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Then it took another two years to find the right person to replace me. And then it took another two years after that to get everything really handed over. By 2002, I had had it. I didn’t want to ever see Ghostscript again.

So I said, “OK, I’ll take six months to decompress and look around for what I want to do next.” At that point I was 55; I didn’t feel particularly old. I figured I had one more major project left in me, if I wanted to do one. So, I started looking around.

The one project that kind of interested me was an old buddy of mine from the Xerox days, J. Strother Moore II, is, or was, the head of the computer science department at the University of Texas at Austin. His great career achievement was that he and a guy at SRI named Bob Boyer built a really kick-ass theorem prover. And he built up a whole group around this piece of software and built up these big libraries of theorems and lemmas about particular domain areas.

So they had this thriving little group doing theorem proving, which was the subject of my PhD thesis and which had always interested me. And they had this amazing result on the arithmetic unit of the AMD CPU. So I thought, “Hey, this is a group that has a lot of right characteristics: they’re doing something that I’ve always been interested in; they’re run by a guy that I know and like; their technology is Lisp-based. It’ll be really congenial to me.”

So, I went down there and gave a talk about how, if at all, could theorem proving have helped improve the reliability of Ghostscript? By that time, we had a big history in the bug tracker for Ghostscript. So I picked 20 bugs, more or less at random, and I looked at each one and I said, “OK, for theorem-proving technology to have been helpful in finding or preventing this problem, what would have had to happen? What else would have had to be in place?”

The conclusion I came to is that theorem-proving technology probably wouldn’t have helped a whole lot because in the few places where it could have, formalizing what it was that the software was supposed to do would’ve been a Herculean job.

That’s the reason why theorem-proving technology basically has—in my opinion—failed as a practical technology for improving software reliability. It’s just too damn hard to formalize the properties that you want to establish.

So I gave this talk and it was pretty well received. I talked with a couple of the graduate students, talked with J. a little bit, and then I went away. I thought to myself, “The checklist items all look pretty good. But I’m just not excited about this.”

I was kind of flailing around. I’ve sung in a chorus for years. In the summer of 2003 we were on a tour where we actually sang six concerts in old churches in Italy. My partner was with me on that trip and we decided to stay in Europe for two or three weeks afterwards.

We went to Vienna and did the things you do in Vienna. The old Hapsburg Palace has now been divided—part of it—into ten different little specialized museums. I saw in the guidebook that there was a Museum of Old Musical Instruments.

I went to this museum, and it’s in this long hall of high-ceilinged old salons. And it starts with, I don’t know whether they’re Neolithic, but very old musical instruments, and it progresses through. Of course, most of their musical instruments are from the last couple of centuries in Western Europe. I didn’t actually make it all the way through; I was like one or two salons from the end and I was standing there and here was a piano that had belonged to Leopold Mozart. And the piano that Brahms used for practicing. And the piano that Haydn had in his house.

And I had this little epiphany that the reason that I was having trouble finding another software project to get excited about was not that I was having trouble finding a project. It was that I wasn’t excited about software anymore. As crazy as it may seem now, a lot of my motivation for going into software in the first place was that I thought you could actually make the world a better place by doing it. I don’t believe that anymore. Not really. Not in the same way.

This little lightning flash happened and all of a sudden I had the feeling that the way—well, not the way to change the world for the better, but the way to contribute something to the world that might last more than a few years was to do music. That was the moment when I decided that I was going to take a deep breath and walk away from what I’d been doing for 50 years.

Seibel: But you do still program.

Deutsch: I can’t help myself—I can’t keep myself from wanting to do things in ways that I think are fun and interesting. I’ve done a bunch of little software projects of one sort or another over time, but only two that I’ve paid ongoing attention to over the last several years.

One has been spam-filtering technology for my mail server. I wouldn’t say it was fun but it had a certain amount of interest to it. Based on the logs that I look at every now and then, the filter is actually picking up—depending on who’s ahead in the arms race at any given moment—somewhere between 80 and 95 percent of the incoming spam.

The other substantial piece of software that I keep coming back to is a musical-score editor. And the reason that I do that is that I have done a fair amount of investigation of what’s available out there. I used Finale at a friend’s house a few times. It sucks. The quality of that system is so bad I can’t even tell you. I got a copy of Sibelius. I actually got a Mac laptop primarily so that I could run Sibelius. And discovered that the way that they did the user interface, it is the next thing to unusable if you don’t have a Num Lock key. Mac laptops do not have a Num Lock key. And there were some other things about the user interface that I didn’t like. So, I decided to roll my own.

I’ve been through four different architectures and I finally got one that I like pretty well. But it’s been kind of an interesting learning experience. That’s an interactive application that’s large and complex enough that these system issues do come up, these issues of interfaces.

After having gone through four different architectures I wound up with an architecture for the rendering side of the program—which I think is by far the hardest part—based on equational programming. You define variable values in terms of equations then you let the implementation decide when to evaluate them. Turns out that’s not too hard to do in Python. It’s been done at least two other times that I know of. I like the way I do it because it has the least boilerplate.

So yeah, so I still do a moderate amount of programming and I still have fun with it. But it’s not for anybody and if I don’t do programming for weeks at a time, that’s OK. When that was what I did professionally, I always wanted to be in the middle of a project. Now, what I want to always be in the middle of is at least one or two compositions.

Seibel: You said before that you thought you could make the world a better place with software. How did you think that was going to happen?

Deutsch: Part of it had nothing to do with software per se; it’s just that seeing anything around me that’s being done badly has always offended me mightily, so I thought I could do better. That’s the way kids think. It all seems rather dreamlike now.

Certainly at the time that I started programming, and even up into the 1980s, computer technology was really associated with the corporate world. And my personal politics were quite anticorporate. The kind of computing that I’ve always worked on has been what today we would call personal computing, interactive computing. I think part of my motivation was the thought that if you could get computer power into the hands of a lot of people, that it might provide some counterweight to corporate power.