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“Bring her,” Hajjar ordered. The bodyguard grabbed her shoulder, pushing her along as he stuck his MP-5 into her back.

“Where’s Kari?” demanded Nina. “What did you do to her?”

Hajjar glared back at her as he jogged along, smears of blood around his mouth and nose. “What did I do to her? It’s what she did to me you should ask about! If I had known she was so dangerous, I would have tied her legs!”

Nina was intrigued, but didn’t have the chance to inquire further as they reached a kink in the corridor. A large window looked out over the mountains-and the helicopter on its pad below. Its rotors were turning, picking up speed.

Hajjar gave the bodyguard orders in Farsi, the man stepping back to hide around the corner where the passageway kinked. Then he turned to Nina. “You, stay here! Wait for your friends!”

“What, so he can shoot them? Screw you!”

He jabbed his blade-hand up against her chin, the point cutting her. She gasped. “When they get here, you will wave to them, make it seem everything is all right. If you say a word, try to give them any warning, he will kill you. Do you understand?”

“Perfectly,” she said, glancing at the bodyguard’s machine gun. Hajjar nodded, then turned away. “Hajjar! Where’s the artifact?”

He patted his satchel. “It is a shame to destroy something of such historic value… but the fifteen million dollars Qobras is paying me to do so is a lot of money.”

“Plus the ten million Kristian Frost paid you as well,” Nina said with disgust.

Hajjar shrugged. “What can I say? Today was a good day for business.” He frowned at the sound of gunfire echoing through the marble-floored corridors. “A bad day for my home, though. It seems I will be spending some of the money on redecorating. But better that than on my own funeral! Good-bye, Dr. Wilde!” He scurried away.

The bodyguard gestured with his gun, directing Nina to stand in the center of the corridor. Anyone approaching from the other end would see her… but not her captor, tucked out of sight.

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“Do you hear something?” asked Castille as he and Chase hurried through the fortress.

“Chopper,” Chase confirmed. The distant but rising whine of the Jet Ranger’s turbine engine was unmistakable.

“Merde! I knew we were going to have to deal with that thing, I just knew it!”

“Down there,” said Chase, pointing. They turned a corner.

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Kari heard running footsteps as she approached the T-junction leading to the helipad. She raised the MP-5-

Chase and Castille rushed around the corner, both of them with their guns aimed right at her!

“Christ,” said Chase, face cracking into a smile as he lowered his Wildey, “what is it with people not needing me to rescue them today?”

Kari smiled back. “Perhaps I should ask for a refund.”

“Let’s not go that far,” Castille said.

“Where’s Nina?”

“Hiding, if she did what I told her,” Chase replied.

“Are you okay? Where’s Hajjar?”

“I’m fine-but Hajjar has the artifact!”

Castille made a face. “Let me guess, he’s in his helicopter.”

“Yes! Come on!”

They ran up the corridor, Chase leading the way. “Go left at the next junction, then follow it around!” Kari told him.

“How many men does he have with him?”

“I don’t know-I shot the two guarding me.”

Chase gave her a quizzical glance. “You killed them?”

“Yes.” She returned the look. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing! I’m just not used to having clients do the job for me!”

They followed the corridor-then stopped when they saw a familiar figure ahead. “Nina!” Kari called.

“I told her to stay hidden,” Chase complained. “Doc! Are you okay?”

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Pressed against the wall, the bodyguard gestured with his gun: wave them to you. Nina raised her hand.

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Kari began to run down the corridor-only to be stopped in her tracks as Chase seized her arm. “Wait!” he ordered, pulling her back.

Nina was waving… with her thumb tucked against her hand.

Chase and Castille’s warning signal.

Chase ran, heading for the kink in the corridor. Just before he reached it, he threw himself into a twisting dive, raising his gun.

The bodyguard leapt out, aiming his MP-5-only to find that his target was on the floor, pointing a huge gun up at him!

Chase fired three shots.

The impact of the Magnum bullets blew the bodyguard backwards, the gun dropping from his hands. He smashed through the window, falling fifteen feet to land in a broken heap on the helipad. The noise of the Jet Ranger rushed into the fortress.

“Are you all right?” Chase asked.

“I’m fine, I’m fine!” Nina cried.

Kari rushed up to her and, to Nina’s surprise, hugged her. “Thank God you’re safe!” She pulled back a little, nose wrinkling. “What’s that smell?”

“That’s his fault,” Nina said, scowling at Chase, who looked away innocently. The wind from the helicopter cut through her relief. “Hajjar! He’s got the artifact!”

“Shit!” Chase ran to the broken window. The aircraft rose from the pad. “Maybe I can shoot out the engine, force him to land-”

“No time,” said Kari. Letting go of Nina, she hefted her MP-5 and strode to the window, unleashing a stream of fire at the helicopter’s cockpit on full auto.

The window of the pilot’s door shattered under the onslaught. Inside the cockpit, the helicopter’s windscreen was showered with a vivid red. The pilot thrashed in his seat, the Jet Ranger going into a spin as he released the controls.

The chopper’s tail swerved towards the window, its vertical rotor like a giant circular saw.

“Down!” screamed Chase, grabbing Kari with one hand and Nina with the other as he hurled himself away from the window.

Castille was almost transfixed by the sight of the helicopter bearing down on him, snapping out of it and diving back down the corridor just as the rotor carved into the stone surround of the window and disintegrated. A foot-long piece of blade shot free and buried itself in the wall barely three inches above his head.

With its tail rotor gone, the helicopter swung around violently. Hajjar screamed and grabbed the duplicate controls in front of him, but even if the tail had been intact, he didn’t have enough hands to operate them.

The main rotor blades smashed into a million fragments as they hit unforgiving concrete and stone. The aircraft rolled onto its side and plunged downwards to hit the helipad with a colossal bang, its skids collapsing.

Chase had landed on top of Nina, trying to shield her with his own body. “Are you okay?”

“I think I’m dead,” moaned Nina.

“You’re okay. But God, you need a shower!” She hit him. “Ms. Frost? Are you all right?”

Kari jumped to her feet. “The artifact! We’ve got to get it!” She ran to the helipad stairs.

“It’s still dangerous!” Chase yelled, but too late. “Buggeration!”

“Mon dieu!” shrieked Castille, staring in dismay at the piece of rotor embedded in the wall. “Helicopters! Always it’s fucking helicopters! I knew it!”

“You’re still alive, Hugo, so stop complaining! Come on!” Chase got up. Nina was about to do the same, but he shook his head. “It’s too dangerous. Wait here.” He set off after Kari, Castille following.

The helicopter hadn’t caught fire, to his relief, but there was a strong stench of fuel-and the engine was still running, the broken stubs of the rotor blades whirling around above the wrecked fuselage. The aircraft’s body was tilted at almost a forty-five-degree angle, its nose crushed like an eggshell. Kari was already at the wreck, ducking under the spinning blades to reach the door.