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“How did Frost end up holding Adam’s hand?”

“I saw him coming,” Doyle said with a smile.

“Me, too,” Rhys said.

“Me, three,” Galen said. “I’ll hold Julian’s hand if he needs it but Adam’s treated him badly and I’m mad at him for it.”

As if on cue Frost came through the door. Doyle moved back to give him room to do his own kissing. “Adam wants to thank you for risking everything to save the man he loves.”

“He loves him now,” Galen said.

“Don’t leave me alone with Adam again. I saw at least two of you duck back around the corner.”

“We’ll take first watch,” Doyle said. Frost nodded. And they did. And when their four hours were up Galen and Rhys were there, and then Amatheon and Adair, Usna and Cathbodua, Saraid and Dogmaela, Ivi and Brii, until I woke with light streaming around the curtains and it was Doyle and Frost again. “The doctor says you can go home today,” Doyle said.

“You’re here. I’m already home.” They both kissed me and we were touching when the doctor came in to finally let me get up and go home.

Some nights I sleep between my Darkness and my Killing Frost. Some nights it’s Rhys and Galen, and Mistral has finally agreed to share my bed with Barinthus. Barinthus is helping Mistral get more comfortable with the world outside of Maeve Reed’s house and grounds, and Mistral seems willing to share me with Barinthus though we haven’t crossed that barrier yet. I’m not sure what Mannan Mac Lir would do if sex with me gave him back as much power as it’s given Rhys and Doyle.

Some nights Royal joins us, some nights Adam and Julian come for dinner. Jeremy and his new human girlfriend have come a few times, too. She’s a little uncomfortable with all the touching, so we don’t touch Jeremy on the nights he’s with her. Uther and Saraid are making friends, and if it turns into more, well, that’s up to them.

Brennan and his unit are coming back to the States soon. They want to visit and that seems right, too. I haven’t had any more dreams where I visit the desert, but something tells me the Goddess isn’t done with that, or me. The government flagged the dirt sample at the lab. They want to know where we got it. They don’t believe the truth. I’m finally showing, and strangers keep trying to touch my tummy like I’m some kind of lucky Buddha statue. I’m told they do that to all pregnant women, but I’ve seen women walk away smiling, and men shake Galen’s hand as if they were friends. Maeve Reed says she’s coming back from Europe soon. We need more money, more jobs for more of us. Even in the midst of such magic and so many blessings the real world calls and I think that’s the message that Goddess was trying to get out. The sidhe in Europe were forced to be little more than just another ethnic group. The sidhe in the United States hid themselves away in their hollow hills and remained apart from the humans. I think we’re supposed to be of the world, not apart from it, but we’re still supposed to be sidhe. We’re still supposed to be magic, and help the people around us see that they’re magic, too; it’s just a different kind of magic.