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Kari laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Nina! You’re the most important person on the entire mission! In fact, without you there wouldn’t even be a mission.”

“Kari is absolutely right, Dr. Wilde,” said Frost reassuringly. “You’re irreplaceable.”

“Our expert can decipher the remaining characters when he gets to Paris,” Frost said. “Then, once we know which river to search, we can prepare for a full expedition.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier just to e-mail this guy some pictures?” Nina asked.

“After your last experience, I don’t want anybody to see the artifact except under conditions we can totally control. The fewer people who know about it, the better.”

“Good point.”

Frost gave her a broad smile. “There’s no need to feel downhearted, Dr. Wilde. You’ve done excellent work! I think we’re now closer to finding Atlantis than ever before. Congratulations!”

The praise boosted Nina’s spirits immediately. “Thank you!”

“Since there’s nothing more you can do for the moment, I suggest you take a break and enjoy Paris. Kari can show you around. I’ll speak to you again soon. Good-bye.” The screen went black.

Kari checked her watch. “It’s a bit late to show you around town now, unfortunately. We should probably go to bed.”

“Oh, aye?” said Chase, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. Kari glared at him again. “Sorry, boss,” he said, without a hint of genuine contrition behind his smirk.

“Have you ever been to Paris before, Nina?” Kari asked.

“Yes, but only briefly. I was with my parents; they were going to an archaeological conference. And I was only nine, so I didn’t really appreciate it.”

Kari smiled. “In that case, tomorrow we’ll do something that you can appreciate.”

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That something turned out to be art, cuisine… and shopping.

They spent the morning at the Louvre, Chase acting as Nina and Kari’s escort while Castille guarded the Atlantean artifact at the hotel, before moving on to Paris’s consumerist heart.

“Uh, I don’t think so,” said Nina, pausing at the entrance to Christian Lacroix’s store on the rue du Faubourg St-Honoré. “My credit card’ll spontaneously combust if I even look at the prices. I’m more of a T. J. Maxx kind of girl.”

“Thank God,” Chase exclaimed with a mocking smile. “Nothing more boring than standing about watching women try on clothes. Unless they’re bikinis.” Nina made a face at him, which only served to widen his grin.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Kari. “From now on, you have unlimited credit. The Frost Foundation will pay for anything you need. Or want, for that matter.”

“Seriously?” Nina asked.

Kari nodded. “Absolutely. Well, within reason. If you want to buy a Lamborghini, you should probably ask first! But you can get anything you want. Treat yourself.”

“Thank you,” said Nina, feeling oddly uncomfortable about receiving such largesse. It wasn’t something she was used to. She decided to restrain herself, whatever Kari might buy.

An hour later, she was staggered to realize that she’d spent almost a thousand euros. Definitely not T. J. Maxx prices. And that was barely a quarter of Kari’s total bill.

“Better be careful, Doc,” said Chase. “You get into the habit of spending that much, you’ll be in trouble when you get back to New York and blow your rent money on shoes!”

“I don’t think so,” Kari countered. “When we find Atlantis, money will be the last thing you need to worry about. We’ll take care of you.”

“Really? Thank you,” said Nina.

Kari smiled at her. “We always look after our own.”

Nina wanted to ask exactly what she meant by that, but Kari was already hailing a taxi.

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Their next destination was a restaurant called L’Opéra. The place was busy with well-heeled Parisians enjoying the traditionally lengthy French lunch.

Nina didn’t think there were any tables available, but she soon discovered that for daughters of billionaire philanthropists, tables very quickly became available. “I despise crowds,” Kari sighed, after speaking to the maître d’ in perfect French and getting a flurry of activity from the staff in response. “It always reminds me that there are just too many people on the planet. The resources we have aren’t sustainable for a population of close to seven billion.”

Nina nodded. “Too bad there’s not much you can do about it.”

“We’ll see. The Frost Foundation is doing what it can.”

While they waited for the maître d’ to return, Chase examined a menu and grimaced. “I’m more of a fish and chips kind of bloke,” he objected. “Think I’ll sit this one out and grab a burger later.”

“First you complain that the Mona Lisa’s ‘a bit small and grubby,’ and now this? You’re such a philistine, Eddie,” Nina said, amused. “You’re not just going to sit there and get drunk, are you?”

“Not while I’m on the clock. Besides, I can keep a better eye on the entrance from the bar,” Chase told her. “Make sure nobody tries to ruin your dinner.”

“You, ah… you think there might be trouble?”

Chase gave her a smile that was simultaneously reassuring and ominous. “There’ll only be trouble if anyone tries anything. You two enjoy your nosh, I’ll watch out for you.” With a final survey of the other patrons, he headed for the bar, perching on a stool where he could observe the restaurant.

Their table now prepared, a waiter led Nina and Kari to it. Nina glanced over towards Chase once they were seated. “Do you think we really might be in danger?” she asked Kari.

“It’s always a possibility,” she replied. “Qobras and his people will almost certainly have found out by now that we escaped from Iran. Which is why we need to work as quickly as possible-the longer it takes, the greater the risk of him finding us.”

“And trying to kill us again?”

“We’re not going to allow that to happen,” Kari said firmly. Her expression softened. “Nina, I never thanked you properly.”

“For what?”

“You saved my life! In Hajjar’s fortress, when you shot at the helicopter. That was a very clever and incredibly brave thing to do.”

Nina blushed. “Ah, actually… I was terrified that if I shot the chopper, it would instantly blow up!”

Kari laughed again. “That only happens in movies! No, you were very brave, and I am incredibly grateful that you were.” She gently squeezed Nina’s hand. “If there is anything you ever need-anything-just ask me.”

A little overwhelmed, Nina had no idea what to say. “Thank you,” she eventually managed.

Kari held her hand for a moment longer before releasing it. “Anything for you.”

“So, er, do Eddie and Hugo get the same deal?” she asked, blushing again with the attention.

Kari’s smile became more jokey. “Not exactly. After all, they’re being paid to look after us!”

“From what Eddie said, it sounds like you don’t need anyone to look after you. Did you really escape from Hajjar on your own?”

“You helped me again! When you turned off the power,” she added on seeing Nina’s confusion. “It distracted them for a second, and I… Well, I’ve done a little self-defense training. And another reason I’m glad you cut the power when you did was because I think Hajjar was about to accept Qobras’s offer and shoot me.”

“That was Qobras?” Nina remembered the face of the man she’d seen on the videoconference split screen.

“You saw him?”

“Yes, there was a computer room in the basement; I saw him on a monitor.”

Kari looked solemn. “So now you know who we’re up against. And how ruthless he is. He offered Hajjar five million dollars to kill the Russian, Yuri, there on the spot. He’s an extremely dangerous man, a psychopath… and he will do anything to stop us from finding Atlantis. I won’t underestimate him again. But for now, we’re safe. We have the artifact, and more important, we have you. We’ll find Atlantis, I know it. Now,” she asked, “are you ready to order?”