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One afternoon a guy from the lab went to the blackboard and was explaining to the three of us freshmen what this machine did. I found a manual for the machine and they had example ten-line programs. It seemed to me they were kind of stupid—it looked like there was a way to improve even those little programs.

And it turned out it was possible to go at night and touch the machine. This was unusual. I think Dartmouth and Case were the only universities that let undergraduates touch machines. Other places they had professionals and you submitted decks of cards and got your answers the next day. But at Case it was hands-on. They just said, “Oh, yeah, watch out for this; you don’t want to do that; it’ll mess up the machine,” so we had a really nice chance to play with it.

Anyway, I got to see if one of my little changes to the program would also work, and it did. So I said, “My goodness, this is pretty amazing. I’m only a freshman and I can do better than what was in this book—this might be something I have talent for.” Well, it turned out I did have a talent for it but not in the way I thought, because almost anybody in the world could have done better than that program in that particular manual.

The machine was a decimal machine, so it wasn’t quite as strange as if I had to learn binary arithmetic, although I played with binary arithmetic a little bit when I was in high school. But the fact that it was decimal made it somehow more human or something—comfortable. I can still remember the machine language—sixty-five is reset-add-lower—it helps me making up passwords and things now.

Seibel: Uh-oh; you just revealed your secret there.

Knuth: Yeah, right. Then I decided I would write a little program to calculate the prime factors of a number. It was about 100 lines long. I would come at night when nobody else was using the machine, and debug it. And I found more than 100 bugs in my 100-line program. But 2 weeks later I had a program that would find prime factors of any 10-digit number that you dialed into the console switches.

That was how I learned programming—basically taking one program that I made up myself and sitting at a machine over a period of some weeks, and kept getting it to work a little better and a little better.

My second program was converting between binary and decimal. But my third program was a program to play tic-tac-toe and that was what really made me a programmer.

I had to use data structures for that. I made three versions of tic-tac-toe, one of which was self-learning so that it would start out knowing nothing about the game and then it would remember every time it lost a game that the moves it made were suspicious and the moves that the opponent made were good, and it would upgrade the quality of certain positions and downgrade the quality of other positions, and then after you played 400 games it would do a fairly decent job of tic-tac-toe.

Seibel: It seems a lot of the people I’ve talked to had direct access to a machine when they were starting out. Yet Dijkstra has a paper I’m sure you’re familiar with, where he basically says we shouldn’t let computer science students touch a machine for the first few years of their training; they should spend all their time manipulating symbols.

Knuth: But that’s not the way he learned either. He said a lot of really great things and inspirational things, but he’s not always right. Neither am I, but my take on it is this: Take a scientist in any field. The scientist gets older and says, “Oh, yes, some of the things that I’ve been doing have a really great payoff and other things, I’m not using anymore. I’m not going to have my students waste time on the stuff that doesn’t make giant steps. I’m not going to talk about low-level stuff at all. These theoretical concepts are really so powerful—that’s the whole story. Forget about how I got to this point.”

I think that’s a fundamental error made by scientists in every field. They don’t realize that when you’re learning something you’ve got to see something at all levels. You’ve got to see the floor before you build the ceiling. That all goes into the brain and gets shoved down to the point where the older people forget that they needed it.

Seibel: I’ve asked the people I’ve talked to for this book about how much they’ve read The Art of Computer Programming. Most have used it as a reference but a few said they’ve read it cover to cover. Should every programmer be able to read your books? It’s pretty mathematically intense stuff.

Knuth: I sometimes wonder if I can read them. I’m trying to organize a lot of wisdom that surrounds the topic that I’m discussing and I gather it from all these places where it appeared in parts and put it into some unity that can be carried forward, and gets the history right, and corrects bugs and obscurities in the original sources.

Like in the parts that I’m writing now, I’m starting out with stuff that’s in math journals that is written in jargon that I wouldn’t expect very many programmers to ever learn, and I’m trying to dejargonize it to the point where I can at least understand it. I try to give the key ideas and I try to simplify them the best I can, but then what happens is every five pages of my book is somebody’s career.

In other words, there’s still so much more beyond any five pages of my book that you can make a lifetime’s worth of study, because there’s just that much in computer science. Computer science doesn’t all boil down to a bunch of simple things. If it turned out that computer science was very simple, that all you needed to do was find the right 50 things and then learn them really well, then I would say, “OK, everybody in the world should know those 50 things and know them thoroughly.”

But it isn’t that way. I’ve got thousands of pages and exercises, and I write it down and put it in the book so that I don’t have to have it all in my head. I have to come back to it and learn it again. And I have the answers to the exercises because I know that ten years from now I won’t remember how to do the darn thing and it will take me a long time to reconstruct it. So I give myself at least the clues to how to reconstruct stuff.

I’m constantly torn between saying, “Well, this is too complicated; you’d better not talk about it at all,” and the other feeling that people are saying, “But all you’ve put in your book is just so trivial; there’s nothing good.” I can argue at any particular time that I should cut everything out or that I have way too little.

What it really boils down to is, all of the really cool things that can be explained in a half a page have to be in my book, on some half a page. And all the things I’ve seen that are just too good to be left out. So I find out that the section I just wrote about binary decision diagrams, it turned out that I had more than 260 exercises because there just was more and more stuff that seemed to me there would be more than a trivial audience for. But I’m not saying everybody is the audience for all 260 of these things. Still, I know there are a large number, for each of these, that are going to appreciate it.

I consider it amazing that some people do go cover to cover in my books. In most cases I know that people are going to pick and choose the parts that they like. But they know that if they dig further then they’ll get something that has only one subset of jargon describing it instead of all different kinds of notations and terminology—if I didn’t write the books it would be much harder for people to find stuff out. That’s what turns me on.

Also, I try to explore the territory in a way that is most relevant to a practical programmer rather than the most academic cachet for getting something published that’s theoretically interesting but wouldn’t really be used in a real program.