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My nails dug into his back, and he cried out for me. He found his words, and said, “Stop or I’ll go. Please stop or I won’t last.”

I took my mouth off him long enough to say, “Go, go in my mouth.”

“I need to bring you pleasure first.”

“I do enjoy this.”

He shook his head and would have pulled away farther, but I kept him above me with a flexing of nails in his back. “Please, Merry, please let me.”

I licked a long wet line up his stomach, and let go of him so I could move underneath his body and reach his nipple. I licked the edge of it until it hardened under my attentions. I put my teeth in a seal around his nipple, sucking on him, and then using my teeth to stretch his nipple out from his body. He made small eager noises for me.

His voice was breathy as he said, “Please, let me go down on you.”

I bit him hard enough to leave a red ring from my teeth in a mark around his nipple, hard enough for him to cry out above me. Kitto liked to be bitten, as much as he liked to bite.

He shuddered above me. His whole body quaked with reaction to the bite. When he could control himself enough to speak, he asked, “Please, may I go down on you?”

“I’ve gone down on you before,” I said.

“But second, after I’ve pleasured you.” He stayed on all fours beside me, waiting for me to give him permission.

“Why is it so important that I go first, other than that it’s fun for me?”

He knelt on the bed, sitting back on his heels. “You know how goblins view oral sex?”

“Powerful goblins don’t give oral sex, they receive it from less-powerful goblins. It’s a mark of dominance to get head, but not ever give it.”

He smiled. “Exactly. Some powerful goblins will give oral sex to their strumpets, but only in private, only where no one else will ever find out.”

I had two other part-goblin lovers, the very powerful twins Holly and Ash. One of the twins was a pervert among goblins because he loved going down on women, but he only did it when the three of us were alone. He knew that his brother would never tell, nor would I, but if anyone found out it would lessen his status among them.

“You can pleasure me, but only after I’ve pleasured you first.”

“I won’t tell, Kitto.”

He shook his head. “You are sidhe and that means magic, but the goblins view all of you as softer, weaker. I would never do anything to endanger you.”

I stayed on my back, but propped myself up on my elbows. “Are you saying that if the goblins found out that I pleasured you orally before you touched me that it would lose me status among them?”

He nodded, and he was very serious. “There are those among the goblins who think Kurag, the Goblin King, is besotted with you and that is why the goblins are your allies. They don’t believe him when he says you are wise and powerful.”

“And if they found out that I let you be dominant to me it would hurt my case?”

He nodded again. “And it would lessen Kurag’s hold on them. Goblin kings never step down, or die of old age, Merry. They’re murdered by their successor.”

“The ones most likely to succeed him are Holly and Ash, and they are my allies, too.”

“There are some among the goblins who think you are only sleeping with the twins to keep them from killing Kurag.”

“Why would I care enough about Kurag to do that?” I asked.

“There are those at our court who think the twins would not honor the treaty Kurag made with you, and then the goblins would be free to ally themselves with whomever they wished when the Unseelie has a new ruler.”

“Andais isn’t going to step down,” I said.

“Not for anyone but you,” he said.

“I don’t want the throne,” I said.

“Then she will be queen until someone assassinates her. I fear that whomever takes the throne may always see you as a threat to their holding the crown.”

“Because faerie and Goddess crowned me and Doyle.”

“Yes, and you are the queen’s bloodline.”

“Maybe faerie will pick a new ruler for them.”

“Maybe,” he said, but he sounded doubtful.

“But what does all the politics have to do with the oral sex in the privacy of our own bedchamber?”

“Until things are settled at both the Unseelie and the goblin courts I don’t want to do anything that might cause a problem for you.”

I studied his solemn face. “You mean that. That until both courts are sure of their rulers, you pleasure me first.”

He nodded.

I sighed, and then smiled. “It’s not a hardship; you are very orally talented.”

He smiled, and there was nothing humble about the expression on his face. “I was a strumpet passed from one powerful keeper to another for sex. I had to be good at my only job so they valued and protected me.”

“I’ve never asked before. How did you happen to have no master or mistress when Kurag offered you to me?”

“The husband of my last mistress had grown jealous of me, and since that was a sign of weakness, my mistress had to either get rid of me, or challenge her husband to a duel.”

I looked at him. “That is a bit of goblin culture that I didn’t know.”

“Weakness is not tolerated among us.”

“You’re as sidhe as you are goblin, maybe more,” I said.

He gave a little smile that I couldn’t decipher. “Maybe, but for now, please let me go down on you?”

“And when you’ve made me scream your name, what then?”

“Then I would very much like to fuck you.” He said it all formally, but the wording was goblin. Goblins didn’t make love, they fucked. In truth, they made love, some of them, but when asking in public, they fucked.

“No one can hear us, Kitto.”

“I want to go down on you, and then I want to fuck.”

I sighed again, and nodded. “Yes,” I said.

“Yes,” he said.

I smiled at the slow spread of happiness on his face. “Yes.”

“Do we want to make them wait dinner on you?”

“Why do you ask?” Because I knew he’d have a reason.

“Because if I bring you more than twice by mouth, and then fuck you as long as I want to, they’ll have to wait dinner.”

I knew it was not an idle boast. “I guess it will have to be a quickie,” I said.

He glanced at the bedside clock. “An hour, that will be a quickie.”

There was more than one reason that I loved having Kitto in my life.

Chapter Thirty-six

Kitto reminded me that his tongue was not attached to the same muscles that the rest of my lovers had in their mouth and throat. He reminded me that his tongue was longer and thinner, had a partially prehensile tip, and was forked. It meant that he could do things with his tongue that just weren’t possible with someone who was more humanly equipped.

He licked, and touched, and sucked until I screamed his name to the ceiling, and then he pressed his mouth to me again and used his tongue in a series of fast flicking movements that only seemed to work after I’d been brought at least once before, but boy did it work that second time. I drove fingernails into his hair, feeling the silky curls under my fingers, and driving my nails just a little into his scalp. The small pain of it seemed to urge him on to new heights, and encouraging him earned me a third orgasm.

My eyes fluttered back into my head so that I was blind, my hands fallen away from him limp at my side as my body rode the aftershocks of his talented mouth. I felt the bed move, felt his body spreading my thighs wider. I tried to open my eyes to watch him enter me, but I still couldn’t make my body work enough to do it. He’d outdone himself tonight.

But the sensation of him entering me while I was that wet, that eager, that swollen with pleasure made me writhe underneath him. I couldn’t help but move as he pushed himself inside me. He knew he wasn’t as big as some of the men in my bed, but his prep work made up for it, and he wasn’t small by any means. He pushed all that thick, aching hardness into me one slow inch at a time, until I was making small eager noises before he buried himself inside me as far as his body and mine would allow. Then he began to pull himself out of me, just as slowly, just as controlled.