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Seibel: So you were looking at all of the pieces that were going to go into the whole system?

Allen: Yes, yes, yes.

Seibel: You also were managing all these people? Or were you a technical architect with someone else managing the group?

Allen: No, I was the research manager for the group. There were about 10 or 12 core people and we divided the work up so that each person really had ownership of a piece of it.

Seibel: People have been debating at least since Gerald Weinberg’s book The Psychology of Computer Programming whether it’s better for people to “own” code, so they take responsibility for it, or to have people work more collaboratively so you avoid having silos that only one person understands. It sounds like you thought dividing up the ownership was the way to go?

Allen: We worked collaboratively, but the collaboration was about the state of the system, of the implementation. And some people were very good at the implementation, and so they’d own a piece—some piece of the optimizer or the intra-procedural analysis was definitely one or two people. But also, there were a number of people that were doing a lot of the theory work, or the abstract work of writing the papers, and writing a lot of the papers and algorithms. And it was the bringing together of those two special parts that I think really made the group so strong.

This was a period of a lot of work going on in the analysis and transformations for parallelism. So what I tried to do was, for each of the people that were doing theory to get them to write some code, express it in code as a part of the system. And the people who were just doing the other part, well I’d try to get them to write things up so they were more generally available.

Seibel: A lot of programmers will do anything to avoid becoming a manager. Was managing something that you also enjoyed?

Allen: Well, Research in the earlier times did not distinguish—doing management was not a promotion, not a salary raise. It was just somebody had to manage this piece of work, and “OK, don’t you want to do it?” Or, “You’re the obvious one to manage this piece of work.” And it was technical management; there wasn’t much people management involved. But in Research people are RSMs, Research Staff Members, the day they enter, and for the rest of their career mostly. All my colleagues, that’s what we are. So one moved in and out of management without any stigma attached.

Seibel: So presumably the people who got chosen to manage were the ones who were actually good at it. How did you pick up those skills?

Allen: Well, I was sent to management school. Everybody was, back when I was first appointed. But I think it goes back to when I grew up on the farm. I was the oldest of six kids and there were five of us in a row, so my parents were pretty overwhelmed. So it was a natural role for me in some ways.

Seibel: One of the difficulties of the kind of technical management that you were doing is finding the balance between having your own technical opinions about how stuff should be done and giving people room to put their own ideas in.

Allen: I think I had some hard lessons on the Stretch project. I remember some of the people on the project came in and said to me one day that we ought to be using list and hash functions. Well, we knew about list programs but hashing was new. So a couple of my people came and said they wanted to use hashing for the symbol table. And I said, “No, we can’t do that. We don’t know how to do that.” Yadda, yadda, yadda. The next Monday I came in and they had done it. They had torn down the system and rebuilt it with hashing. It worked, and it was much faster. So that was a big lesson to me. I should be much more open to some brand-new ideas.

Seibel: So sometimes—maybe even often—your people actually know what they’re talking about and you shouldn’t interfere too much because you might stomp out a good idea. It’s trickier when you’re really right and their idea really is a little bit flawed but you don’t want to beat up on them too much.

Allen: There was some of that. It was often where somebody came in with a knowledge of some area and wanted to apply that knowledge to an ongoing piece of project without having been embedded in the project long enough to know, and often up against a deadline.

I ran into it big time doing some subcontracting work. I had a group of people that was doing wonderful work building an optimizer based on the work we’ve done here for PL/I, a big, different language. But one of the people working for the subcontractor had just discovered object-oriented programming and decided that he would apply it to the extreme. And I couldn’t stop him, even though I was the contract overseer, and the project was destroyed. Ultimately, what did it was PL/I has lots of pointers and tracing a pointer is done all the time, and it took 11 instructions to trace the value, to find the value of one pointer consistently.

Seibel: You mean in the generated code.

Allen: In the generated code and in the compiler itself because it was bootstrapping the compiler. Every time you made a step you had to check that the thing’s valid. And you were checking, and rechecking, and rechecking. It still happens today. Some of these lessons we haven’t learned well. And I guess I was not dealing with it very well, because I should have just pointed out what the cost of applying object-oriented technology in that kind of situation. It was just hopelessly slow, so the whole thing got canceled.

Seibel: When were you most directly building a product for IBM, with production deadlines that had to be met?

Allen: Certainly, the Stretch project was that way. And I’ve worked in product development two or three times, and been in the situation where one has week-by-week code reviews right up against deadlines. I have a lot of respect for those processes and how important they are for the end result and for the team that’s doing it. It can be very painful to sit there every Friday and do code reads with people explaining why they’re doing what they’re doing and finding other people’s errors.

Seibel: Painful, but worthwhile?

Allen: Absolutely worthwhile. On the PTRAN project, towards the end when we were shipping a piece of it to the products, a half a day was devoted to explaining errors in our code, their code, whatever it was, every week. That went on for ten months, I think. Devoted Friday afternoon to it.

Seibel: When you were working in those settings did you feel like you had a process that let you estimate how long it’s going to take to build X amount of software with any kind of accuracy?

Allen: Well, they did. The product-development people certainly did. It was all tracked, and I’m sure it still is. Part of it would be to statistically get a handle on the quality of the code. How many bugs showed up this week, yeah. I liked the environment of a product lab because it’s sort of where things get real.

Seibel: When you were hiring programmers what did you look for?

Allen: Well, I had a lot of connections in the universities. NYU had some fabulous compiler-writer faculty—that group was really well-trained to write compiler code.

Seibel: So you could hire people recommended by the professors you knew and trusted. How about when you have to interview someone who doesn’t come with a recommendation from someone you trust—how do you figure out in the course of a couple of hours whether they are going to be a good programmer?

Allen: I always start with interviewing anybody for IBM Research by trying to find out what they’re excited about. That’s kind of a basic threshold for me. And it doesn’t matter whether it has anything to do with programming or computers. If they can’t get enthusiastic about something, they’re not going to get charged up in a group.