way other people think and there’s no one best way to think.

To me one of the most important revolutions in programming languages was the use of pointers in the C language. When you have nontrivial data structures, you often need one part of the structure to point to another part, and people played around with different ways to put that into a higherlevel language. Tony Hoare, for example, had a pretty nice clean system but the thing that the C language added—which at first I thought was a big mistake and then it turned out I loved it—was that when x is a pointer and then you say, x + 1, that doesn’t mean one more byte after x but it means one more node after x, depending on what x points to: if it points to a big node, x + 1 jumps by a large amount; if x points to a small thing, x + 1 just moves a little. That, to me, is one of the most amazing improvements in notation.

Seibel: So that’s certainly powerful compared to what preceded it. But since then, a lot of people have decided that having raw pointers to memory is pretty dangerous and that they’d rather have references that behave a lot like pointers but without some of the dangers.

Knuth: Pointers have gone out of favor to the point now where I had to flame about it because on my 64-bit computer that I have here, if I really care about using the capability of my machine I find that I’d better not use pointers because I have a machine that has 64-bit registers but it only has 2 gigabytes of RAM. So a pointer never has more than 32 significant bits to it. But every time I use a pointer it’s costing me 64 bits and that doubles the size of my data structure. Worse, it goes into the cache and half of my cache is gone and that costs cash—cache is expensive.

So if I’m really trying to push the envelope now, I have to use arrays instead of pointers. I make complicated macros so that it looks like I’m using pointers, but I’m not really. In a way it’s a small thing and it’s going out of fashion. But to me it was an important idea in notation at the lower levels; when I’m working and debugging and so on I’m still very grateful to Thompson and Ritchie. I don’t know who came up with that particular one.

Seibel: Are there any other important parts of your programming toolkit?

Knuth: Change files are something that I’ve got with literate programming that I don’t know of corresponding tools in any other programmers’ toolkits, so let me explain them to you.

I had written TeX and Metafont and people started asking for it. And they had 200 or 300 combinations of programming language and operating system and computer, so I wanted to make it easy to adapt my code to anybody’s system. So we came up with the solution that I would write a master program that worked at Stanford and then there was this add-on called a change file which could customize it to anybody else’s machine.

A change file is a very simple thing. It consists of a bunch of little blobs of changes. Each change starts out with a few lines of code. You match until you find the first line in the master file that agrees with the first line of your change. When you get to the end of the part of the change that was supposed to match the master file, then comes the part which says, “Replace that by these lines instead.”

Maybe the change says, “Replace these six lines by these twelve lines. Or by no lines. As soon as you get a match, you stick in the twelve that you changed. Then you go onto the next one.” You’ve got to write the changes in order—it doesn’t do anything intelligent for matching; it just says, “Go until you find the first line of the next change that has to match some line in the master file.”

It’s a system that only takes an hour to program and it’s good enough for the purpose. Then all the tools that we have for literate programming, the weave and tangle programs, will take the master file and the change file.

So every so often I’d have to release a new master program. All these hundreds of people around the world had their change files—maybe their six lines that were supposed to match mine no longer matched, so they might have to make some changes. But they wouldn’t have to do very much. Every time I would correct a bug it would almost automatically work—the bug fix would also apply to their program. This solved the problem very simply and it worked. Anybody could figure it out and do it.

The extreme example of this was when TeX was adapted to Unicode. They had a change file maybe 10 times as long as the master program. In other words, they changed from an 8-bit program to a 16-bit program but instead of going through and redoing my master program, they were so into change files that they just wrote their whole draft of what they called Omega as change files, as a million lines of change files to TeX’s 20,000 lines of code or something. So that’s the extreme.

But now I use change files all the time because I’m writing programs for myself that I’m using writing my book—I’ve got lots of problems that I want to solve and I want to experiment with different versions. Like yesterday I wanted to find out how big a Boolean circuit is for multiplication of n-bit numbers. I have a program that takes any Boolean function and finds out how big its BDD is. So I’ve got a program that takes any Boolean function and computes its BDD.

In my original program you input the truth table of the function online—it says, “Give me a truth table,” and I type in a hexadecimal number, because I had a lot of small functions that I’m using as examples. But it only works for small functions, the ones that I want to type in the truth table. Then I’ve got a big function like, “Multiply all pairs of 8-bit numbers.” This is a function of 16 variables—there are 8 bits in x and 8 bits in y. So I write a little change file that takes out this interactive dialog and replaces it with a program that makes a truth table for multiplication.

Then I changed that by saying, “Let’s read the bits from right to left instead of from left to right, which gives you a different BDD.” Or, “Let me try all Boolean functions of six variables and I’ll run through them all and find out which one has the largest BDD.” But all of these are customizations of my original thing.

I’ll have maybe 15 variants of that program that are easily understood. This was an unexpected spin-off from literate programming because of our need for sending out master files to a lot of people that were changing it for their own system; I’m now using it in a completely different way.

Seibel: It seems sort of obvious why that would be useful for you in the kind of work you’re doing, where you want to do a lot of variations on different themes.

Knuth: Yeah, I’m writing a book.

Seibel: Do you think this mechanism could be more broadly applicable?

Knuth: I have no idea. I’m not sure how it would work if I was in a team of 50 people. But I hope that the idea of an individual programmer writing programs in order to learn something is not a dying breed.