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If you look at a pixelized color image there are more or less two ways of representing that in memory. You can represent it in memory as an array of pixels where each pixel contains RGB or CMYK data for the spot on the image. That’s typically the way display controllers work, for example.

The other way, which is more common in the printing industry, is to have an array that contains the amount of red for each pixel and then another that contains the amount of green for each pixel, then another that contains the amount of blue, etc., etc. If you’re processing things on a pixel-by-pixel basis, this is less convenient. On the other hand, it doesn’t impose any a priori constraint on how many different inks or how many different plates can go into the production of a given image.

Seibel: So if you have a printer that can use gold ink, you just add a plane.

Deutsch: Right. This certainly is not common in consumer-grade printers or even typically in office printers. But in offset printing it is relatively common to have special layers. So that was one area of insufficient generalization.

So that’s an example where even with a great deal of thought and skill I missed the boat. It doesn’t illustrate my point well; in a sense it undermines my point because, in this case, even careful foresight resulted in insufficient generalization. And I can tell you exactly where that insufficient foresight came from—it came from the fact that Ghostscript was basically done by one very smart guy who had no acquaintance with the printing industry.

Seibel: Meaning you.

Deutsch: Right. Ghostscript started out as strictly a screen previewer for previewing PostScript files because there wasn’t one and PDF didn’t exist yet. If I was going to draw a moral from that story, it’s that requirements always change, they always are going to at least attempt to change in directions you didn’t think of.

There are two schools of thought as to how you prepare yourself for that. One school of thought, which I think is probably pretty close to the way XP looks at it, that basically says that because requirements are going to change all the time, you shouldn’t expect software to last. If the requirements change, you build something new. There is, I think, a certain amount of wisdom in that.

The problem being the old saying in the business: “fast, cheap, good—pick any two.” If you build things fast and you have some way of building them inexpensively, it’s very unlikely that they’re going to be good. But this school of thought says you shouldn’t expect software to last.

I think behind this perhaps is a mindset of software as expense vs. software as capital asset. I’m very much in the software-as-capital-asset school. When I was working at ParcPlace and Adele Goldberg was out there evangelizing object-oriented design, part of the way we talked about objects and part of the way we advocated object-oriented languages and design to our customers and potential customers is to say, “Look, you should treat software as a capital asset.”

And there is no such thing as a capital asset that doesn’t require ongoing maintenance and investment. You should expect that there’s going to be some cost associated with maintaining a growing library of reusable software. And that is going to complicate your accounting because it means you can’t charge the cost of building a piece of software only to the project or the customer that’s motivating the creation of that software at this time. You have to think of it the way you would think of a capital asset.

Seibel: Like building a new factory.

Deutsch: Right. A large part of the sell for objects was that well-designed objects are reusable, so the investment that you put into the design pays itself back in less effort going down the road.

I still believe that, but probably not quite as strongly as I did. The things that I see getting reused these days are either very large or very small. The scale of reuse that we were talking about when we were promoting objects was classes and groups of classes. Except in situations where you have a collection of classes that embody some kind of real domain knowledge, I don’t see that happening much.

What I see getting reused is either very small things—individual icons, individual web page designs—or very big things like entire languages or large applications with extension architectures like Apache or Mozilla.

Seibel: So you don’t believe the original object-reuse pitch quite as strongly now. Was there something wrong with the theory, or has it just not worked out for historical reasons?

Deutsch: Well, part of the reason that I don’t call myself a computer scientist any more is that I’ve seen software practice over a period of just about 50 years and it basically hasn’t improved tremendously in about the last 30 years.

If you look at programming languages I would make a strong case that programming languages have not improved qualitatively in the last 40 years. There is no programming language in use today that is qualitatively better than Simula-67. I know that sounds kind of funny, but I really mean it. Java is not that much better than Simula-67.

Seibel: Smalltalk?

Deutsch: Smalltalk is somewhat better than Simula-67. But Smalltalk as it exists today essentially existed in 1976. I’m not saying that today’s languages aren’t better than the languages that existed 30 years ago. The language that I do all of my programming in today, Python, is, I think, a lot better than anything that was available 30 years ago. I like it better than Smalltalk.

I use the word qualitatively very deliberately. Every programming language today that I can think of, that’s in substantial use, has the concept of pointer. I don’t know of any way to make software built using that fundamental concept qualitatively better.

Seibel: And you’re counting Python- and Java-style references as pointers?

Deutsch: Absolutely. Yes. Programs built in Python and Java—once you get past a certain fairly small scale—have all the same problems except for storage corruption that you have in C or C++.

The essence of the problem is that there is no linguistic mechanism for understanding or stating or controlling or reasoning about patterns of information sharing and information access in the system. Passing a pointer and storing a pointer are localized operations, but their consequences are to implicitly create this graph. I’m not even going to talk about multithreaded applications—even in single-threaded applications you have data that’s flowing between different parts of the program. You have references that are being propagated to different parts of the program. And even in the best-designed programs, you have these two or three or four different complex patterns of things that are going on and no way to describe or reason about or characterize large units in a way that actually constrains what happens in the small. People have taken runs at this problem. But I don’t think there have been any breakthroughs and I don’t think there have been any sort of widely accepted or widely used solutions.

Seibel: They aren’t, perhaps, widely used, but what about pure functional languages?

Deutsch: Yes, pure functional languages have a different set of problems, but they certainly cut through that Gordian knot.

Every now and then I feel a temptation to design a programming language but then I just lie down until it goes away. But if I were to give in to that temptation, it would have a pretty fundamental cleavage between a functional part that talked only about values and had no concept of pointer and a different sphere of some kind that talked about patterns of sharing and reference and control.

Being a compiler and interpreter guy, I can think of lots of ways of implementing a language like that that doesn’t involve copying around big arrays all the time. But the functional people are way ahead of me on that. There are a lot of smart people who’ve been working on Haskell and similar languages.