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Seibel: How do you read code? Let’s say you’re going to learn a new language and you find a program to read—how do you attack it?

Allen: Well, one example was one of my employees had built a parser. This was later on for the PTRAN project. And I wanted to understand his methods. It’s actually probably the best parser in the world—now it’s out in open source, and it’s really an extraordinary parser that can do error correction in flight.

I wanted to understand it, so I took it and read it. And I knew that Philippe Charles, the man who had written it, was a beautiful programmer. The way I would approach understanding a new language or a new implementation of some very complex problem would be to take a program from somebody that I knew was a great programmer, and read it.

Seibel: And how do you get into a piece of code like that? Do you trace through the execution? Or read from top to bottom and just build a structure in your mind? It’s a sort of tricky reading problem.

Allen: Well, it is a tricky reading problem, but I usually had some intuition about or learned what the structure of the solution was, and then would go in and start maybe in the middle and look for the kernel piece. And it was a wonderful way to learn not only the algorithms that were used but how to use the language in an elegant way.

Seibel: Do you have any favorite debugging war stories?

Allen: There were a couple. I remember one from the MAD system. The machine operator called me in the middle of the night because it wouldn’t run a program that had been submitted for running overnight. There was a way in which we did automatic checksumming to ensure that the data was right because the machines themselves didn’t have much error detection, and no error correction.

I couldn’t figure it out on the phone. It took a little while, but suddenly I realized that the way I had built the checksumming piece of the system did not handle a particular case. Even when the program was correct it couldn’t pass that barrier because of the way I had calculated the checksum. And I called the man back and there was a way of getting around it.

Then there was another one where—this one I remember because I was very pleased with myself—I had an employee on Stretch who preferred to work all night. He came in in the morning and he was a very intimidating man—giant guy and a very serious fellow. And he threw a debug listing across my desk—a dump of the program—a huge, thick thing. And he pointed to one particular bit in that dump, and he said, “Why is that bit set?” He had been worrying all night on it. And oddly enough, I knew why. It wasn’t a bug but it was something that he didn’t know what it was there for and had been assuming that that was the cause of the error.

Seibel: So that was later; you said there was another project between MAD and the Stretch.

Allen: Yes. It was for a scientist here that was doing wiring diagrams for the hardware. It had to do with laying out wires on what passed for chips at that time. It was a mathematical solution we were implementing and it had a lot of constraints, of course, because of the size of the real estate. I was working as a programmer on that. There were two of us, maybe three—all women.

Seibel: And then it was on to the Stretch project, which was a big one.

Allen: From my experience with Fortran and knowing that compiler very well, I got drafted from Research to go and work on the next big project at IBM—the Stretch machine. It started in 1955—it got the name Stretch in ’56 I guess—and was going to be 100 times faster than anything else in the world—an absolutely amazing machine.

It was well recognized that the compiler was going to be key to the success of the machine and that the biggest challenge to achieve that performance was going to be access to memory and that the compiler played a big role in that.

Seibel: Because dealing with the memory latency was going to be more complex than programmers writing assembly by hand were going to be able to handle?

Allen: Yes. And because the memory-latency problem was being solved by a lot of concurrency in the hardware—very complex concurrency. And the memory organization itself was multiway-interleaved and it was unpredictable what order data would be delivered to the computational unit. Six accesses could be in flight at the same time. There were pipelines in the computational unit itself and there was an ability for multiple instructions to be in execution at the same time. And the most complicated unit on the machine was a look-ahead unit, because they had precise interrupts as part of the architectural design, so not only did it have to keep track of all the concurrency going forward, but they had to back it out when there was an interrupt.

It was an extremely complicated machine and a wonderful one to program. The compiler had a very big challenge in order to take advantage of it. It was a wonderfully challenging project.

So a bunch of us were drafted out of Research to come and work on the compiler and the operating-system software itself. The compiler itself was as grandiose as the machine. I ended up, because of my previous exposure to the Fortran optimizer, involved with the optimizer for the Stretch machine—the Stretch Harvest, as it turns out. The outlines of the compiler were established by a different committee but there were four of us who were given the charge of filling in the details, including the interfaces in the compiler and what the specs were for that and taking charge of the different pieces of it. I had the optimizer, and somebody else had the parser, the register allocator, and the interface with the assembly program.

Seibel: How was the project structured in terms of the technical people working on it?

Allen: Well, there were around three people who laid out the overall design of the compiler—we’re going to have a parser, we’re going to have this and that, and then where it fit. And there was somebody above them—this was a product, so there were more layers of decision-making and management.

Then they needed to have project overseers for each of the big components. So they asked four of us, three of us being women, to get involved, to get together as a team and design the interfaces.

Seibel: And then were there other programmers working on the actual implementation?

Allen: Yes. I had a group of 17, all doing programming.

Seibel: What was the relation between the design phase and the coding? You four got together and sorted out the interfaces between the parts. Did that all happen before your 17 programmers started writing code, or did the coding feed back into your design?

Allen: It was pretty much happening as we went. Our constraints were set by the people we reported to. And the heads of the different pieces, like myself, reported to one person, George Grover, and he had worked out the bigger picture technically. And a lot of it was driven by the constraints of the customers. There was a lot of teamwork and a lot of flexibility at the time, in part, because we were kind of inventing as we went. But under a deadline. So there was not as much management hierarchy, but just being more part of the team.

Seibel: Did the people below you ever write code that would then force the realization that some of the higher-up decisions about how the pieces were going to fit together had to be revisited?

Allen: Yes, how this interface is not going to work. Keeping track of how things were coming together was a part of it. We would meet as a team, the four of us. But most of our time was spent on trying to build the component that we were responsible for—there was a lot of freedom.

Software engineering came much later. There wasn’t software engineering and there weren’t big processes set up yet. On a subsequent project, the 360, run by Fred Brooks, which I wasn’t involved with, the software was a huge crisis. The engineering on the 360 was doing pretty well around ’63. And some engineers moved over from building the machines—hardware engineers—guys that just knew nothing about software—to run the software because it was so out of hand. And it was really a mess.